Releases: inviqa/harness-base-php
Releases · inviqa/harness-base-php
Implemented enhancements:
- Update permissions for kubectl.config.yaml #710 (Chemaclass)
- Add support for defining affinity and self service antiAffinity #709 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add support for defining cpu requests resources for pods #708 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add missing ingressClassName for Spryker ingress #705 (andytson-inviqa)
- Remove creationTimestamp from ingress #704 (Chemaclass)
- Use ARM-compatible tag of official varnish docker image #701 (kierenevans)
- Publish chart with git config setting #699 (andytson-inviqa)
- Allow limiting chart publish by PR label #695 (andytson-inviqa)
- Test harnesses based on labels if a PR #694 (andytson-inviqa)
- Remove symfony flex post-update workaround now flex fixed #692 (andytson-inviqa)
- Update build to continue to work when moved to rootless jenkins #691 (andytson-inviqa)
- Filter out empty spryker hostnames #689 (andytson-inviqa)
- Ignore null values from template_key_value func #686 (Chemaclass)
- Filter out the empty hosts from yves/zed on nginx conf.template #685 (Chemaclass)
- Allow rabbitmq vhosts as null #684 (Chemaclass)
- Update debian distro to bullseye for PHP 8.0+ #683 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add getSignalsForGracefulWorkerShutdown() to QueueConfig #682 (Chemaclass)
- Skip null hosts in Spryker welcome #680 (jbarton123)
- Add solr image build and deployment #678 (andytson-inviqa)
- Disable nginx server_tokens by default #677 (andytson-inviqa)
- Switch over Jenkins labels to linux-amd64 #676 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add support for traefik 2 locally #673 (andytson-inviqa)
Fixed bugs:
- Add apiVersion to helm charts for lint error #707 (andytson-inviqa)
- Update spryker phpstan for memory overuse fix #703 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add pathType to Spryker webapp ingress #702 (Chemaclass)
- Fix issue with pullRequest parameter being fetched before check #697 (andytson-inviqa)
- Exclude the latest spryker code-sniffer release due to testing twig templates #696 (andytson-inviqa)
- Update symfony flex symfony version reference to match requires #693 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix issue with spryker jenkins-runner running as root user #690 (andytson-inviqa)
- Update Spryker code it now to latest version #687 (jbarton123)
- Update spryker code-it-now to fix build #681 (andytson-inviqa)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update k8s Ingress to v1 and add optional ingressClassName #675 (andytson-inviqa)
- Allow specifying k8s context on sealed-secret commands #674 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add spryker refresh command #668 (michaeltrestianu18)
- Ensure pipeline environments generate new admin passwords #667 (andytson-inviqa)
- Move phpstan configs to skeleton #664 (hgajjar)
- Switch kubeval's k8s spec location to fork #662 (andytson-inviqa)
- Document that need to downgrade database.platform_version too #660 (kierenevans)
- Allow defining replicas from attributes for application deployments, … #658 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add horizontal pod autoscaler and pod disruption budgets #656 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add Spryker 202108.0 support #655 (hgajjar)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix Spryker customer login #672 (hgajjar)
- Fix wrong platform mysql image on arm64 with new mysql:8.0-oracle image #671 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix issue with flex, with Symfony upgrade to 5.4 and sync-recipes on init #670 (andytson-inviqa)
- Use elasticsearch user instead of root #669 (hgajjar)
- Fix lighthouse result forwarding #663 (hgajjar)
- Update elasticsearch for another log4j CVE #661 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix issue with php service sub dicts copying into php-base #659 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix formatting of pdb and hpa templates #657 (andytson-inviqa)
Closed issues:
- Spryker - add support for 202108.0 release #654
Fixed bugs:
- Upgrade all elasticsearch versions to latest versions #653 (andytson-inviqa)
Fixed bugs:
- Add quotes on mysql.tag and other tags to avoid losing x.0 to x #651 (andytson-inviqa)
- Install build tools for spryker frontend on non-amd64 architectures #652 (andytson-inviqa)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Akeneo 5 support #578
- Switch chrome and lighthouse to chromium if not amd64 host #650 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add volumeMode/Name support to k8s pvcs #649 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add an upgrade note about mysql update #648 (andytson-inviqa)
- Update Jenkins to latest LTS release with multi-arch support #647 (andytson-inviqa)
- Include the project name in docker-compose project name in CI #646 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add Spryker classmap for autoloading #644 (jbarton123)
- Switch mysql image to mysql/mysql-server if not amd64 host architecture, changing default to 8.0 #643 (andytson-inviqa)
- Update magento2 elasticsearch to 7.10.1 #641 (andytson-inviqa)
- Update elasticsearch default to latest version (7.14.2) #640 (andytson-inviqa)
