Released July 7, 2021
Does this version...? | |
Fix security vulnerabilities? | no |
Change the database schema? | yes |
Alter the API? | yes |
Require attention to configuration options? | no |
Fix problems installing or upgrading to a previous version? | yes |
Introduce features? | yes |
Fix bugs? | yes |
Separate the default language for contacts from the site language (Work Towards dev/core#2584: 20214)
Improves user experience for multilingual sites by separating the CiviCRM contacts default language setting from the site default language.
Canonize API for storing translated data (Work Towards dev/translation#67: 20478)
Defines a "Translation" table (
), to represent a single translated string (e.g. a translated message-title or a translated event-description). -
Allow for the default number of search results to be configurable (dev/core#2187: [20336](#20336 and 18969)
Creates a setting to define the number of search results to be returned.
Give the custom CSS file a 'name' to make it easier to manipulate in hook_civicrm_alterBundle() (20278)
Gives the resource bundles custom CSS file a useful 'name' to make it easier to manipulate in the alterBundle hook.
OAuth: initial support for per-contact OAuth tokens (20189)
Adds a system for managing OAuthContactTokens -- tokens linked to a contact_id.
BAOs, Tests, etal - Support
for auto-registration (20427)Expands the functionality for declaring event-listeners in different classes, making it easier to participate in Symfony events.
The version numbers for core-extensions should match core-proper. (dev/release#17: 20303 and 20302)
Ensures that CiviCRM core extension version numbers are updated to match the core release they are included in and denotes development stage of extensions using icons.
Enable/Disable Extension Receives API Error (Work Towards dev/core#2646: 20564)
Improves the error messages when disabling or enabling an extension causes an API Error.
- would be nice if the output for civicrm_generated.mysql had long lines broken up (dev/core#1549: 20513)
Improves display of civicrm_generated.mysql output so its easier to read.
Use new crm-angular-js instead of ng-app to bootstrap AngularJS (20419)
Updates the method used to bootstrap Angular for internal consistency and so that multiple angular apps can be used on the same page.
APIv4 - Save custom fields in bulk (20269)
Makes it so custom fields can be saved in bulk thru APIv4.
Add APIv4 Batch.create spec (20501)
Adds a spec for APIv4 Batch.create.
APIv4 - Make the @searchable flag explicit for OptionList type entities. (20560)
Improves code for categorizing entities for SearchKit, making searchability easier to grok and less magical/mysterious.
Apiv4 entity parity (Work Towards dev/core#2486: 20559, 20499, 20464, 20609, 20433 and 20474)
Works towards APIv4 parity with APIv3 by adding the following entities to APIv4: WordReplacement, FinancialItem and ACLEntityRole.
Introduce civi.api4.authorizeRecord and civi.api4.validate (20533)
Refactors APIv4 code so that events use more consistent style (ie civi.api4.{$TASK} with alias civi.api4.{$TASK}::{$ENTITY}).
APIv4 Entity.get refactor to be more efficient (20470)
Makes APIv4 Entity.get more efficient.
APIv4 - Return id_field as part of Entity.get (20457)
Improves APIv4 metadata so it returns the name of the unique identifier field for each entity (usually but not always named "id").
Add DedupeRule, DedupeRuleGroup and DedupeException API4 entity (20466)
Adds the following entities to APIv4: DedupeRule, DedupeRuleGroup and DedupeException.
Use PHPUnit8 in main test suites (20370)
Makes phpunit8 the default test runner for PHP versions greater than 7.2 for the core test suites.
Link styling with default greenwich theme is not linklike on search kit screen (dev/core#2403: 20341)
Improves the SearchKit user interface by making links blue so that they are easier to find.
Afform - Improve Gui, prefill & submit APIs (20383)
Standardizes prefill & submit APIs to use the same logic for validating contacts. Displays correct form URL in the Afform GUI depending on is_frontend setting. Shows warning about url arguments to prevent unintentional permissions escalation.
