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Function discrete alloc
- discrete_alloc(arguments)
The discrete_alloc function is used to let the GeoDms perform discrete allocation.
# | argument | description | type | value type |
1 | TypeNames | This attribute contains the land-use type names. | attribute | string |
2 | LandUnitDomain | This domain unit defines the set of land units. It can be of any value type but usually defines a grid domain. | unit | uint32 |
3 | SuitabilityMaps | A container that contains an attribute for each land-use type that provides suitability for that land-use type for each land unit. | container | int32 |
4 | Partitionings | maps each land-use type to a partitioning id | attribute | uint8 |
5 | PartitioningNames | maps each partitioning to a partitioning name, such as "Province" or "Municipality". | attribute | string |
6 | AtomicRegions | Unit that defined the set of atomic regions. which are the smallest divisible regions of overlapping claim regions | unit | uint8/uint16 |
7 | AtomicRegionMap | attribute that defines to which atomic region each land unit belongs. | attribute | uint16 |
8 | MinClaims | minimum number of land units that should be allocated within that region to that land-use type | container | uint32 |
9 | MaxClaims | maximum number of land units that should be allocated within that region to that land-use type | container | uint32 |
10 | Threshold | minimum suitability value that a land use type should have to get allocated. A higher threshold allows fewer land-use types to get allocated which can result in no feasible solution remaining even when the FeasibilityTest succeeded. A value of allows any suitability. | parameter | int32 |
11 | FeasibleSolution | arbitrary container for possible future use | container | (empty) |
The result of the discrete_alloc function is a container with:
- attribute landuse(domain) an attribute that gives per land unit the resulting land use type
- parameter status: a text that
- parameter statusFlag.
- container shadow_prices: a container with for each LandUseType an attribute %Lut.Name%(%Lut.ClaimRegions%).
- total_allocated: a container with for each LandUseType an attribute %Lut.Name%(%Lut.ClaimRegions%).
- bid_price
Examples of possible resulting status texts are:
DiscreAlloc completed with a total magnified suitability of 48317397677 over 715179 land units = 67559.866379 per land unit, which is optimal.
This text means that an optimal allocation has been generated with an average magnified suitability of 67559.866379. Assuming a magnification factor of 100000, this represents an average suitability (aka transition potential) of 0.67559866379
ClaimRange(type 0 (Urban), Nuts2 3 (ITC3: Liguria)) = \[min 25883, max 26057\]; 26062 allocated for price {0, 0};
This indicates that five more land units were allocated than the max claim because no alternatives could be found for allocating urban land use without violating other restrictions.
The statusFlag indicates whether a feasible allocation has been generated (without violating any claim or threshold).
The total_allocated container presents a count of the allocation results per land use type per corresponding claim region.
This is similar to what can be produced with [reg_count] (Landuse, typeNames, RegionContainer, RegionRefs).
RegionContainer is a container with names partitionNames and values equal to the corresponding AtomicRegions/AR[atomicRegionMap] and
RegionRefs is defined as partitionNames[partitioning].
In future versions of the GeoDMS, the total_allocated sub-container could be removed or made optional, thus the usage of this part of the results is depreciated since they can easily be obtained by using reg_count explicitly.
container Disc_alloc :=
LandUsePreparation/CBSKlasse/name // 1 string attribute
, Input/Compacted/ADomain // 2 uint32 unit
, Input/Compacted/Suitability // 3 int32 container
, const(0[Partitioning], LandUsePreparation/CBSKlasse) // 4 uint8 attribute
, Partitioning/name // 5 string attribute
, Input/AggRegio // 6 uint16 unit
, Input/Compacted/AtomicRegionMap // 7 uint16 attribute
, Input/Claims/minclaims // 8 uint32 container
, Input/Claims/maxclaims // 9 uint32 container
, threshold // 10 int32 parameter
, FeasibleSolution // 11 (empty) container
- value 255 out of range of valid Atomic Regions
- solution: check for undefined values in the AtomicRegionMap. There might be gaps between regions, which will become undefined with poly2grid.
- Value 65535(a.k.a. null-value) out of range of valid Atomic Regions
- solution: check for undefined values in the AtomicRegionMap. There might be gaps between regions, which will become undefined with poly2grid.
Assuming that there is one solution to the optimization problem, knowing the shadow prices that result from the allocation means that the allocation can be regenerated by simply taking the land use type
Therefore, within the context of the discrete_alloc function, the shadow prices are also known as a splitter.
For an elaborate description of the splitter perspective, the sampling and scaling, and proof of the complexity bound of
Degenerate cases are cases where different allocations have the same total suitability, which means that there is a continuum of solutions to the optimization problem when
The discrete_alloc uses virtual perturbation, also known as (Simulation of simplicity: a technique to cope with degenerate cases in geometric algorithms, Edelsburnner et al.) to decide on degenerate cases. Within the discrete_alloc function, each suitability
Also, the shadow prices internally have an explicit
The discrete_alloc function uses a scaling method to find estimates for the shadow_prices before all data is processed. Instead of a random sample, the first
The shadow prices are initially set to 0. The scaling starts by dividing
Once an allocation of land use type
After processing each of the land units of a (scaled version of an) allocation while maintaining the feasibility of the maximum claim restrictions, a reversed procedure called UpdateSplitterDown is called repeatedly to get sufficient land allocated to meet the minimum claims.
The usage of RAM or Virtual Address Space by the discrete_alloc function for allocating
- administration of land use types and claim region names: insignificant
- administration of claims and their shadow prices and facets: PM.
- suitabilityMaps:
$K$ page-files of$N*sizeof(Int32)$ are mapped into memory. - atomicRegionMap: 1 page-file of
$N*sizeof(UInt16)$ is mapped into memory. - resulting landuse: 1 page-file of
$N*sizeof(UInt8)$ is mapped into memory. - ordered heaps with reallocation options: used part bounded by
$(K-1)*N*sizeof(UInt32)$ , but up to a double amount can be taken from the dynamic memory pool.
This totals
Given that in a Win32 process, approximately 1.5 GiB is available as heap addresses, the discrete_allocation without selective threshold is safe as long as
For each claim j that has an overlapping region with claim
The number of reallocation alternatives that are stored in these heaps is bounded by
The growth strategy of the ordered heaps is that when the required size overflows the reserved memory, a memory reallocation with double this size is requested from the dynamic memory pool. This can result in double the amount of memory reserved for the heaps that have been in use during any step of the discrete_alloc algorithm. Furthermore, the dynamic aspect of moving land unit indices from one facet to the other due to reallocations has not been thoroughly analyzed.
A strict threshold will reduce the amount of (re)allocation options and, therefore, the sizes of these ordered heaps.
The heap growing strategy could be reduced to only allocating a fraction
The discrete_alloc function supports the domain of the suitability maps and atomicRegionMap to be tiled (also known as segmented) by processing subsets of subsequent tiles as scaled versions of the total allocation where the allocations of the tiles before the current are frozen. So, the processing of each tile only considers alternatives for UpdateSplitterDown within that tile. This starts with only the first tile (aka tile 0), then the second tile (aka tile 1) with claims scaled to the number of land units of both tiles minus what has already been allocated in the first tile, etc. This we call the Tile By Tile Heuristic.
An unfortunate permutation of the domain can result in choices in the first tile(s) that are not optimal or even result in an Infeasible Solution when taking the alternatives of later tiles into account.
GeoDMS ©Object Vision BV. Source code distributed under GNU GPL-3. Documentation distributed under CC BY-SA 4.0.