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lvca edited this page Dec 22, 2012 · 3 revisions

Guide to improve performance based on the use case


This guide contains the general tips to optimize your application that use the OrientDB. Below you can find links for the specific guides different per database type used.

General settings

JVM settings

The JVM settings suggested when you run your application that uses OrientDB are:

    -server -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:CompileThreshold=200


OrientDB can be configured in several ways. To know the current configuration use the console with the config command.

To dump the OrientDB configuration you can set a parameter at JVM launch:

    java -Denvironment.dumpCfgAtStartup=true ...

Or via API at any time:


By command line

java -Dcache.size=10000 -Dstorage.keepOpen=true ...

By server configuration

Put in the <properties> section of the file orientdb-server-config.xml the entries to configure. Example:

        <entry name="cache.size" value="10000" />
        <entry name="storage.keepOpen" value="true" />

At run-time



To know more look at the Java enum:

Area Parameter Default 32bit Default 64bit Default Server 32bit Default Server 64bit Allowed input Description Since
Environment environment.dumpCfgAtStartup true true true true true or false Dumps the configuration at application startup
Environment environment.concurrent true true true true true or false Specifies if running in multi-thread environment. Setting this to false turns off the internal lock management
Memory memory.optimizeThreshold 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.5-0.95 Threshold of heap memory where to start the optimization of memory usage. Deprecated since 1.0rc7
Storage storage.keepOpen true true true true true or false Tells to the engine to not close the storage when a database is closed. Storages will be closed when the process will shutdown
Storage storage.record.lockTimeout 5000 5000 5000 5000 0-N Maximum timeout in milliseconds to lock a shared record
Cache cache.level1.enabled true true false false true or false Uses the level-1 cache
Cache cache.level1.size -1 -1 0 0 -1 - N Size of the Level-1 cache in terms of record entries. -1 means no limit but when the free Memory Heap is low then cache entries are freed
Cache cache.level2.enabled true true false false true or false Uses the level-2 cache
Cache cache.level2.size -1 -1 0 0 -1 - N Size of the Level-2 cache in terms of record entries. -1 means no limit but when the free Memory Heap is low then cache entries are freed
Database db.mvcc true true true true true or false Enable Multi Version Control Checking (MVCC) or not
Database object.saveOnlyDirty false false false false true or false Object Database saves only object bound to dirty records
Database nonTX.recordUpdate.synch false false false false true or false Executes a synch against the file-system at every record operation. This slows down records updates but guarantee reliability on unreliable drives
Transaction tx.useLog true true true true true or false Transactions use log file to store temporary data to being rollbacked in case of crash
Transaction tx.log.fileType classic classic classic classic 'classic' or 'mmap' File type to handle transaction logs: mmap or classic
Transaction tx.log.synch false false false false true or false Executes a synch against the file-system for each log entry. This slows down transactions but guarantee transaction reliability on non-reliable drives
Transaction tx.commit.synch false false true true true or false Synchronizes the storage after transaction commit (see [Disable the disk synch](#Disable_the_disk_synch))
TinkerPop Blueprints blueprints.graph.txMode 0 0 0 0 0 or 1 Transaction mode used in TinkerPop Blueprints implementation. 0 = Automatic (default), 1 = Manual
Index true true true true Auto rebuild all automatic indexes after upon database open when wasn't closed propertly 1.3.0
MVRB Tree (index and dictionary) mvrbtree.lazyUpdates 20000 20000 1 1 -1=Auto, 0=always lazy until express lazySave() is called by application, 1=No lazy, commit at each change. >1=Commit at every X changes Configure the MVRB Trees (indexes and dictionaries) as buffered or not
MVRB Tree (index and dictionary) mvrbtree.nodePageSize 128 128 128 128 63-65535 Page size of each single node. 1,024 means that 1,024 entries can be stored inside a node
MVRB Tree (index and dictionary) mvrbtree.loadFactor 0.7f 0.7f 0.7f 0.7f 0.1-0.9 HashMap load factor
MVRB Tree (index and dictionary) mvrbtree.optimizeThreshold 200000 200000 200000 200000 10-N Auto optimize the MVRB Tree every X operations as get, put and remove. -1=Auto (default)
MVRB Tree (index and dictionary) mvrbtree.entryPoints 16 16 16 16 1-200 Number of entry points to start searching entries
MVRB Tree (index and dictionary) mvrbtree.optimizeEntryPointsFactor 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f 0.1-N Multiplicand factor to apply to entry-points list (parameter mvrbtree.entrypoints) to determine if needs of optimization
MVRB Tree RIDs (index and dictionary) mvrbtree.ridBinaryThreshold 8 8 8 8 -1 - N Valid for set of rids. It's the threshold as number of entries to use the binary streaming instead of classic string streaming. -1 means never use binary streaming
MVRB Tree RIDs (index and dictionary) mvrbtree.ridNodePageSize 16 16 16 16 4 - N Page size of each treeset node. 16 means that 16 entries can be stored inside each node
MVRB Tree RIDs (index and dictionary) mvrbtree.ridNodeSaveMemory False False False False true or false Save memory usage by avoid keeping RIDs in memory but creating them at every access
Lazy Collections lazyset.workOnStream true true false false true or false Work directly on streamed buffer to reduce memory footprint and improve performance
File (I/O) file.lock false false false false true or false Locks the used files so other process can't modify them
