Released September 1, 2021
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dev/core#2743 fix api v3 to not unnecessarily load options (21099)
dev/user-interface#37 Reinstate jQueryUI visible focus effect in quicksearch (21102)
fix crmValidate() not loading on event registration pages (21124)
delocalize total amount before passing to setOverrideTotal (21107)
[REF] Upgrade CKEditor to 4.16.2 (21108)
(NFC) release-notes - Fix typo (21104)
dev/core#2749 remove exception when no payment processor configured when no payment processor configured (21100)
[REF] Fix utf8mb4 test in APIv4 and re-enable the altering of databas… (21001)
dev/core#2742 fix group type on group create from form (21053)
dev/core#2740 fix dashboard regression on links (21051)
Tpl notice fixes (21050)
SearchKit - Fix permission to access task list (21045)
contributor-key.yml: updates for Symbiotic (21044)
Reconcile tokens misnamed or missing on legacy class (21039)
Switch to using apiv4 for metadata (21038)
Enotice fix (21041)
Enotice fix (21040)
Make report subtotals work for custom fields (20752)
Fix mailing task when there are no tasks (20989)
Reconcile contribution amount tokens (21036)
Fix advertised token for source (21037)
Update contribution_page_id token in sched reminders (21035)
** Reconcile and upgrade tokens for payment instrument, financial type (21000)**
Switch contribution action schedule tokens to use advertised tokens for cancel_date & source (20999)
Fix bulk adding custom fields with logging on (21019)
Update contributor-key.yml (21033)
5.40 up merge (21032)
Afform - support default values for fields (21005)
5.40 (21015)
[NFC] Fix APIv4 Utf8mb4 test to ensure no mixed collation errors (21013)
enable paging if contact has more then 50 grants. (21008)
5.40 (21011)
Use template variable to add or remove swap button. (21003)
[Ref] [Test] Move custom search tests to extension (20990)
Afform - Use correct contact type when loading field options (20996)
[NFC] Do a proper tear down of fts in QueryFormatterTest (21004)
Smarty warnings on Manage Case (21002)
Rename legacy token for contribution id to match sched reminder tokens (20998)
Fix upgrade message when nothing was changed (20994)
Do not generate a notice when a vcard is downloaded with a non-primary email or non-primary phone number (20993)
Case Dashboard: fix labels on my/all radio buttons, and simplify label text (20958)
Fix for failure (fatal error and silent failure) to clean up full text indices (20921)
Add upgrade routine to remove old action schedule token (20978)
dev/core#2704 SearchKit - Add support for SQL functions (20947)
Upgrade message is scrunched up next to the previous sentence (20986)
Move/rename case export files for consistency (20988)
Test, enotice fixes, handling for permissions key for Member_Tasks (20944)
Improve cleanup on indexer test (20909)
[REF] minor fix - move last of processing before receipting (20969)
dev/core#2719 [REF] Remove legacy reference to contribution_invoice_settings (20971)
Update label on payment instrument (20977)
New membership: fix tax amount translation (20979)
Activity tasks - don't add invalid tasks (20951)
dev/core#2715 [REF] Start the process of moving financial processing to own class (20872)
Fix databaseSupportsUTF8MB4 (20905)
PHP E_NOTICE during upgrade (20980)
Make final mailing from A/B test same template type and options as A/B so it can be copied (20096)
dev/core#2721 Move custom search framework to a core extension (20952)
dev/core#2726 - Set ssl option when using DSN with SSL (20974)
dev/core#2650 Add support for names & labels for token pseudoconstants (20961)
Unit test for invalidateChecksum hook (20973)
Add hook for validating checksum (20858)
dev/core#2719 [REF] Remove some legacy references to contribution_invoice_settings (20862)
NFC - Reformat JSON file whitespace in Afform mock ext (20967)
SearchKit - fix deprecated join (20968)
Cast to float when setting overrideTotalAmount - regression in master (20962)
Invoice template: Add function to update message tokens during upgrade (20885)
Improve accessibility for price fields of the type select by adding the price field label to the placeholder. (20927)
** Distinguish custom field VIEW from EDIT permissions (20837)**
Fix Payment.create to update financial_item.status_id (20941)
dev/core#2710 Cannot disable contact type/sub-type (20919)
[REF] [Super trivial] -tighten up some casting (20964)
Fix unit translation for recurring contributions (20308)
