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mtbeek32 edited this page Jan 31, 2024 · 8 revisions

Aggregation functions reg_count


  • reg_count(a, b, c, d)


reg_count(a, b, c, d) results in a set of attributes with the count of the non null values of attribute a, for each value class in a named by attribute b per region towards the regional level defined in the string attribute d.

The labels in this string attribute d need to refer to the names of the relations in container c.

The values unit for each resulting data item is uint32 and the domain units depend on the values unit of the corresponding relations.

The reg_count_uint16/reg_count_uint8 versions can be used in the same manner as the reg_count function, resulting in data items with a uint16 or uint8 values unit.

applies to

  • attribute a with uint32 value type
  • attribute b with string value type
  • container c
  • attribute d with string value type


  1. The domain unit of attribute a must match with the domain of the attribute in container c.
  2. The values unit of attribute a has to be the domain of attributes b and d.
  3. The values of attribute d need to refer to subitem attributes in container c.
  4. The value type of the attribute in container c must be of the group CanBeDomainUnit.

since version



container reg_count
   container units
      unit<uint32> Domain: nrofrows = 10;
      unit<uint8>  RegioA: nrofrows = 5;
      unit<uint8>  RegioB: nrofrows = 3;
      unit<uint8>  Class:  nrofrows = 4
         attribute<string> label: ['Class1','Class2','Class3','Class4'];
   container regios
      attribute<units/RegioA> A (units/Domain): [0,0,1,2,3,0,4,2,1,0];
      attribute<units/RegioB> B (units/Domain): [1,0,2,2,0,0,1,2,1,0];   
   attribute<units/Class> src  (units/Domain): [0,1,3,2,0,1,2,1,0,3];
   attribute<string>      refs (units/Class):  ['A','A','B','A'];

   container attributes := 
         , units/Class/label
         , Regios
         , refs
attributes/class1 attributes/class2 attributes/class4
1 2 1
1 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 0

domain RegioA, nr of rows = 5


domain RegioB, nr of rows = 3

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