- Track clientId for tracing purposes #261
- WRAPPER WIDGET Configurable margin in widgets #251
- Add spatial filter to allow ramdom geometry filters in widgets#250
- DrawingToolWidget #249
- Fix: remove sortBy prop default value #252
- Fix TS type declarations for BasemapName and CartoSlice #248
- Implement C4R filtering using binary data #228
- Fix build adding peerDependecy of @carto/react-core to @carto/react-ui #237
- Refactor useViewportFeatures #238
- Add clear button for TimeSeriesWidget widget and enable the speed button even though the animation has not started #239
- Improve timeseries animation performance #243
- Fix TS type declarations for BasemapName and CartoSlice #248
- Histogram takes into account null values in filters for selected bars #234
- Return raw feature data from workers #225
- Fix CategoryWidget values during animation #230
- Remove lock in CategoryWidget if selected categories change #231
- Refresh charts widgets when changing tooltip functions #232
- Improve Widgets calculations sync with tiles #223
use filters in datasource to derive selecteditems (categories, bars) instead of local react state 224
- Histogram tooltip formatter receiving dataIndex and ticks #220
- Histogram yAxis max value should always be shown #221
- Improve TS typings #213
- Fix animation duration not consistent in TimeSeriesWidget #214
- Fix first X axis value partially hidden in Histogram widget #215
- Add missing animation default value in CategoryWidgetUI #216
- Fix PieWidget default label #217
- Fix PieWidget color assignment when using labels prop #218
- Fix warning console when LegendIcon is used #170
- Fix useTimeSeriesInteractivity error in TimeSeries widget #200
- Fix viewState sync bug in GoogleMap component #199
- Update Google maps component to support vector maps #194
- Fix LegendProportional when the values are not numbers #171
- Improve DataCloneError message when geometry column not called 'geom' #175
- Fix PieWidget colors not preserved #176
- Allow custom colors in PieWidget #202
- Fix the WrapperWidget breaking with headers of two lines #179
- Fix lack of animation in PieWidget #180
- Fix lack of animation in HistogramWidget #182
- Fix WrapperWidgetUI header justify content #203
- Add optional parameter to remove animation from widgets #181
- Allow PieWidget labels to be overwritten #177
- Fix legit 0 values being excluded from numeric filters #204
- Fix histogram widget filter, using closed-open intervals #205
- Adapt executeSQL to the new SQL API v3 response #207
- Fix missing connection arg in executeSQL / createRequest for POST requests #206
- Include new error hint message in API responses #208
- Fix POST requests to SQL API not managing access_token properly #210
- Fix echarts update problems #209
- Fix issue with TimeSeriesWidget markLine if xAxis is undefined #211
- Update deck.gl version to 8.6.x #197
- Fix Scatterplot having Y axis values partially hidden #174
- Use Material-UI createTheme instead of deprecated createMuiTheme #187
- Fix error formatting FormulaWidget (AVG) values with no features in current viewport #186
- Add TimeSeriesWidget #168
- Add NoDataAlert component #188 and #191
- Update echarts to v5 #167
- Fix unnecessary widget calculations triggered by widget itself #185
- Add new
hook for better custom widgets dev #185 - Fix unnecessary widgets calculations when unrelated source changes #184
- Remove widgetsLoadingState and derived actions from cartoSlice #184
- Fix unnecessary viewportFeatures calculation, after a filter change inside a source #183
- No major changes from 1.1.0-alpha.6. Just move to beta.
- Breaking change: Allow to disable viewport features calculation. useCartoLayerProps uses now object destructuring. #164
- Rename Credentials exported types #159
- Improve types #160
- Adapt Legend widget to work without children #161
- Update deck.gl version to 8.5.0 #162
- Fix Material-UI warnings on justify property #162
- Add support to CARTO Cloud Native #142
- Update TypeScript typings to Cloud Native and remove SourceTypes from react-api public api#147
- Remove SourceTypes from react-api public api #147
- Add new ScatterplotWidget component #149
- Update to latest 8.5.0-alpha.10 deck.gl version #149
- Add support to Cloud Native SQL API #150
- Fix PieWidget tooltip confining it inside canvas #130
- Fix FormulaWidgetUI render when data is zero #128
- Remove viewportFilter boolean property from widgets #131
- Fix material-ui warnings due to wrong styles in theme #124
- Add Widgets from @carto/react-widgets to StoryBook #120
- Improve GoogleMap component #121
- Fix histogram removing last spurious bin #123
- Add workers to calculate viewportFeatures #111
- Add new PieWidget component #36
- Change 'category' in input data for CategoryWidget for a more generic 'name' parameter #36
- Improve performance widget client side calculations #88
- Change BigQuery source type name from 'bq' to 'bigquery' #97
- Change main dependencies mode to peer, reducing library bundle size #85
- Fix viewportFeatures with empty tiles #100
- Fix viewportFeatures mode in PieWidget when using viewportFilter #102
- BREAKING: Refactor into a new multi-package project #104
- Fix animations in Category Widget #108
- Rename useCartoLayerFilterProps hook to useCartoLayerProps #109
- Fix histogram operations with values equal to zero #113
- Return uniqueIdProperty from useCartoLayerProps hook #113
- Fix lint-staged for multi package #117
- Fix an issue on histogram's operations when processing a not finite value #79
- Add sourcemaps and production mode in webpack bundles #83
- Fix number of categories counter when some are locked on Category Widget #81
- Fix luma mismatch caused by the use of '@deck.gl/extensions' #86
- Remove getUserDatasets method from api #68
- Fix hover color in secondary buttons #65
- Fix widgets loading state when calculating client-side #75
- Fix min/max aggregated functions #76
- Fix eventual memory leaks on requestAnimationFrame, on Category and Formula widgets #77
- Update deck.gl version to 8.4 #78
- Fix basemap casing in store and action so
are used #64
- Fix WrapperWidgetUI anchorOrigin error #55
- Add tooltip to WrapperWidget action buttons #56
- Extend widget props to WrapperWidgetUI with a better implementation #57
- Pass actions and options to WrapperWidgetUI from HistogramWidget and CategoryWidget #50
- Fix addSource in cartoSlice spreading layerAttributes #52
- Category widget UX improvements #54
- Add new clearFilters action #58
- Design improvements #59
- Remove OAuthLogin component (extracted to the template project) #44
- Add layerAttributes to addLayer and refactor updateLayer to use same destructuring approach #45
- Restyle map attribution button for mobile #46
- Allow disabling tooltip in HistogramWidget and fix hover on disabled bars for touch devices #46
- Fix Clear button not appearing on iOS devices #46
- Mobile design improvements #47
- Add meta value example to List component story #31
- Mobile fixes and fix loading datasets for free accounts #38
- Add updateLayer action to cartoSlice #39
- Added meta value version to List component #31
- Fix CategoryWidgetUI displaying no data while loading #26
- Animate CategoryWidget values #30
- Make OAuthLogin component responsive #28
- Remove FilterTypes from API exports #29
- Fix CategoryWidgetUI keeping the order for blocked categories #32
- Fix bar size in CategoryWidget #33
- Fix addSource keeping optional credentials property in the payload #24
- Fix addSource, keeping optional credentials property in the payload #22
- Improve package.json metadata + README inclusion in npm publication #20
- Fix missing regenerator runtime in the build #13
- Doc updates for api reference
- Initial release: api, basemaps, oauth, redux and ui