fix missing 'on behalf of' and honoree labels in multilingual (20482)
Smarty notices for New Activity / New Case for tags for attachments (20957)
dev/core#2721 [Ref] simplify passed parameters (20955)
Fix test to use valid financials (20956)
dev/core#2721 [REF] Further divide savedSearchParam loading into the sql functions (20954)
5.40 (20960)
** dev/financial#6: Button for create/view template contribution on contact summary (20685)**
dev/core#2709 Enable logging for custom data tables with non-standard names (20918)
Swap {$displayName} smarty for {contact.display_name} token (20867)
[Test] Add cover for setting num_terms to 2 (20939)
Smarty notices on logging detail report (20948)
CRM_Utils_Type::validatePhpType - Helper to validate PHP type expressions (20923)
Smarty warning about pager location on all CiviReports (20949)
Fix error message when unable to delete ManagedEntity (20946)
Add ts() function within CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce() method (20857)
[NFC] Remove exceptions from comments (20943)
add support for profile map view (20877)
Extract getCurrentMembership (20882)
5.40 (20937)
Reduce deadlock while inserting custom data for Address (20924)
Add v4 managed api entity (20932)
[NFC] Typo in parameter for lybunt test (20934)
Fix 'includes tax' translation for PriceSet Checkbox fields (20926)
Add filter by custom fields in Accounting Batch. https://lab.civicrm.… (20556)
[REF] SearchKit - Refactor pick-lists to use onCrmUiSelect directive (20910)
Enable range search for money fields in search kit + afform (20930)
5.40 (20931)
Display configured currency on PCPPage instead of default (20904)
Add check to see if these indices are actually removed + call the function which should (20920)
[REF] Extract the function to load from the acl table (20868)
Remove obsolete code (20854)
Greenwich - fix select2 font size (20911)
Capitalization Fix (20913)
APIv4 - Fix calculated fields in bridge entities (20908)
SearchKit - Add links to view/edit/delete relationships (20886)
CRM_Utils_Array::pathMove - Add helper to move an item within array tree (20866)
Add test & fix for failing OR clause in apv4 (20906)
[REF] Refactor SearchKit displays to inherit traits from a common base (20900)
(REF) Extract TokenSmarty::render() from MessageTemplate::renderMessageTemplate() (20870)
[NFC/Unit test] - Test for #20892 - New smarty plugin crmUpper (20895)
[NFC/Unit test] ReportTemplateTest - fix tests that assume setup from a separate test (20887)
[REF] Add in smarty modifier to replcae the upper smarty modifier to … (20892)
APIv4 - Add test to ensure superfluous option groups are not created (20902)
[NFC/Unit test] dev/core#2699 - Fix intermittent api4 test (part 1) (20901)
Fix PHP notice in recaptcha lib (20899)
some typo fixes (20897)
(REF) APIv4 FieldSpec - Extract various traits (Civi\Schema\Traits*) (20875)
Added setup pcp page wordpress shortcode (20601)
[REF] Fix functions to be protected (20869)
SearchKit - Support all fields as tokens (20880)
APIv4 - Fix and add tests for comparison SQL functions (20893)
APIv4 - Better handling of output value using GROUP_CONCAT (20896)
5.40 (20894)
[NFC/Unit test] - Failing test demonstrating blank timestamp updates (20891)
(REF) Civi/Schema - Extract MagicGetterSetterTrait. Add test coverage. (20865)
Use type hinting for id (20850)
Remove deprecated code (20848)
Remove never-true-if (20853)
Remove non-variable variables (20881)
Fix onCrmUiSelect to use current scope and apply to the digest cycle (20879)
SearchKit - Fix pager count return value (20878)
[Ref] Remove never-passed parameter (20871)
[REF] Remove some non-variable variables (20874)
dev/core#2650 Add support for contribution_status_id to the token processor (20864)
Enotice fix on extensions page (20801)
Remove deprecated lines of code (20873)
Api test cleanup fixes (20876)
[REF] Simplify isRenew handling on batch for membership (20791)
dev/core#2684 Fix filters tpl in civi reports to permit more than one table in a grouping (20820)
[REF] Further order api cleanup (20829)
Fix v4 api to do custom field delete in tearDown (20863)
Give administer CiviCRM data access to administer custom groups (20578)
5.40 to master (20860)
APIv4 - Fix output of membershipType auto_renew field (20840)
[REF] [towards dev/core#2693] Use getter rather than passing variable (20852)
5.40 (20849)
Minor simplification - use casting (20847)
[REF] Minor ipn simplification (20718)