Afform Gui - Add support for entityRef fields (20216)
Adds a widget to Afform for EntityRef to autocomplete contacts & other entities, allows the autocomplete field to be changed to Number (for entering ID) or Select (for choosing another entity on a form).
Afform Entity Reference Submit (20305)
Improves Afform Submit handling to handle entity reference fields that reference other form elements.
SearchKit - allow searches based on relationships (20558)
Allows SearchKit searches based on relationships.
SearchKit - Add API filter for contacts in groups and smart groups (20507)
Adds a filter-style field to search for contacts in (or not in) one or more groups.
SearchKit - Update
signature (20467)Updates the hook_civicrm_searchKitTasks signature to include checkPermissions and userId.
SearchKit - Add static groups and organize main entity selector (20434)
Adds static (non-smart) groups to SearchKit, and organizes main entity selector to be less cluttered, with primary entities up top and the rest within a collapsible optgroup.
SearchKit and Afform UI improvements (20348)
Cleans up the admin UI for SearchKit and Afform, adds click-to-sort table headers and fixes a bug where SavedSearch modified_date were not being saved.
SearchKit - Rename crmSearchActions module to crmSearchTasks & add hook (20307)
Adds hook_civicrm_searchKitTasks() to make it easy for other extensions to add tasks specific to SearchKit. Also renames the module for consistency.
[php8-compat] Upgrade PHPWord Package to support php8 (20449)
Work towards making CiviCRM php8 compatible, specifically by upgrading PHPWord Package.
[php8-compat] Upgrade TCPDF version to support php8 (20540)
Work Towards making CiviCRM php8 compatible specifically by upgrading TCPDF.
Consider joining the GitHub Sponsors program (community/sustainability#20: 248 and 62)
Adds a sponsor link as apart of the GitHub Sponsors program.
Change the help text for Message Templates and Scheduled Reminders to include link to CiviCRM Token Documentation page (20259)
Improves user experience by linking to CiviCRM Token documentation from the Message Templates and Scheduled Reminders forms.
authx - Accept API keys by default (20081)
Relaxes the default settings so that it is easier to use authx as a replacement for extern/rest.php (which uses the api_key for authentication).
Add defaults for APIv4 Case create (20306)
Adds the following defaults for APIv4 Case.create:
- default Case Creator = current user
- default Case Start Date = now
Improve Sample data by ensuring all Credit Card Contributions have a transaction id and that they are shown to be linked to the test payment processor (20312)
Improves CiviContribute sample date.
"You do not have permission to access this page" when exporting participants in Search Kit (dev/report#67: 20528)
Fixes an 'access denied' error on standalone SearchKit export forms, caused by renaming the PHP classes.
500 error saving Search Kit Smart Group sorted on aggregated field (dev/report#68: 20610)
Fatal error reported when photo cannot be found (dev/core#2369: 20447)
Loss of translation when copying (cloning) entities (multilingual) (dev/core#2479: 20059)
Fatal error while upgrading smart-group data (dev/core#2659: 20756)
CRM_Utils_File::isAbsolute does not respect PHP stream wrappers (Work Towards dev/core#2590: 20270)
Removes unused function.
Installer doesn't check MySQL version properly (dev/core#2602: 20255)
Useradd task gives a deprecation notice for the password confirmation field (dev/core#2613: 20347)
APIv4 - Delete undocumented deprecated activityType lookup (20506)
Deletes an undocumented APIv4 quirk that's been giving deprecated warnings for over a year.
APIv4 - Fix getFields to respect default_value from getFields (20481)
AfformGui - Fix tabs when cms theme adds extra margin (20431)
Afform GUI - Fix tab breakage in Shoreditch theme (20416)
Afform - Fix custom field handling and add tests (20480)
Afform - hide disabled contact types & entities from disabled components/extensions (20283)
Cleans up and improves Afform's internal entity lookup so it won't show disabled entities.
