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Installation guide

Installation needs you have downloaded OrientDB before. If you haven't an OrientDB distribution goto Download.

Installation requirements

Operating System

OrientDB runs on every operating system that has an implementation of Java Virtual Machine (JVM). These include:

  • All Linux distributions, included for ARM (Raspberry Pi, etc)
  • Mac OS X
  • Microsoft Windows from 95/NT onward
  • Sun Solaris
  • HP-UX

Java Runtime Environment

OrientDB requires Java SE 6 to be installed in order to deploy the Server component. Client applications can be written using Java SE 5.

You can check which version of Java SE you have installed by typing "java -version" in a command shell (or a command prompt for Windows users):

    > java -version
    java version "1.6.0_20"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode, sharing)


Regular distribution

Orient is distributed in a ZIP file. You can download the latest version at the Download Page. To install, just extract the contents of ZIP archive into a folder on your PC.

Contents of the archive

The Orient distribution contains the following folders:

Folder Description
benchmarks Set of performance tests
bin Scripts to run Orient server and console
config Configuration files
databases Default place to store databases
lib Compiled Java archives with OrientDB
log Server log files
www OrientDB-Studio application

Starting the server

To start OrientDB server, go to the bin folder and run script for Unix-like operating system, or server.bat for Windows. You may have to set the execute permission on the script file before running it.

Running the console

Once Orient is installed on your system, you can open the console by double-clicking on console script or by executing it from a command shell. The output should be like this:

    ORIENT database v.0.9.3
    Type 'help' to display all the commands supported

Type ? to show all the commands supported by the console. FOr ore information about them, go to Console Commands. By typing ? command, output will be the following:

    > ?
    * create database     Create a new database
    * create cluster      Create a new cluster inside a database
    * create record       Create a new record
    * load record         Load a record in memory and set it as the current one
    * display record      Display current record's attributes
    * browse class        Browse all the records of a class
    * browse cluster      Browse all the records of a cluster
    * clusters            Display all the configured clusters
    * dictionary keys     Display all the keys in the database dictionary
    * dictionary get      Loookup for a record using the dictionary. If found, set it as the current record
    * dictionary put      Insert or modify an entry in the database dictionary. The entry is comprised by key=String, value=record-id
    * dictionary remove   Remove the association in the dictionary
    * export database     Export a database
    * export record       Export the current record in the requested format
    * get                 Return the value of a property
    * classes             Display all the configured classes
    * set                 Change the value of a property
    * connect             Connect to a database
    * properties          Return all the configured properties
    * info                Display information about current status
    * disconnect          Disconnect from the current database
    * select              Execute a query against the database and display the results
    * help                Print this help
    * exit                Close the console

You can now open the demo database shipped with the OrientDB distribution by using the connect command:

connect local:../databases/demo/demo admin admin

This will open the database located "locally" in your file system using the administrator account. For more information about the databases and the proper formats of URLs go here. The output of the previous command should be the following:

> connect local:../databases/demo/demo admin admin
Connecting to database [local:../databases/demo/demo]...OK

Once connected, you may view the information about the database by typing info command:

> info
Current database: ../databases/demo/demo
NAME                |  ID  | TYPE               | ELEMENTS  |
metadata            |     0|Physical            |        11 |
index               |     1|Physical            |         0 |
default             |     2|Physical            |       779 |
csv                 |     3|Physical            |      1000 |
binary              |     4|Physical            |      1001 |
person              |     5|Physical            |         7 |
animal              |     6|Physical            |         5 |
animalrace          |    -2|Logical             |         0 |
animaltype          |    -3|Logical             |         1 |
orderitem           |    -4|Logical             |         0 |
order               |    -5|Logical             |         0 |
city                |    -6|Logical             |         3 |
TOTAL                                                  2807 |

NAME                |  ID  | CLUSTERS                                 | ELEMENTS  |
Person              |     0| person                                   |         7 |
Animal              |     1| animal                                   |         5 |
AnimalRace          |     2| AnimalRace                               |         0 |
AnimalType          |     3| AnimalType                               |         1 |
OrderItem           |     4| OrderItem                                |         0 |
Order               |     5| Order                                    |         0 |
City                |     6| City                                     |         3 |
TOTAL                                                                          16 |


Now you have OrientDB installed at your machine and we suggest you to study the following pages of the manual to start integrating it with your applications:

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