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Select ... From ... Group By ...

mtbeek32 edited this page Aug 17, 2023 · 9 revisions

Relational model versus Semantic arrays DML

The Select ... From ... Group By DML statement is used to aggregate fields to a new domain unit.

Assume the following SQL Statement:

Select Town, Sum(Surface) AS TownSurface FROM Appartment GROUP BY Town

This statement can be applied on our relation model, resulting in the following data:

In the GeoDMS the aggregated domain unit first needs to be configured. It can consist of a set of known defined values (e.g. all months of the year or all cities in the region, 1) or be derived from the data (2).

1. unit<uint32> DefinedTownDomain: nrofrows = 3
      attribute<string> values: ['BTown','AVillage','CCity'];
2. unit<uint32> DerivedTownDomain := unique(src/Appartment/Town);

In this article the DefinedTownDomain will be used as aggregated unit.

To aggregate fields from the source (Appartment) domain towards the aggregated (DefinedTownDomain) domain, a relation is needed between these two domains. In the GeoDMS such a relation, also called a partitioning, needs to consist of the index numbers of the aggregated domain unit, for each entry in the source domain.

Relations are often made with the rlookup function. This function relates an attribute in the source domain (in our example the attribute: Town) to the values in the aggregated domain and results in the index numbers of the aggregated domain:

attribute<DefinedTownDomain> DefinedTownDomain_rel (src/Appartment) := 
   rlookup(src/Appartment/Town, DefinedTownDomain/Values);

This new attribute has as values unit the index numbers of the DefinedTownDomain and as domain unit Appartment. The postfix _rel is a naming convention to indicate the result is a relational attribute that can be used to aggregate data from the Appartment domain towards the DefinedTownDomain:

attribute<units/m2> TownSurface (DefinedTownDomain) := sum(src/Appartment/Surface, DefinedTownDomain_rel);

Resulting in the sum of the surfaces of the apartments per town. In CCity there are no apartments, so the result for this entry will be zero.

geographic relations

For aggregations (GROUP BY Statements) relations are needed. These relations can be calculated with the rlookup function, if they can be derived from the source attributes.

In Geographic applications the relation is not always available in the source attributes, but can be derived from a Geographic relation. If the geography of the apartments (points) and of the towns (polygons) is known, the point_in_polygon function can be used to calculate a similar relation.

multiple attributes

Assume the following SQL Statement:

Select ZipCode, Town, Sum(Surface) AS TownSurface FROM Appartment GROUP BY ZipCode, Town

In the GeoDMS, the rlookup and unique functions do not support multiple attributes. Therefore, to configure a SQL Group BY Statement with multiple Group BY fields, first concatenate these into one new attribute(see the Distinct) example) and use this new attribute in the rlookup / unique functions.

Select ... From ... Where ... Group By ... Having ... Order By ...

More complex Group By Statements in the GeoDMS are configured in multiple steps (see also Select From Where Order By). Use the following step order:

  1. Define the WHERE Clause with a selection function on the source domain.

  2. Define the GROUP BY relation / aggregation on the selection domain of step 1 towards the aggregated domain (see above).

  3. Define the HAVING Clause with a subset on the aggregated domain. This is done in a similar way as the WHERE clause selection, only on the aggregated domain.

  4. Define the ORDER BY Clause on the subset of the aggregated domain.

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