SearchKit - Fix link target selection (20537)
SearchKit - Fix menu permission (20349)
SearchKit - Organize ON clause field selectors with joined entity first (20454)
[php8-compat] Fix some more examples of where required parameters are after optional parameters in function declaration (20515)
[php8-compat] Fix PHP Beautifier notice by conditionally assigning dynamic foreign key to the template (20509)
[php8-compat] Fix issue in APIv3 Where by because product has a column called options the testCreateSingleValueAlter triggers a cannot access offset of type string on string in php8 (20508)
[php8-compat] Fix issue with returning bool from uasort by using the spaceship operator (20502)
[php8-compat] Fix Upgrade call back issues by making functions static and also fixing an issue with an array key not existing when checking obsolete extensions (20503)
Update PHPUnit for PHPUnit8 config to ensure we don't cache test results (645, 140 and 249)
**[php8-compat] Fix calling method_exist with paremeter that is bool not an object in php8 ([323](https:
[php8-compat] Fix calling method_exist with paremeter that is bool not an object in php8 (20443)
[php8-compat] Fix deprecation error where by required function parameter follows an optional function parameter (20473)
[php8-compat] Fix Warning Notices when running schema generation (20445)
[php8-compat] Update Various Symfony components to latest version in the 3.4.x series to fix deprecation notice around libxml entity disable (20444)
Fix the populateTempTable to be more direct (20548)
Sort trigger data before processing (20541)
Allow legacy warnings to be fully suppressed in PropertyBag (20331)
Prevent adding duplicate dashlet if present with same name and label (20375)
Ensure contacts without a name are updated when primary email changes (20403)
fix arguments sent to hook_civicrm_check (20400)
Fix Distmaker building by ensuring we are rsyncing from the right folder (20353)
Fix mandatory keys check fail for value of float 0.0 in a required key in an entity (20342)
Fix extraneous white space in generated SQL (20340)
Fix case sensitive parameter for call to getCustomFieldTokens (20333)
Fix CKEditor5 link editing in modal dialog (20285)
Correct copy-paste error in CustomField schema (20329)
Explicitly throw an error/status bounce on Edit/New if no types. (19840)
Core_DAO - Fire links_callback for all entities (20332)
Get county fields populated via api call (20309)
Ensure that county fields are properly populated when calling the Profile.getfields api.
Activate user when no activation is required (20229)
Ensures that any user created on a site that does not require admin approval is considered active.
Switch to non deprecated buildPermissionClause() for contact detail report (20314)
Switch to non deprecated buildPermissionClause() for contact summary report (20287)
Freeze readonly fields (20204)
CiviCRM Scheduled Reminders, Subject field missing Token selector - users must copy Token from Body field to Subject (20260)
Fix delete customgroup using API4 so it removes data table (20265)
hook_managed - Do not try to disable managed entities if is_active is not available to api3.create (20144)
DB/DataObject: use mb_strtolower because in turkish, INSERT becomes Insert (324)
APIv4 - CiviCase API: Fix opening a case with current user as creator (20238)
My Cases dashlet no longer working (javascript network error - blank dashlet) (dev/core#2606: 20275)
PayPal fails to create contribution following duplicate merge when membership record has been deleted (dev/core#2593: 20422, 20424, 20246 and 20300)
"Pay Now" button on user dashboard is only for Pending, not Partially Paid contributions (dev/financial#173: 20376)
Ensures the 'Pay Now' buttons on the user dashboard are displayed for partially paid contributions.
Do not error on view contribution recur if not displaying contributions (20209)
Fix for tax rates being mangled on contribution update (20357)
Add call to validateAllContributions & fix getTotalAmount (20391)
Add warning when url_site is not specified for paypal (it won't work if not set) (20082)
Typo when retrieving help_pre textarea attributes for price field (20276)
Fix old-ish regression on paypal standard self-service cancel links (20210)
Don't pass doPayment by reference in Contribution.transact API (20463)
If paymentprocessor still uses doTransferCheckout/doDirectPayment trigger deprecated function warning (20384)
Convert payJunction to doPayment (20326)
Convert FirstData to doPayment (20325)
Convert elavon to doPayment (20324)
Convert Realex to doPayment (20327)
Convert payflowpro to doPayment (20328)
Convert eway to doPayment (20323)
Convert AuthorizeNet to doPayment() (20322)
Sample payment processor types are misaligned in the sample data (dev/core#2614: 20311)
URLs are tracked and shouldn't be (dev/mail#95: 20129)
Ensures link tracking is applied only to URLs inside tags.
