Releases: terascope/teraslice
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v2.12.7...v2.12.8
What's Changed
- [CI] Add inputs to workflow_dispatch of daily-docker-cache.yml by @busma13 in #3963
- [development] Add more services to example helmfile by @sotojn in #3966
- bundled deps update 2025-02-18 by @sotojn in #3970
- Bump teraslice to v2.12.7 by @sotojn in #3972
Full Changelog: v2.12.6...v2.12.7
What's Changed
Note: This release was built on the wrong base image, it should work and resolve the memory leak described in #3945, but there will be an improved v2.12.5
release soon.
- [teraslice-messaging] fix memory leak caused by abortController by @busma13 in #3952
- Es client total fixes by @jsnoble in #3925
- bundled deps update 2025-01-27 by @sotojn in #3924
- Parse json escape unicode by @ciorg in #3927
- bundled dependency updates by @busma13 in #3940
Full Changelog: v2.12.3...v2.12.4
What's Changed
Note this is a test release to help debug the Memory Leak outlined in issue #3945
- [Teraslice 2.12.4-rc.1] Build teraslice docker image from base image with node 22.12.0 and terafoundation_kafka_connector 1.0.0 by @busma13 in #3948
Full Changelog: v2.12.4-rc.0...v2.12.4-rc.1
What's Changed
Note this is a test release to help debug the Memory Leak outlined in issue #3945
[teraslice] Revert to base docker image using terafoundation_kafka_connector 1.0.0 and node 22.9.0 for testing by @busma13 in #3944
[chart] Remove teraslice entry from index.yaml by @sotojn in #3934
[teraslice-cli] clean up 'jobs export' command to run serially without pMap by @busma13 in #3936
[e2e, scripts] Start K8s e2e from helmfile by @busma13 in #3929
[e2e] update kind Configs used in k8s-env to put teraslice port mapping first. by @busma13 in #3941
Full Changelog: v2.12.3...v2.12.4-rc.0
What's Changed
- [teraslice-chart] Add Teraslice Helm Chart Release Workflow by @sotojn in #3915
- [CI] Helm chart workflow fix by @sotojn in #3918
- [CI] fix chart publish from overwriting teraslice registry by @sotojn in #3919
- Update typedoc (0.27.6) and docusaurus (3.7.0) by @busma13 in #3914
Full Changelog: v2.12.2...v2.12.3
What's Changed
- [Chart] Set prom_metrics_display_url automatically by @sotojn in #3886
- [workspace] fix release automation - use personal access token, log slack api failures by @busma13 in #3905
- [workspace] Improve slack release message by @busma13 in #3907
- Bundled dependency updates 2025-1-21 by @busma13 in #3912
Full Changelog: v2.12.1...v2.12.2
What's Changed
- [xlucene-parser] Fix xlucene-parser postinstall permissions for npm by @sotojn in #3901
- [workspace] add workflow job to automate Teraslice releases by @busma13 in #3895
- [teraslice, workspace] Update typescript to 5.7.3, body-parser to 1.20.3 by @busma13 in #3903
Full Changelog: v2.12.0...v2.12.1