Normalize header install path
Ensure that find_package(TinyXML2) defines tinyxml2::tinyxml2 even on case insensitive filesystems
Update add-to-project version in triage.yml
Helper to get version number from package.xml
Miscellaneous documentation fixes
Use relative paths for pkg-config install directory
: generate always the doc target but exclude from default make -
Accept arbitrary capitalization for coverage build type
Deprecate GzPython.cmake in favor of
Use default flags for RelWithDebInfo
Use visibility hidden by default
Doxygen: exclude C++
Require cmake version 3.22.1
CI: disable 20.04, enable 24.04
Deprecate SuppressWarning.hh with
Remove ignition
Bump major version to 4
Fix installation of Ign*.cmake modules on newer versions of CMake
Add package.xml
Remove example_INSTALL_DIR from PREFIX_PATH on examples
- Use relative install paths for extra cmake files
- Fix how
compatibility files are copied in windows
Remove @mxgrey as codeowner and assign maintainership to @scpeters
cppcheck uses c++17
Preserve executable permissions when installing scripts
Use a consistent Python interpreter in all scripts
Drop shebang from
Use a relative symlink for
cmake modules -
Remove exec_program call
Update CI badges in README
to be amultiValueArgs
- Fixed finding Ogre2 on Windows+Conda
Only link against DL in the case that it is needed
Disable building examples by default
FindIgnOgre*: fix LIBRARY_DIRS and PLUGINDIR resolution when using pkgconfig
Use CONFIG in gz_add_benchmark to avoid Windows collisions
Fix pkg_config_entry when version number is not specified
GzConfigureProject: improve documentation
Compute relative path for cmake extras
GzConfigureProject: fix extras install
Fix incorrect if comparison in build_examples
Fix finding ogre 2.3 installed from source
Check for empty variables before performing REPLACE
GzSetCompilerFlags: Fix detection of clang-cl
Add support for adding cmake extras to packages
Build examples using native CMake
Split gzutils into functional pieces
Enable ign_ warnings to push the transition to gz_
Add optional binary relocatability in downstream libraries
- Pull request #334
- Thanks to Silvio Traversaro
Fix doxygen warnings.
- Pull request #333
- Thanks to Benjamin Perseghetti
Use CONFIG in gz_add_benchmark to avoid Windows collisions
Unset cache variable in gz_pkg_check_modules_quiet
LICENSE: add Apache 2.0 license text
Disable protobuf warnings on protobuf target (#335)
- Pull request #335) (#336 (#336)
Disable protobuf warnings on protobuf target
Fix FindAVDEVICE.cmake in case without pkg-config installed with ffmpeg >= 5.1
FindIgnOGRE2: preserve PKG_CONFIG_PATH
FindSQLite3: Add SQLite::SQLite3 ALIAS
FindUUID: Do not wrap LIBRARY_NAMES argument with quotes
Disable source tooltips
Don't assume
variables are relative
CMake macro to find the assimp library
Changes for OGRE-2.3
Migrate ign -> gz
- Pull request #308
- Pull request #277
- Pull request #274
- Pull request #273
- Pull request #271
- Pull request #267
- Pull request #266
- Pull request #265
- Pull request #263
- Pull request #260
- Pull request #258
- Pull request #257
- Pull request #256
- Pull request #255
- Pull request #254
- Pull request #253
- Pull request #252
- Pull request #250
- Pull request #249
- Pull request #247
- Pull request #246
- Pull request #245
- Pull request #244
Removed hardcoded gtest include folder
Deprecate utilities in favor of ign-utils
Replace deprecated PythonInterp with Python3
Disable long-running buildsystem tests by default
- FindIgnOgre*: fix LIBRARY_DIRS and PLUGINDIR resolution when using pkgconfig
Use CONFIG in gz_add_benchmark to avoid Windows collisions
LICENSE: add Apache 2.0 license text
Disable protobuf warnings on protobuf target (#335)
Fix FindAVDEVICE.cmake in case without pkg-config installed with ffmpeg >= 5.1
FindIgnOGRE2: preserve PKG_CONFIG_PATH
FindSQLite3: Add SQLite::SQLite3 ALIAS
FindUUID: Do not wrap LIBRARY_NAMES argument with quotes
Don't assume
variables are relative -
Remove check for s3cfg
ign -> gz: add
header files -
variable -
Update doxygen file
- Add code coverage ignore file
tick-tock -
Upload docs to an s3 bucket based only on the major version
Exclude proto generated cpp in coverage test
Add LTCG flag on Windows builds
Update codeowners
Update documentation to gazebosim.org
Improving CONFIG test
Allow to recreate targets created by GzPkgConfig
Adding tests for CONFIG argument
Adding CONFIG option
GzFindOGRE2: support for the ogre-next package on Ubuntu Jammy
Fix check for missing components in OGRE2. Be more verbose with components
FindGzOGRE2: exclude ogre versions different than 2.x