Creating a relationship fails when a related membership has a contact reference custom field. (dev/membership#37: 20493)
Use line items to look up memberships (20495)
Use order api when creating a recurring membership from the Membership (20077)
AuthX extension: user_load() deprecated in Drupal 8.x. (dev/core#2636: 20479)
drush install - Bump up entropy for autogenerated creds. Add signing key. (128)
[php8-compat] Fix undefined property on Array Cache class in wordpress on PHP8 (20491)
Remove Base Page content filter once it has been used (dev/wordpress#91: 240)
Fixes a bug where CiviCRM content would repeat itself in certain page configurations.
Add file_exists check on loading services xml (20620)
APIv4 - Cleanup getFields, add @internal flag for non-public field attributes (20489)
Extract code that populates temp table for an individual group (20458)
Cleanup - declare return types, remove unused var (20363)
Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 (20247)
Bump DOMPDF to
(20465) -
Make functions protected (20455)
Deprecate function CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::bulkSave (20367)
Cleanup tracking on group.load (20310)
Describe logic behind placement of
(20414) -
Fix internal group contact cache functions to be protected (20385)
Clarify types on
(20488) -
Cleanup references to old dedupe class names (20492)
Switch l10n.js from ajax callback to assetBuilder (20121)
ACLEntityRole BAO tidy fixes (20504)
Dedupe DAO is out of date (20534)
Switch table mapping to square bracket array syntax. (20535)
Update civicrm_generated (5.39 version) (20571)
[REF] Cannot edit CiviCRM Joomla permissions (access control) in 5.37.0 (Clean up for dev/core#2601: 20271)
Revised fix for menu/UI issues for Joomla 4.0 (20401)
[php8-compat] Fix Include/Exclude Group Custom Search Tests by better handling empty arrays on exclusions in the custom search (20539)
[php8-compat] Fix Resources Test issue due to undefined array key add CacheCode (20538)
[php8-compat] Fix api_v3_PaymentTest failures by putting in more guards into message templates (20520)
[php8-compat] Update smarty templates and some PHP files to get the api_v3_contribution testclass to pass on php8 (20512)
[php8-compact] Add in guards into various templates to fix hook tests in php8 (20542)
[php8-compact] Fix Report tests failing on php8 (20549)
[php8-compat] Partial Fix of hook tests for php8 (20545)
[php8-compat] [REF] Fix a couple of functions triggering deprecation notices in php 8.0 where by an optional parameter is before required parameters in the function signature (20442)
[php8-compat] [REF] Fix call to function CRM_Utils_String::createRandom by ensuring that the length is the first parameter not 2nd (20441)
[php8-compat][NFC] Ensure that the 2nd parameter of hash_equals is a string in authx (20483)
[php8-compat][NFC] Fix using ZipArchive::open on an empty file (20500)
[php8-compat][NFC] Fix issue where by we are tryiing to access array keys that haven't been created yet (20496)
[REF][php8-compat] Fix more instances of where there is a required parameter for a function after an optional one and fix an issue where by a NULL function property is treated as not exisiting in php8 (20497)
[REF][php8-compat] Further fixes where there is a required paramater after an optional paramater (20490)
[php8-compat][REF] Fix some more test failures in php8 (20516)
[php8-compat][REF] Fix api_v3_contributionpagetest on php8 (20518)
[php8-compat][REF] Fix more php8 test failures caused by template issues (20517)
[php8-compat][REF] Fix php8 error on undefined constant CIVICRM_DISABLE_DEFAULT_MENU (20485)
[php8-compat][REF] Fix Date unit tests in php8 by passing in 00 instead of null for hours,minutes and seconds (20525)
[php8-compact][REF] Fix another couple of places where by there are required variables in php function declaration after optional ones (20526)
