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1157 lines (749 loc) · 49.4 KB

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1157 lines (749 loc) · 49.4 KB

Changes in 2.8.8 (2025-01-09)

🙌 Improvements

  • ProConnect - Message d'avertissement et lien vers la FAQ à propos de la disponibilité du service ProConnect sur tous les HomeServers (#1100)
  • Améliorer l'UI de succès de création de compte (#1139)
  • Update TAC and private policy URLs (#1141)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Réactiver l'affichage des albums dans le sélecteur de media sous iOS 18. (#1143)

Changes in 2.8.6 (2024-12-12)

🙌 Improvements

  • Activer ProConnect sur la Preprod (#1129)
  • Rebase sur Element 1.11.21 (#1131)
  • Ajouter la configuration posthog pour vérifier la charge en production (#1135)

Changes in 2.8.4 (2024-11-26)

🙌 Improvements

  • Permettre les appels vidéos sur Education et Agent. (#1109)
  • Update Sentry pod dependency to compile with Xcode 16.1 (#1118)
  • Modifier le commentaire lorsqu'on active l'accès à un salon par lien (#1120)
  • Amélioration de la description de l'état de la signature croisée et des actions possibles (pour être au même niveau que le client Tchap Android). (#1125)
  • Activation des appels vidéo pour toutes les instances en Production. (#1126)

Changes in 2.8.2 (2024-11-06)

✨ Features

  • Activer la connexion par SSO (#1083)
  • Mettre en place le nouveau flow SSO (#1089)

🙌 Improvements

  • Activation de la visio 1-to-1 pour l'instance Education Nationale (#1090)
  • Changement de l'explication sous le bouton d'activation des notifications pour mentionner les messages et les appels entrants. (#1091)
  • Gérer correctement les flows de réauthentification sur les actions sécurisées (#1093)
  • Rebase to Element 1.11.18 and Matrix 0.27.14 (#1096)
  • Ajout d'un label sous le bouton "Activer les notifs dans l'application" (#1103)
  • Amélioration de l'explication lorsqu'on active l'accès à un salon par lien. (#1104)
  • Faciliter l'accès à l'aide sur la vérification d'appareil (#1105)
  • Activer les appels vidéos pour les agents Intradef. (#1108)
  • Permettre les appels vidéos sur Education et Agent. (#1109)
  • Activation de la gestion de ProConnect (login et UIA) via feature flag (désactivé par défaut en Prod). (#1110)
  • Rebase to Element 1.11.19 and Matrix SDK 0.27.15 (#1114)

Changes in 2.8.0 (2024-08-14)

🙌 Improvements

  • Ajout de la VoIP sur Finances dans le bon fichier de configuration (#1071)
  • Activation de la visio 1-to-1 pour l'instance DINUM. (#1073)
  • Suppression du filtrage de notification VoIP sur l'age de la notification. Ne fonctionnait pas correctement sur Tchap. (#1076)
  • Activation de l'analytics PostHog en version Debug (#1078)

🧱 Build

  • Update pods for Xcode 15.4 (#1080)

Changes in 2.7.9 (2024-07-03)

🙌 Improvements

  • Rebase sur Element 1.11.15 (#1066)
  • Adaptation des couleurs des pills lors des mentions (#1067)
  • Activaction de la VoIP pour l'administration Finances (#1069)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Correction de la génération de lien de partage sur les forums (#875)
  • Ignorer les notifications d'appel VoIP trop anciennes (#1005)
  • Amélioration de la troncature des réponses à messages (certains messages tronqués apparaissaient vides). (#1056)

Changes in 2.7.8 (2024-06-12)

✨ Features

  • Ajouter une action "Marquer comme lu" sur un salon (#1053)

🙌 Improvements

  • Préparer la version VoIP except Finances (#1057)
  • Rebase on Element 1.11.12 (#1052)
  • Changement du texte d'alerte affiché lors de la première utilisation du partage de position en temps réel (#1050)

Changes in 2.7.7 (2024-05-22)

🙌 Improvements

  • Restriction de la fonctionnalité VoIP à l'instance DINUM (#1044)

Changes in 2.7.6 (2024-05-22)

