Releases: openoereb/pyramid_oereb
Releases · openoereb/pyramid_oereb
Version 2.4.4
- Add option for a hook method for LogoRef URLs (#929, #1744)
- Various minor library upgrades (urllib, requests, SQLAlchemy, geoalchemy2)
Version 2.4.3
- Add support for newest oereblex API (via geolink-formatter, #1703)
- Various minor library upgrades (SQLAlchemy, geoalchemy, psycopg2, pypdf)
Version 2.4.2
- Add print configuration parameter for municipality name (#1703)
- Various minor library upgrades (pyramid, shapely, grcode, pypdf)
Version 2.4.1
- Improve getegrid performance (#1680)
- Remove unwanted URL encoding for symbol_ref (#1678)
- Upgrade geolink_formatter library (#1682)
- Various minor library upgrades (#1688, #1689)
Version 2.4.0
- Upgrade to pyramid 2, shapely 2 (#1625, #1642, #1647, #1662)
- Various minor library upgrades
- Preparations for SQLAlchemy 2 upgrade (#1665)
- Python 3.8 is now the minimal recommended version of python
Version 2.3.0
- Add support for prepublinks (#1618)
- Allow to force real estate geometry output (#1619)
- Library updates (#1615, #1622)
Version 2.2.6
Allow usage of xml2pdf service with embedded images (#1612, #1614)
Version 2.2.5
- Fix response code for parameter "url" (#1605)
- Fix order of change order of ExtractIdentifier & MunicipalityCode (#1606)
- Sort plr within themes (#1607)
- Minor library updates (#1609)
Version 2.2.4
- Support tolerance per geometry type (#1603)
- Library updates (#1604)