- Pass platform through to external-image config and skip stage aliases #631 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add support for elasticsearch https and http auth #630 (andytson-inviqa)
- Use new external network syntax #628 (kierenevans)
- MIX: remove redundant preview attributes overrides #623 (marcomc)
- Pass through tideways hostname and env variable #622 (kierenevans)
- Add support for Ingress TLS attributes to be used by LetsEncrypt #620 (marcomc)
- Add support for Akeneo v5 #619 (hgajjar)
- Fix dockerfile path with compose cli v2 #618 (kierenevans)
- Use an integer for varnish tmpfs size for compose cli v2 #617 (kierenevans)
- Switch changelog generator docker image #616 (kierenevans)
- Support proper booleans and discourage use of yes/no except in bash #613 (andytson-inviqa)
- #605 Explicitly declare development dependencies #612 (kierenevans)
- #608: Use NGINX 1.21 #611 (kierenevans)
- Add docroot/themes/contrib/ to autoload-drupal and other stories #610 (dantleech)
- Use memory for SQLite testing in drupal8 #604 (kierenevans)
- Update guidance on hanging mutagen commands #603 (kierenevans)
- Check for cache control header before using it #601 (kierenevans)
- Avoid syntax checking tests for drupal8 #600 (kierenevans)
- Add Varnish to Drupal #599 (kierenevans)
- Use built solr 4.x docker image #598 (kierenevans)
- Update Akeneo cronjobs #595 (a-ast)
- Bring up mailhog in Jenkins, for integration tests that send emails #593 (kierenevans)
- Enable early feedback for drupal8 in Jenkins #591 (kierenevans)
- Enable early feedback for magento2 in Jenkins #590 (kierenevans)
- Use built image for lighthouse to speed up environments #588 (kierenevans)
- Move shellcheck to Jenkins. Add Hadolint #581 (kierenevans)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix issue with scratch:latest being added in
ws external-images config
#639 (andytson-inviqa) - Fix handling of platform when BUILD/TARGETPLATFORM used in FROM #637 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix issue parsing platform from Dockerfile FROM #636 (andytson-inviqa)
- Install the correct architecture tini for php images #634 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix issue with MacOS Big Sur and later not using brew for mutagen #633 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fetch the correct architecture mutagen binary for the host #632 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix drupal8 build #626 (kierenevans)
- Resolve bug with empty database:import steps erroring #624 (andytson-inviqa)
- MISC: Fix missing extensions.json file issue for akeneo #621 (hgajjar)
- Fix drupal8 build #615 (kierenevans)
- Fix webapp init container #609 (g-foster2)
- Fix mutagen volumes being missing #602 (kierenevans)
- Fix magento2 migrate pending on app:config:import question during setup:upgrade #597 (kierenevans)
- Lighthouse jenkins stages should be removed if lighthouse is disabled #594 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix asking for shutdown #592 (kierenevans)
- Fix spacing with multiple build environment variables #589 (kierenevans)
- Deprecate database.var attribute for newer services.mysql.options #642 (andytson-inviqa)
1.1.2 (2021-08-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Use built image for lighthouse to speed up environments #588 (kierenevans)
1.1.0 (2021-04-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Enable docker buildkit for local installs #583 (kierenevans)
- Use buildkit for harness builds #582 (kierenevans)
- Update to Magento 2.4.2 #579 (kierenevans)
- Do not remove sync container, make more responsive to stop #572 (kierenevans)
- Introduce a ws rebuild command #568 (andytson-inviqa)
- Make curl fail helpfully and consistently #565 (andytson-inviqa)
- Early feedback in jenkins by running minimal build for isolated tests #561 (andytson-inviqa)
- Deprecate installing harness tools in php moving upstream #558 (andytson-inviqa)
- Prepare console build as early as possible #557 (andytson-inviqa)
- [DEVOPS-1181] Validating Lighthouse scores against configured pass values #556 (g-foster2)
- Upgrade Symfony to 5.2 #553 (kierenevans)
- Remove duplicate entry in Akeneo's .gitignore #552 (jameshalsall)
- Simplify cleanup in ws destroy #550 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add Jaeger Relay #549 (kierenevans)
- Implement ws external-images ls/rm and use for ws destroy --all #548 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add Zed API hosts for supporting back-channel communication #547 (andytson-inviqa)
- Clean up ingress template #546 (kierenevans)
- Add v1.0 Upgrade Instructions #545 (kierenevans)
- Move the Spryker demoshop LICENSE to another filename #540 (andytson-inviqa)
Fixed bugs:
- Clean up old mutagen sync sessions #586 (kierenevans)
- Switch to msmtp to avoid DNS issues with mhsendmail #585 (kierenevans)
- Fix reference to attribute for akeneo #584 (kierenevans)
- Use data path for Spryker twig cache #575 (kierenevans)
- Fix spryker docker hosts having CI namespace issues #569 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix issue with Jenkins runner being disabled when not using harness helm #567 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix executing "ws secret encrypt" when printing help message #563 (kierenevans)
- Add missing translator cache and run split codebucket store tasks #560 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add missed files relating to the spryker API host changes #551 (andytson-inviqa)