File (I/O) file.defrag.strategy 0 0 0 0 0,1 Strategy to recycle free space. 0=recycles the first hole with enough size (default): fast, 1=recycles the best hole: better usage of space but slower
File (I/O) file.defrag.holeMaxDistance 32768 (32Kb) 32768 (32Kb) 32768 (32Kb) 32768 (32Kb) 8K-N Max distance in bytes between holes to execute the defrag of them. Set it to -1 to use dynamic size. Pay attention that is db is huge, then moving blocks to defrag could be expensive
File (I/O) file.mmap.useOldManager false false false false true or false Manager that will be used to handle mmap files. true = USE OLD MANAGER, false = USE NEW MANAGER
File (I/O) file.mmap.lockMemory true true true true true or false When using new map manager this parameter specify prevent memory swap or not. true = LOCK MEMORY, false = NOT LOCK MEMORY(If you want this parameter take effect you need to have Orient Native OS jar in class path)
File (I/O) file.mmap.blockSize 1048576 (1Mb) 1048576 (1Mb) 1048576 (1Mb) 1048576 (1Mb) 10k-N Size of the memory mapped block(this property takes effect only if file.mmap.useOldManager is set up to true)
File (I/O) file.mmap.bufferSize 8192 (8Kb) 8192 (8Kb) 8192 (8Kb) 8192 (8Kb) 1K-N Size of the buffer for direct access to the file through the channel(this property takes effect only if file.mmap.useOldManager is set up to true)
File (I/O) file.mmap.maxMemory 134217728 (134Mb) (maxOsMemory - maxProcessHeapMemory) / 2 134217728 (134Mb) (maxOsMemory - maxProcessHeapMemory) / 2 100000-the maximum allowed by OS Max memory allocable by memory mapping manager. Note that on 32bit OS the limit is to 2Gb but can change to OS by OS(this property takes effect only if file.mmap.useOldManager is set up to true)
File (I/O) file.mmap.overlapStrategy 2 2 2 2 0-2 Strategy when a request overlap in-memory buffers: 0 = Use the channel access, 1 = force the in memory buffer and use the channel access, 2 = always create an overlapped in-memory buffer (default) (this property takes effect only if file.mmap.useOldManager is set up to true)
File (I/O) file.mmap.forceDelay 500 (0.5sec) 500 (0.5sec) 500 (0.5sec) 500 (0.5sec) 100-5000 Delay time in ms to wait for another force flush of the memory mapped block to the disk
File (I/O) file.mmap.forceRetry 20 20 20 20 0-N Number of times the memory mapped block will try to flush to the disk
JNA jna.disable.system.library true true true true true or false This property disable to using JNA installed in your system. And use JNA bundled with database.
Networking (I/O) network.socketBufferSize 32768 32768 32768 32768 8K-N TCP/IP Socket buffer size
Networking (I/O) network.lockTimeout 15000 (15secs) 15000 (15secs) 15000 (15secs) 15000 (15secs) 0-N Timeout in ms to acquire a lock against a channel, 0=no timeout
Networking (I/O) network.socketTimeout 10000 (10secs) 10000 (10secs) 10000 (10secs) 10000 (10secs) 0-N TCP/IP Socket timeout in ms, 0=no timeout
Networking (I/O) network.retry 5 5 5 5 0-N Number of times the client connection retries to connect to the server in case of failure
Networking (I/O) network.retryDelay 500 (0.5sec) 500 (0.5sec) 500 (0.5sec) 500 (0.5sec) 1-N Number of ms the client wait to reconnect to the server in case of failure
Networking (I/O) network.binary.maxLength 100000 (100Kb) 100000 (100Kb) 100000 (100Kb) 100000 (100Kb) 1K-N TCP/IP max content length in bytes of BINARY requests
Networking (I/O) network.binary.readResponse.maxTime 30 30 30 30 0-N Maximum time (in seconds) to wait until response will be read. Otherwise response will be dropped from chanel 1.0rc9
Networking (I/O) network.binary.debug false false false false true or false Debug mode: print all the incoming data on binary channel
Networking (I/O) network.http.maxLength 100000 (100Kb) 100000 (100Kb) 100000 (100Kb) 100000 (100Kb) 1000-N TCP/IP max content length in bytes of HTTP requests
Networking (I/O) network.http.charset utf-8 utf-8 utf-8 utf-8 Supported HTTP charsets Http response charset
Networking (I/O) network.http.sessionExpireTimeout 300 (5min) 300 (5min) 300 (5min) 300 (5min) 0-N Timeout to consider a http session expired in seconds
Profiler profiler.enabled false false false false true or false Enable the recording of statistics and counters
Profiler profiler.autoDump.interval 0 0 0 0 0=inactive >0=time in seconds Dumps the profiler values at regular intervals. Time is expressed in seconds 1.0rc8
Profiler profiler.autoDump.reset true true true true true or false Resets the profiler at every auto dump 1.0rc8
Profiler profiler.config null null null null String with 3 values separated by comma with the format: <seconds-for-snapshot>,<archive-snapshot-size>,<summary-size> Configure the profiler 1.2.0
Log log.console.level info info info info fine, info, warn, error Console's logging level
Log log.file.level fine fine fine fine fine, info, warn, error File's logging level
Client 1 1 1 1 1-N Minimum size of the channel pool
Client 5 5 5 5 1-N maximum size of the channel pool
Server 5000 5000 5000 5000 0-N Time in ms of delay to check pending closed connections 1.0
Server server.log.dumpClientExceptionLevel FINE FINE FINE FINE OFF, FINE, CONFIG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE Logs client exceptions. Use any level supported by Java java.util.logging.Level class 1.0
Server server.log.dumpClientExceptionFullStackTrace false false false false true or false Dumps the full stack trace of the exception to sent to the client 1.0
Server server.cache.staticFile false false false false true or false Cache static resources after loaded. It was server.cache.file.static before 1.0
Distributed cluster distributed.async.timeDelay 0 0 0 0 0-N Delay time (in ms) of synchronization with slave nodes. 0 means early synchronization
Distributed cluster distributed.sync.maxRecordsBuffer 100 100 100 100 0-10000 Maximum number of records to buffer before to send to the slave nodes