[php8-compact][REF] Fix api_v3_PaymentTokenTest to work on php8 (20527)
[php8-compat][REF] Fix Case and Custom data tests by adding guards in to templates (20524)
[php8-compat][phpunit8][NFC] Fix PHPUnit Warnings and fix a php error on function declaration syntax in core extension tests (20477)
Remove extraneous debug (20319)
Remove legacy references to partial_amount_to_pay (20358)
Remove remains of md5 check from authorizenet (20406)
Remove deprecation of order-must-be-pending (20205)
Remove some unused variables (20487)
Remove never-passed parameter from now unshared function (20304)
Remove defunct default return property (20139)
Remove now-unused ids parameter from signature (20299)
Remove unused functions from payJunction (20417)
Remove unused variable on dummy processor (20418)
Remove pass-by-ref as param not altered (20475)
[REF] (Code style) To const, or not const - that is the event (dev/core#1744: 20555)
[REF] Extract function to get locks (20373)
[REF] Remove unused variable (20378)
[REF] Slightly more logical order of code (20368)
[REF] Extract code to transfer groups from temp table to cache (20435)
[REF] Remove never-passed param (20456)
[REF] APIv4 refactoring to support calculated fields (20440)
[REF] Set receipt_date after sending, (from batch) not in anticipation (20395)
[REF] Minor extraction - getInfoUrl (20421)
[REF] Fix issue where by mailing urls were always stuck in the original language not the overriden language in a multilingual site (20102)
[REF] Paypal pro - remove call to load contact record (20423)
[REF] Stop passing unneed params to the recur function (20412)
[REF] Replace isFirst parameter (20411)
[REF] Remove now-unused params (20410)
[REF] Paypal IPN - Cleanup references to completion (20407)
[REF] Replace deprecated code call (20409)
[REF] Cleanup validation in PaypalProIPN single function (20360)
[REF] Minor simplification (20393)
[REF] Useradd contact task - Use OO instead of hardcoding "if Wordpress" (20366)
[REF] Cleanup on import rows error (20196)
[REF] Extract function to build temporary table of members of group from Report_Form (20297)
[REF] Remove now-unused parameter (20354)
[REF] Extract getContributionObject (20355)
[REF] Add getter for contributionID (20318)
[REF] Make previous unshared function protected & Remove hard-coded params (20345)
[REF] Update Pear Validate Finance CreditCard to use latest tagged release that now includes the improved mastercard 2bin regex (20351)
[REF] Make previously unshared function protected (20346)
[REF] Remove unused parameters (20301)
[REF] Cleanup BAO_ActionSchedule::getlist() signature (20239)
(REF) Regen CRM/Core/DAO/CustomField.php (20337)
[REF] Remove redundant call to clearGroupContactCache (20243)
[REF] [tests only] Replace direct calls to enable logging with calls to the setting (20460)
[REF] Remove function parameter only used from test (20459)
[REF] Extract code determining list of groups requiring a refresh (20242)
REF - Cleanup array key checking to use array_key_exists (20563)
[REF] CRM_Contact_Task - Use short array syntax (20562)
[REF] Fix Authx tests on Druapl 8/9 by ensuring that we only return an id for the user id if it is greater than 0 (20498)
[REF] Move ACLPermission Trait into Civi Folder so that it can be accessed by Extensions (20208)
[REF] Use function to getContributionRecurID (20293)
[REF] Duplicate processMembership preliminary to cleanup (20295)
[REF] Switch to using getContributionRecurID function, remove now unused param (20316)
[REF] Fully remove ids variable from paypal std (20317)
[REF] Make use of recently added default pager size setting in Reports (20273)
[REF] Duplicate & deprecate processMembership (20313)
[REF] Provide standardised methods to get recurring contribution id & object (20294)
[REF] Reverse if statement (20211)
Mark test class as having invalid financials (20448)
