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lvca edited this page Dec 14, 2012 · 2 revisions

Greetings from OrientDB world-wide team

This page is to provide a more "human" face to the software development behind OrientDB. The idea born after a nice email received from the Exigen team.

The next year, 2012, seems to be THE year for Graph Databases. I bet on OrientDB. In the meanwhile happy holidays and new year!

Luca Garulli

2011 has been a great year for OrientDB: a heap of releases, new features and so many bugs fixed. The next official 1.0 is really close.

Thanks a lot to the entire world-wide team and happy new year!

Luca Molino

Thanks a lot to all contributors, we really made a huge and wonderful work. Happy New Year, and i'm sure the 2012 will give us more and more! well... at least until 21-12 hihihi

Exigen team

In the picture from the left: Maxim Fedorov, Andrey Lomakin, Artem Orobets and Artem Loginov

Sylvain Spinelli

NuvolaBase team

In the picture from the left: Luca Garulli, Dino Ciuffetti and Alfonso Focareta

Anton Terekhov ( team)

Thanks to community and contributors for this awesome project. The 1.0-RELEASE will ROCK! Happy New Year and great holidays to everyone!

Alessandro Nadalin

Green eyes and green tests for OrientDB's groundbreaking new year!

Bayoda team


= Also known as CatsMuvva because my cats (on whom I dote) treat me as part of the furniture % =

I'm the Grammar and Spelling Nazi hoping to ensure that the documentation is unambiguous. No picture (yet) because I'm vain and don't have one that I'd be happy to publicise.

Auguri per l'Anno Nuovo, spero che porta ai tutti gli utenti di OrientDb tranquilità e prosperità. Best wishes for the New Year. I hope it brings peace and prosperity to all OrientDb users.

% "The cat's mother" is a difficult-to-translate English expression that carries a sense that the person being referred to is not very important to the speaker (in this case the cats).

Salvatore Piccione (aka ImpariTuriddu)

Best wishes for a happy New Year's starting and a wonderful 2012!!!

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