NOTE: On 64-bit systems you have not the limitation of 32-bit systems with memory.

Memory optimization

What can makes the difference is the right balancing between the heap and the virtual memory used by Memory Mapping, specially on large datasets (GBs, TBs and more) where the in memory cache structures count less than raw IO.

For example if you can assign 4GB to the Java process, it could be better assigning small heap and large Virtual Memory. Rather than:

    java -Xmx4g ...

You could instead try this:

    java -Xmx800m -Dfile.mmap.maxMemory=3.2gb ...

The parameter file.mmap.maxMemory tells how much memory to use for the Memory Mapping at the storage level. The default value for 32-bit systems is very tiny (134 Mb) but with 32-bit architecture you have a lot of limitation and you need to pay attention to set it too large. On 64 bit systems I suggest to set it to: ( os tot memory - orientdb heap ) * 85%. 85% should be reduced when you're running other memory expensive process on your OS.

On 64 bit systems the default value is (maxOsMemory - maxProcessHeapMemory) / 2.

NOTE: If you use too much memory your system will goes in swap and the entire machine will slow down. Play with this parameter in order to find the best value for your configuration.

File System access strategy

This is more technical. It tells to the storage engine the strategy to use when access to the file system. Previous versions always used the 0 strategy, namely uses Memory Mapping techniques for all. Mode 1 tells to use Memory Mapping but on reads only if there is room in memory, otherwise regular Java NIO file channel read will be used. The strategy 2 is more conservative since reads will use Memory Mapping only if the requested data has already been loaded in memory. The strategy 3 means use Memory Mapping until there is space in the pool, then use regular Java NIO file channel read/write. Strategy 4 means don't use Memory Mapping at all.

By default the strategy 1 is used, but feel free to test the others to know what is the best for your use case.

Remote connections

There are many ways to improve performance when you access to the database using the remote connection.