Specify sanitizers using GZ_SANITIZERS cmake variable
Replace deprecated PythonInterp with Python3 (#213)
Set source path to be used by common::testing
Add examples using static libraries
doxygen allow all .cc, .hh, and CMakeLists.txt, not just in examples/ dir
parameter togz_create_core_library
parameter togz_configure_build
Add Ubuntu Jammy CI
FindGzURDFDOM cmake module
Do not modify
on Windows -
Project option:
Project option:
Fix include directory flags for codecheck
Fix problems on GzOGRE when version is not found
Remove bitbucket-pipelines.yml
Include IMAGE_PATH directories in gz_create_docs
Special case for ogre2.2 on Windows
Fix building OGRE / OGRE2 from source in colcon workspace
Remove codecov badge from README
Port codecov to new configuration
Fix hardcoded pkg-config library in examples
User-friendly skip component warning
Run gz-cmake's copy of check_test_ran
Support to find Ogre 2-2
glib fix for Windows
Fix cmake message types
Support imported targets in FindGzOGRE.cmake
Set cmake CMP0079 policy
Tutorial about building with cmake and colcon
Add an option to disable docs when building
Install hpp files as headers
Suppress warning C5205 on Windows
Windows installation instructions via conda-forge
Ensure relocatable config files
FindUUID: Always define UUID::UUID on Apple platforms
Remove deprecated doxygen configurations
Generate doxygen tutorials for gz-cmake
Enable make codecheck for gz-cmake
Generate valid visibility macros by replacing hyphens in component name
- Revert python to optional dependency
Added build-essential and cmake to packages.apt
Fix FindGzOgre on Windows when not using vcpkg
FindGzOGRE2: prefer versioned component libraries
Correct CMake logic and update cpplint to Python3
Improve fork experience
- Add additional input directories to parse when generating documentation
- Added an option to include generated code in the gz_create_docs function
New macros to help with filter google-test in some platforms
Disable long-running buildsystem tests by default
Fix use of FindYAML.cmake and FindJSONCPP without pkg-config
Fix use of FindGzOGRE2 on Windows if OGRE2 is not found
- Pull request 94
- Thanks to Silvio Traversaro
FindUUID: Export include path as expected by Gazebo Libraries #104
- Pull request 104
- Thanks to Silvio Traversaro
Make the OGRE plugin path discovery portable
- Pull request 101
- Thanks to Sean Yen
Fix use of FindZIP without pkg-config.
Use mathjax to render equations.
Reduce example names to fix build on Windows
Fix doxygen deprecation filter
Change the diamond link icon to a material design link
Disable long-running buildsystem tests by default.
Set viewport for doxygen pages.
Use upstream
imported target in FindGzCURL.cmake if available. -
Avoid hardcoding /machine:x64 flag on 64-bit on MSVC.
FindGzOGRE2: fix include paths for new directory structure.
Support for custom vcpkg ogre2 windows port (backport of PR 155).
GzConfigureBuild: only
is ON -
Add FindGzBullet cmake module.
- Turn on doxygen warnings, add CI script to check for doxygen warnings.
Fixes for vcpkg ogre 1.11 version
Add benchmark aggregation functionality
to skip cmake dependencies in addition to pkg-config -
: actually use dry-run, and allow the user to pass in a 'y' or 'n' -
Set favicon
Fix tagfile generation by preventing the inclusion of tutorials
Update datainstall dir
Allow tests to build without automatic linking against project lib
- Require cmake 3.10.2, support
Set viewport for doxygen pages.
Use upstream
imported target in FindGzCURL.cmake if available. -
Avoid hardcoding /machine:x64 flag on 64-bit on MSVC.
GzConfigureBuild: only
is ON -
Fix race condition in test for issue 48
Account for inter-component dependencies when importing targets
- Initial version bumped to 1.1.0 since there was a 1.1.0 prerelease
* [Full list of changes](https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-cmake/compare/ignition-cmake1_1.0.0...ign-cmake0)
Set viewport for doxygen pages.
Use upstream
imported target in FindGzCURL.cmake if available. -
Avoid hardcoding /machine:x64 flag on 64-bit on MSVC.
GzConfigureBuild: only
is ON -
GzConfigureProject.cmake: fix small typo PKCONFIG -> PKGCONFIG
- Fix duplicated imported target error
Properly mark internal CMake cache variables as advanced
Make line coverage by default, add separate coverage-branch target
Refactor variable names in example test junit templates
Suport for
FindJSONCPP: fix target when pkg-config is successful
Add branch coverage
Add FindOptiX.cmake
* [Full list of changes](https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-cmake/compare/ignition-cmake_0.4.1...ignition-cmake_0.4.0)