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Production Deployments

lvca edited this page Dec 22, 2012 · 5 revisions

Production deployments


Since a lot of users are using OrientDB in production why don't collect them all in one page?

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SKY uses OrientDB in production.

Spielo SPIELO International™ designs, manufactures, and distributes top-performing games, cabinets, central systems, and associated software to legal gaming markets around the world. SPIELO uses OrientDB to store millions of documents every day. Thanks to OrientDB SPIELO can analyze its huge amount of data in real time.

NuvolaBase provides database as service in the Cloud. The entire infrastructure is based on OrientDB servers in clustered configuration with more than 500 online databases

UltraDNS is one the top the DNS providers, serving many top-level domains (TLDs) as well as second-level domains (SLDs). This requires handling of several hundreds of thousands of zones with many containing millions of records each. Even with all of its success UltraDNS had fallen into a rut several years ago, its release schedule had become haphazard at best and the team was struggling to keep up with feature requests in a waterfall development style. As a result our DNS server was able to move to a model that keeps almost every zone in memory while serving the data out of a lock-free pipeline. This yielded significant performance improvement that resulted in a >7x QPS processing capacity on a per DNS server basis. Full story: How UltraDNS Handles Hundreds Of Thousands Of Zones And Tens Of Millions Of Records.

Presentz is a mashup, as it merges things like Vimeo, Youtube, Slideshare and Speakerdeck. But you can use images and video files as well, unleashing the HTML5 video tag power. Presentz wants to be easy to use: watch a talk, comment it, make a brand new one and share it. If there is something that doesn't work for you, tell us by email or on twitter: we'll fix it. Take a look at the featured talks: the demos are just below, the others are in the talks section.

GRANDSLA is a startup company that has invented a new Cloud Governance SaaS, aiming to revolutionize the way cloud services are sold in the market. Our platform is built on a high performance distributed architecture to support intensive SLA data processing in a scalable fashion. The GRANDSLA multi-tenant SaaS architecture stores customers' data in separate databases to ensure data isolation. Each database relies on OrientDB to store and process Contracts, SLAs and KPIs data for our customers allowing full governance and orchestration over Cloud Services. After many researches and benchmarks on modern relational databases and NOSQL databases we've selected OrientDB technology for performance, reliability and high flexibility on the data format. Using schema-less and schema-mixed modes we are able to load data from different data sources without applying complex data trasformations with a huge reduction of integration time.

Scenari is a French suite to design and manage xml structured documents. SCENARIserver 4 uses OrientDB's transactional storage layer. Orient & Scenari are currently deployed with several customers, notably:,,,

Finance Solutions Of America LLC uses OrientDB for custom internal applications. After researching the landscape of various types of databases I ultimately chose OrientDB because of: Licensing: OrientDB uses the Apache 2.0 license which is extremely liberal. “Free for any use.” Running OrientDB with no upfront software cost can be a large win for companies on a budget who still want enterprise quality software. Data Analysis: SQL syntax + gremlin graph traversal language = VERY powerful ways to explore, grow and analyze your graph. Your limitations shift from your hardware and software to your imagination. Flexibility: mixing schema-full/-mixed/-less allows you to arbitrarily add/remove criteria from your schema at will. I found it to be a very easy and eye-opening transition from working with traditional SQL-based RDBMS. Performance: refactoring code to use OrientDB has yielded impressive results. Often on the order of 10-100+ times performance gain. Even modest servers will be able to outperform what you would normally expect of a database. Availability and stability: Luca and the OrientDB community respond with lightning speed and are a pleasure to communicate with. Bug-fixes can happen within hours to one day rather than several days/weeks/months. The mail list is active with kind and helpful advice and there is commercial support available for those who require more specialized attention. Multi-master replication brings enterprise stability and redundancy to build very robust applications. I highly recommend this up and coming database to those interested in leveraging the power of document-graph technology or simply improving their existing application - David Bloom, CTO Finance Solutions of America LLC

AssetData uses OrientDB in production for many solutions. The main are:
and Stess Correlato

Celi company is actually using OrientDB in three different ways:
1) as a simple datastore for storing user's bookmarks: not so much records, but growing constantly every day
2) as a document storage for a very specialized crawler: more than 100k documents, daily updates with 1k new docs. It allows us to incrementally add new docs in different format and incrementally analyse them. Documents are XML, DOC, PDF, stored as binary data. We are planning to replicate this deployment in upcoming projects.
3) as the back end for the new inflected-form morphology service: in this scenario it is used most as a key value with a very high rate of requests since the db for each single word in a text to be analyzed. The access to the db is backed by a cache on the client, but cache can't be too big. The system caches locally at least 50k entries, while the db has 1,4M entries. This way we have a centralized morphology service. Performance are quite similar to the locally deployed FSM-based. The analysis system runs distributed, so there are many clients querying the db at the same time with very high rate of requests.
Why OrientDB?
First, Orient give us a lot of flexibility on the data format. No schema, or at least a minimal schema, means no pain when adding new fields or new relations. Flexibility on query with different level of abstractions and apis: document, graph, binary. Flexibility on the way to interact with the db: java-api, SQL, text-console, REST interface. It's written in java and we have got a lot of java experience, on performance tuning too. So it's easy for us to tune the db, dive the code and share our knowledge to the community.

The ForgeRock open platform strategy sets the standard for a secure and integrated platform that lets you leverage your IT infrastructure to reach the next level.
OrientDB is the default DBMS bundled with the distribution.

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