Update eventcart test to only test payment form (20405)
Fix profile test teardown (20439)
Fix separate payment membership test to create valid financial transactions (20436)
Fix v3 api payment test to validate on postAssert (20530)
Fix Financial item test to validate Financials (20532)
Mark DetailTest as having invalid financials (20552)
Fix form params for testEventPaymentForms (20330)
Update bulkSave test to use the api (20362)
Fix contribution page pledge tests to create valid contributions (20404)
Improve cleanup on contact test (20248)
Test fix up for AdditionalPaymentTest (20521)
Test fix - assertion fails when run with other tests (sometimes) (20250)
[Test] Improve cleanup of domain contacts (20253)
Test - fix contributionTest to validate contributions (20415)
Test fixes (20426)
Tax fixes in unit test (20390)
[Test] Add test cover for contribution tokens in pdf letter (20217)
Unit test for #20342 (20361)
Add test for mixed Order data (20241)
Add unit test for #20144 (20320)
Superficial tidy up in test class (20359)
[NFC] Remove timecop function references from Cache Tiered Test (20343)
[NFC] Superficial code cleanup (20446)
[NFC] Cleanup in test class (20402)
[NFC] {test} code cleanup in test class (20389)
[NFC] Minor cleanup (20387)
[NFC] Minor code cleanup (20386)
[NFC] Fix PHPUnit8 Deprecation Warnings in api_v3 and Civi Test Suites (20380)
[NFC] [Test] Big cleanup in test class (20374)
[NFC] Fix PHPUnit8 Deprecation warnings in the api_v4 Test Suite (20381)
[NFC] Fix PHPUnit8 Warning notices in E2E And in some API unit tests (20379)
[NFC] Fix PHPUnit8 deprecation warnings in the CRM_AllTests suite (20377)
[NFC] Further cleanup in test class (20372)
[NFC] Add in more voids to unit tests to support PHPUnit8 (20369)
[NFC] [Test] Preliminary cleanup in test class (20371)
[NFC] Add in voids to various setUpBeforeClass and tearDownAfterClass functions (20365)
[NFC] Update PHPUnit config to not cache results in phpunit8 and add more voids into PayflowProTest (20356)
[NFC] Add in unit tests of credit card validation rules (20352)
[NFC/TEST] - Add unit test enforcing automatic chaining for financial type/account creation via api (20288)
[NFC] Test - Improve tearDown cleanup of domain contacts (20258)
[NFC] Test - fix to use v3 api on postAsserts (20257)
[NFC] Fix phpunit9 deprecation issues on using assertType instead of more explicit assertIsArray or AssertIsInt (20567)
This release was developed by the following code authors:
AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin, Andie Hunt; Agileware - Justin Freeman; Christian Wach; Circle Interactive - Pradeep Nayak; CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CompuCorp - Ahed Eid; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Samuel Vanhove; Dave D; iXiam - Vangelis Pantazis; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb, Seamus Lee; Lemniscus - Noah Miller; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJCO - Mikey O'Toole; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Nicol Wistreich; Progressive Technology Project - Jamie McClelland; Richard van Oosterhout; Robert J. Lang; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton; Wildsight - Lars Sanders-Green
Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following reviewers contributed their comments:
Agileware - Justin Freeman; Business & Code - Alain Benbassat; CiviDesk - Nicolas Ganivet, Yashodha Chaku; CompuCorp - Jamie Novick; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Samuel Vanhove; Dave D; Freeform Solutions - Herb van den Dool; Fuzion - Jitendra Purohit; Semper IT - Karin Gerritsen; SYSTOPIA Organisationsberatung - Björn Endres; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano
These release notes are edited by Alice Frumin and Andie Hunt. If you'd like
to provide feedback on them, please log in to
and contact @agh1