dev/core#2691 - On logging detail civireport show words instead of numbers (20844)
Smarty notices - Missing type on logging civireport (20843)
dev/core#2115 Switch membership type browse page to use v4api for get, thus using acls properly (20768)
Add to contributors file (20842)
Mark afform extensions as beta (20821)
Fix a typo in social networking buttons (20839)
CustomGroup - change admin permission to 'administer CiviCRM data' (20833)
[REF] Remove unused variables (20834)
Remove a couple of instances of 'contribution_mode' from tests (20831)
Deprecate guess work in line item handling (20775)
Fixes getTemplateContribution to use a more reliable way to load line items (20784)
5.40 (20838)
dev/core#2648 update redis class off deprecated functions (20587)
E-notice fix (20830)
Enable check on created participant payment rows (20650)
APIv4 - Fix pseudoconstant matching reliability across joins (20799)
Fix undefined tpl vars (20828)
Fix transfer registration to transfer participant_payment row (20670)
Merge 5.40 to master (20826)
tpl enotice fix (20827)
(REF) dev/core#2571 - Add helper functions for reCAPTCHA extension (20315)
APIv4 - Fix dumb typo breaking color lookup (20817)
PHP notice fixes on options page (20816)
dev/core#2624 display line items from the template contribution at the view recurring contribution screen. (20399)
[REF] Add in APIv4 Product Entity and Fix APIv4 Syntax Conformance te… (20819)
5.40 to master (20815)
Fix undefined tpl variables (20813)
Add ContributionProduct and EntityBatch APIv4 Entity (20505)
Forward Mailing: remove duplicate buttons, cancel button (20782)
Update contributor-key.yml (20812)
Add deprecation warning for modifiedDates (20805)
dev/core#2652 - Civi\Report - Add is null / is not null to OP_MULTISE… (20794)
SearchKit - Auto-apply filters passed in from Afform markup (20758)
crmMonaco - Multiple updates. Toward message-template editing. (20786)
Fix test to use order api & setup valid financials (20806)
dev/drupal#54 Remove hook_user_login, fixes the masquerade module (31)
revert #240 Remove Base Page content filter once it has been used (255)
add profile map view shortcode support (252)
Add setup pcp page shortcode (253)
Also check timestamp types for update() when trying to update a timestamp field with a blank value (326)
This release was developed by the following code authors:
AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin, Andie Hunt; Caltha - Tomasz Pietrzkowski; CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma, Klaas Eikelboom; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Yashodha Chaku; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Samuel Vanhove; Dave D; Diego Muñio; erawat; Gokhalemethod - Sadashiv; Greenpeace Central and Eastern Europe - Patrick Figel; invalid-email-address; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb, Seamus Lee; Kartik Kathuria; Lighthouse Consulting and Design - Brian Shaughnessy; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; Miguel Almeida; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; PERORA SRL - Samuele Masetto; Progressive Technology Project - Jamie McClelland; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Third Sector Design - Kurund Jalmi; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton, Elliott Eggleston; Wildsight - Lars Sanders-Green
Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following reviewers contributed their comments:
a-n The Artists Information Company - William Mortada; AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin, Andie Hunt; allinappli; Anatoleallain; Artful Robot - Rich Lott; CEPR - Josh Brown; Christian Wach; civibot[bot]; CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma; civicrm-builder; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Yashodha Chaku; CompuCorp - Jamie Novick; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Samuel Vanhove, Shane Bill; Dave D; Diego Muñio; encircle; erawat; Fuzion - Jitendra Purohit, Luke Stewart; GValFr35; in2part; JMA Consulting - Joe Murray, Monish Deb, Seamus Lee; jptillman; Makoa - Usha F. Matisson; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; PERORA SRL - Samuele Masetto; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Third Sector Design - Kurund Jalmi; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton; Wildsight - Lars Sanders-Green; wyde22
These release notes are edited by Alice Frumin and Andie Hunt. If you'd like
to provide feedback on them, please log in to
and contact @agh1