This release has been based on GlassFish Server Open Source 4.1.2 which was released on March 31, 2017.
PAYARA-798 - EJB Remote Calls Hang out contacting server with multiple network interfaces
PAYARA-902 - EJB Remote Multiple Calls Hangout when exceeding thread-pool max size
PAYARA-933 - Admin console shutdown.jsf has erroneous "submit query" button
PAYARA-992 - Monitor dynamic configuration not working for JMX monitoring
PAYARA-1128 - Subset of buttons have a different look-and-feel
PAYARA-1200 - Injection doesn’t work for beans created by CDI extensions
PAYARA-1223 - WELD-000163: Non-unique bean deployment identifier detected
PAYARA-1426 - Healthcheck service isn’t dynamic on Payara Micro
PAYARA-1467 - The help text in the admin console is wrong for the EJB container pool
PAYARA-1468 - Fix "Severe: Unknow type constant pool 15 at position xxx" typo
PAYARA-1486 - The XMPP notifier incorrectly has the attribute "roomName" instead of "roomID"
PAYARA-1492 - Payara Micro, bootstrap and jdbc resource adapters not expanded
PAYARA-1495 - SEVERE exception from HttpServiceStatsProviderBootstrap during startup
PAYARA-1501 - Illegal non String type errors when JMX accessed
PAYARA-1503 - @Model CDI annotation is not supported by Payara Micro
PAYARA-1508 - Admin console login page and restart page footers have 2016 copyright
PAYARA-1516 - Accept env var references in values which accept multiple properties
PAYARA-1517 - Hazelcast uses server config rather than the specific config
PAYARA-1518 - PayaraInstance is not injectable in micro or server
PAYARA-1525 - Remove the Password Encryption Algorithm from JDBCRealm configuration
PAYARA-1532 - The command list-historic-requesttraces prints redundant empty lines
PAYARA-1536 - Admin console healthcheck must use notiferEnabled
PAYARA-1539 - Request tracing configure notifer throws exception
PAYARA-1563 - Connecting via JMX with security manager enabled gives access exceptions
PAYARA-1577 - Race condition when initializing JAX-WS endpoints
PAYARA-1589 - jboss.classfilewriter needs to be updated after update to Weld 2.4.x
PAYARA-1625 - Data-source from application.xml not available for JPA
PAYARA-1632 - Health Check shows an error when page first viewed
PAYARA-943 - Monitoring Logger needs integration with administration console
PAYARA-1152 - Create maven plugin for packaging a Payara Micro JAR
PAYARA-1161 - Ability to customize the contents of Payara Micro UBER jar
PAYARA-1395 - Enable full server to deploy applications from a maven repository like Nexus
PAYARA-1529 - Support JMS Clients and JCA MDBs in Payara Micro
PAYARA-1572 - Add pre- and post-boot commands to run from file
PAYARA-539 - Change self signed certs in payaradomain to Payara ones
PAYARA-1006 - Improvement to prevent
on Hazelcast threads -
PAYARA-1142 - Rename the Standalone instances page to be a general instances page
PAYARA-1199 - Allow disabling of IIOP-service when MDBs present
PAYARA-1255 - Enhance System Property Substitution on Deployment Descriptors or Annotations
PAYARA-1292 - Display information about REST endpoints after boot
PAYARA-1318 - Admin Console integration for listing historical traces of Health Check
PAYARA-1378 - Make setting up a Hazelcast cluster from the command line easier
PAYARA-1382 - Admin Console integration for selecting Request Tracing Notifiers
PAYARA-1398 - Enable configuration of max-post-size-bytes in admin console
PAYARA-1404 - Deselect the Tickbox for micro instances when a command fails
PAYARA-1445 - Add support for CDI event bus into Web Profile server
PAYARA-1451 - Add support for qualifiers on Outbound and Inbound events
PAYARA-1461 - Refactor core server to use the new public API JAR
PAYARA-1471 - Clarify the default unpack behavior of Payara Micro
PAYARA-1475 - The email notifier in the admin console does not have very obvious field names
PAYARA-1487 - Expand Cluster Executor Service to use the new Clustered Scheduled Executor in HZ 3.8
PAYARA-1509 - Enable conditional access logging on PEAccessLogValve
PAYARA-1511 - Support environment variables as well as System Properties for Micro
PAYARA-1562 - Add the ability to set a different log file name to the log notifier
PAYARA-1573 - Support for spec data-source element without user element
PAYARA-1574 - Admin Console Integration for selecting Notifiers for the Healthcheck service
PAYARA-1578 - Incorporate improvements provided on usage of the Smack API
PAYARA-1628 - Remove redundant "-server" JVM option from PayaraDomain