Network Connection Pool

Each client, by default, uses only one network connection to talk with the server. Multiple threads on the same client share the same network connection pool.

When you've multiple threads could be a bottleneck since a lot of time is spent on waiting for a free network connection. This is the reason why is much important to configure the network connection pool.

The configurations is very simple, just 2 parameters:

  • minPool, is the initial size of the connection pool. The default value is configured as global parameters "" (see parameters)
  • maxPool, is the maximum size the connection pool can reach. The default value is configured as global parameters "" (see parameters)

At first connection the minPool is used to pre-create network connections against the server. When a client thread is asking for a connection and all the pool is busy, then it tries to create a new connection until maxPool is reached.

If all the pool connections are busy, then the client thread will wait for the first free connection.

Example of configuration by using database properties:

    database = new ODatabaseDocumentTx("remote:localhost/demo");
    database.setProperty("minPool", 2);
    database.setProperty("maxPool", 5);"admin", "admin");

Enlarge timeouts

If you see a lot of messages like:

    WARNIGN: Connection re-acquired transparently after XXXms and Y retries: no errors will be thrown at application level 

means that probably default timeouts are too low and server side operation need more time to complete. It's strongly suggested you enlarge your timeout only after tried to enlarge the Network Connection Pool. The timeout parameters to tune are:

  • network.lockTimeout, the timeout in ms to acquire a lock against a channel. The default is 15 seconds.
  • network.socketTimeout, the TCP/IP Socket timeout in ms. The default is 10 seconds.


Use of indexes

The first improvement to speed up queries is to create Indexes against the fields used in WHERE conditions. For example this query:

    SELECT FROM Profile WHERE name = 'Jay' 

Browses the entire "profile" cluster looking for records that satisfy the conditions. The solution is to create an index against the 'name' property with:


Use NOTUNIQUE instead of UNIQUE if the value is not unique.

For more complex queries like

    select * from testClass where prop1 = ? and prop2 = ?

Composite index should be used

    CREATE INDEX compositeIndex ON testClass (prop1, prop2) UNIQUE

or via Java API:

    oClass.createIndex("compositeIndex", OClass.INDEX_TYPE.UNIQUE, "prop1", "prop2");

Moreover, because of partial match searching, this index will be used for optimizing query like

    select * from testClass where prop1 = ?

For deep understanding of query optimization look at the unit test:

Right usage of the graph

OrientDB is a graph database. This means that traversing is very efficient. You can use this feature to optimize queries. A common technique is the Pivoting.

Avoid use of @rid in WHERE conditions

Using @rid in where conditions slow down queries. Much better to use the RecordID as target. Example:

Change this:

    SELECT FROM Profile WHERE @rid = #10:44

With this:

    SELECT FROM #10:44


    SELECT FROM Profile WHERE @rid IN [#10:44, #10:45]

With this:

    SELECT FROM [#10:44, #10:45]

Massive Insertion

Use the Massive Insert intent

Intents suggest to OrientDB what you're going to do. In this case you're telling to OrientDB that you're executing a massive insertion. OrientDB auto-reconfigure itself to obtain the best performance. When done you can remove the intent just setting it to null.


    db.declareIntent( new OIntentMassiveInsert() );
    db.declareIntent( null );

Massive Updates

Updates generates "holes" at Storage level because rarely the new record fits perfectly the size of the previous one. Holes are free spaces between data. Holes are recycled but an excessive number of small holes it's the same as having a highly defragmented File System: space is wasted (because small holes can't be easily recycled) and performance degrades when the database growth.


If you know you will update certain type of records, create a class for them and set the Oversize (default is 0) to 2 or more.

By default the OGraphVertex class has an oversize value setted at 2. If you define your own classes set this value at least at 2.

OClass myClass = getMetadata().getSchema().createClass("Car"); myClass.setOverSize(2);

Wise use of transactions

To obtain real linear performance with OrientDB you should avoid to use Transactions as far as you can. In facts OrientDB keeps in memory all the changes until you flush it with a commit. So the bottleneck is your Heap space and the management of local transaction cache (implemented as a Map).

Transactions slow down massive inserts unless you're using a "remote" connection. In that case it speeds up all the insertion because the client/server communication happens only at commit time.

Disable Transaction Log

If you need to group operations to speed up remote execution in a logical transaction but renouncing to the Transaction Log, just disable it by setting the property tx.useLog to false.

Via JVM configuration:

    java ... -Dtx.useLog=false ...

or via API:


NOTE: Please note that in case of crash of the JVM the pending transaction OrientDB could not be able to rollback it.

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