- Fix Hive
type parsing. #24538 - Fix Iceberg date column filtering. #24583
- Fix OSS connectors affected by changes. #24528
- Fix a security bug when
is true for queries that uses aWITH
clause. Previously we would sometime not check permissions for certain columns that were used in the query. Now we will always check permissions for all columns used in the query. There are some corner cases for CTEs with the same name where we may check more columns than are used or fall back to checking all columns referenced in the query. #24647 - Fix silently returning incorrect results when trying to construct a TimestampWithTimeZone from a value that has a unix timestamp that is too large/small. #24674
- Improve error handling of
operators when experiencing overflows. :pr:`24353`. #24353 - Improve scheduling by using long instead of DataSize for critical path. #24582
- Add :doc:`../troubleshoot` topic to the Presto documentation. #24601
- Add Arrow Flight connector :pr:`24427`. #24427
- Add a MySQL-compatible function
that returns the count of bits for the given string. #24531 - Add configuration property
. #23968 - Add documentation for file-based Hive metastore to :doc:`/installation/deployment`. #24620
- Add documentation for the :doc:`/connector/base-arrow-flight` :pr:`24427`. #24427
- Add pagesink for DELETES to support future use. #24528
- Add serialization for new types. #24528
- Add support to build Presto with JDK 17. #24677
- Added a new optimizer rule to add exchanges below a combination of partial aggregation+ GroupId . Enabled with the boolean session property enable_forced_exchange_below_group_id. #24047
- Replace depreciated
in response to a high severity vulnerability [WS-2022-0322](opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards#2482). #24167 - Enable file-based hive metastore to use HDFS/S3 location as warehouse dir. #24660
- Enable node pool type specification when reporting to the coordinator from a C++ worker. #24569
- Make the number of task event loop configurable via a configuration file. #24565
- Refactored org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api out if root POM. #24605
- Refactored org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core out of root POM. #24605
- Update beginDelete to return the new types, and finishDelete to accept the new types. #24528
- Upgrade bootstrap to version 5. #24167
- Upgrade jQuery to version 3.7.1. #24167
- Upgrade libthrift to 0.14.1 in response to CVE-2020-13949. #24462
- Upgrade netty dependencies to version 4.1.115.Final in response to CVE-2024-47535 <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-47535>. #24586
- Upgraded org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api from 2.17.1 to 2.24.3 in response to CVE-2024-47554 <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-47554>. #24507
- Upgraded org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core from 2.17.1 to 2.24.3 in response to CVE-2024-47554<https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-47554>. #24507
- Upgrade commons-text to 1.13.0 in response to `CVE-2024-47554<https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-47554>`_. #24467
- Upgrade org.apache.ratis to 3.1.3 in response to `CVE-2020-15250<https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-15250>`_. #24496
- Fix Parquet read failing for nested Decimal types :pr:`24440`. #24440
- Fix getting views for Hive metastore 2.3+. #24466
- Add session property
for disabling reader stats based filter reordering. #24630 - Replaced return type of beginDelete. #24528
- Rename session property
. #24637
- Fix IcebergTableHandle implementation to work with new types used in begin/finishDelete. #24528
- Fix bug with missing statistics when the statistics file cache has a partial miss. #24480
- Add
table property. #24417 - Add
session property. #24417 - Add a dedicated subclass of FileHiveMetastore for Iceberg connector to capture and isolate the differences in behavior. #24573
- Add connector configuration property
for Hadoop catalog to specify root data write path for its new created tables. #24397 - Add logic to iceberg type converter for timestamp with timezone :pr:`23534`. #23534
- Add manifest file caching for deployments which use the Hive metastore. #24481
- Add support for the
configuration property andaffinity_scheduling_file_section_size
session property. #24598 - Add support of
renaming table
for Iceberg connector when configured withHIVE
file catalog. #24312 - Add table properties
to specify independent data write paths for Iceberg tables. #24397 - Enable manifest caching by default. #24481
- Support for Iceberg table sort orders. Tables can be created to add a list of sorted_by columns which will be used to order files written to the table. #21977
- Replaced return type of beginDelete. #24528
- Add config property
to allow toggling of char columns to varchar columns. #24406
- Add ConnectorSession as an argument to PlanChecker.validate and PlanChecker.validateFragment. #24557
- Add DeleteTableHandle support these changes in Metadata. #24528
- Add
to customize expression evaluation in the Presto coordinator. :pr:`24144`. #24144 - Add a separate ConnectorDeleteTableHandle interface for ConnectorMetadata.beginDelete and ConnectorMetadata.finishDelete, replacing the previous usage of ConnectorTableHandle. #24528
- Move IndexSourceNode to the SPI. #24678
- Improve cryptographic protocol in response to java:S4423. #24474
- Iceberg connector support for
SQL statements. #24281
Abe Varghese, Amit Dutta, Anant Aneja, Andrii Rosa, Bryan Cutler, Christian Zentgraf, Deepak Majeti, Denodo Research Labs, Dilli-Babu-Godari, Elbin Pallimalil, Eric Liu, Ge Gao, Jalpreet Singh Nanda, Joe Giardino, Ke, Kevin Tang, Kevin Wilfong, Krishna Pai, Mahadevuni Naveen Kumar, Mariam AlMesfer, Minhan Cao, Natasha Sehgal, Nicholas Ormrod, Nidhin Varghese, Nikhil Collooru, Patrick Sullivan, Pradeep Vaka, Pramod Satya, Pratik Joseph Dabre, Rebecca Schlussel, Reetika Agrawal, Sagar Sumit, Sayari Mukherjee, Sergey Pershin, Shahim Sharafudeen, Shakyan Kushwaha, Shang Ma, Shelton Cai, Steve Burnett, Sumi Mathew, Swapnil, Timothy Meehan, XiaoDu, Xiaoxuan Meng, Yihong Wang, Yihong Wang, Ying, Yuanda (Yenda) Li, Zac Blanco, Zac Wen, aditi-pandit, ajay-kharat, auden-woolfson, dnskr, inf, jay.narale, librian415, namya28, shenh062326, unidevel, vhsu14, wangd, wypb