🙌 Improvements

  • Déploiement des appels audio VoIP sur les instances Finances et Diplomatie. (deploy_voip)
  • Limiter la longueur du message d'origine à l'affichage d'une réponse avec citation. (#832)
  • Autoriser le partage de localisation dans un salon en se basant sur les niveaux d'autorisation du salon (#984)
  • Afficher le salon "Tchap Annonces" dans le flux normal des salons (#1000)
  • Ajout d'un "Privacy Manifest" dans le projet Xcode (obligatoire à partir du 1er mai 2024) (#1002)
  • L'affichage de géolocalisation plante quand l'affichage en bulle est désactivé (#1009)
  • Afficher un message d'alerte avant envoi d'une pièce jointe trop lourde. (#1015)
  • Ajout de la géolocalisation en background sur les targets Dev et Pre-prod (#1017)
  • Mauvais libellé de fermeture de compte en anglais. (#1019)
  • Améliorer les textes du parcours de renouvellement de compte. (#1021, #1027)
  • Mauvais message d'erreur quand on invite un utilisateur déjà présent dans un salon (#1022)
  • forcer l'email en minuscules à l'envoi d'invitation à un salon (pour éviter les problèmes d'email avec majuscules) (#1024)
  • Améliorer la compréhension du fonctionnement des notifications par email. (#1029)
  • Dans les réglages de Notification par email, changer "courriel" par "e-mail. (#1033)
  • Ouverture de la fonctionnalité VoIP à toutes les instances. (#1036)
  • Changement du copyright de fournisseur de fond de carte de géolocalisation (#1039)
  • Ajout de la licence MapLibre dans les licences tierces (#1041)

Changes in 2.7.3 (2024-04-02)

🙌 Improvements

  • Rename RiotNSE extension product name to TchapNSE. It will change user-agent of requests in backend logs. (#664)
  • Réactivation de l'antivirus (#887)
  • Activation du partage de géolocalisation (#970)
  • Mettre une icône plus adaptée sur le bouton "Signaler un problème" lors d'un appel VoIP (#974)
  • Changement de la formulation du bouton des réglages pour autoriser les notifications sur l'appareil. Ajout d'un texte explicatif. (#975)
  • Changer le message d'erreur affiché en cas de problème de déchiffrement (#976)
  • Modifier l'intitulé de désactivation de compte (#982)
  • Utiliser le bouton de validation Tchap en édition de message. (#986)
  • La "notification par email" est rendue disponible à tout le monde. (#995)
  • Ajout des textes d'alerte d'activation de la géolocalisation dans les targets Btchap et DevTchap (#998)

Changes in 2.7.2 (2024-02-26)

🙌 Improvements

  • Activation du background mode "Voice over IP" (#966)
  • Réception des appels VoIP même si l'application n'est pas lancée ou pas en premier plan. (#968)

Changes in 2.7.1 (2024-02-12)

✨ Features

  • Proposer d'envoyer un rapport d'incident/de qualité à la fin d'un appel VoIP (#962)

🙌 Improvements

  • Rendre les forums fédérés par défaut lors de leur création (#938)
  • Rebase sur Element 1.11.5 (#939)
    • permettre la réinitialisation du Code de Récupération
    • permettre la réinitialisation de la signature croisée
    • ne tenter qu'une seule fois d'activer automatiquement la signature croisée (#942)
  • Autoriser l'activation de nouvelles fonctionnalités par instance de serveur (#948)
  • Utiliser les Features Flags pour activer la VoIP pour la Dinum (#957)
  • Rebase sur Element 1.11.6 Possibilité d'utiliser des apostrophes dans les emails de login (#959)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • La consigne de stockage du code de récupération n'était pas lisible en mode sombre. (#944)

Changes in 2.6.2 (2023-12-19)

✨ Features

  • Permettre la réinitialisation du Code de Récupération
  • Permettre la réinitialisation de la signature croisée

🙌 Improvements

  • Ne tenter qu'une seule fois d'activer automatiquement la signature croisée

Changes in 2.6.0 (2023-11-27)

✨ Features

  • Activer la signature croisée automatiquement à la création de compte (#924)

🙌 Improvements

  • Actualiser l'état de la signature croisée dans l'interface des réglages de sécurité après son activation (#840)
  • Rebase sur Element 1.11.4 (#903)
  • Message d'erreur en FR lors de l'échec d'invitation dans un salon d'un externe non présent dans l'annuaire (#908)
  • Inciter l'activation de la sauvegarde automatique (#915)
  • Changer les Endpoints pour la version DEV (#921)
  • Désactiver la taille de police dynamique si l'affichage en bulle n'est pas activé (#934)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • La liste des salons se fige si on quitte un salon depuis le glissement sur la cellule (#919)
  • Conserver les enrichissements de texte quand on respecte le réglage de la taille de texte de l'utilisateur (#927)
  • Depuis la gestion dynamique de taille d'affichage dans les salons, l'application plante quand le salon contient un message supprimé. (#929)
  • Crash de l'application quand on quitte un salon dont on est le dernier administrateur depuis le menu d'actions rapides (#931)

Changes in 2.5.1 (2023-10-30)

✨ Features

  • Donner la possibilité de créer un sondage depuis l'iPhone (#899)

🙌 Improvements

  • Ajout d’un accès aux Termes et Conditions dans le menu utilisateur (#850)
  • Affichage d'une consigne de recherche plus explicite sur l'écran d'ajout de membre à un salon. (#868)
  • Mettre un message d'erreur explicite en français lors de l'échec de l'invitation d'un externe dans un salon (#870)
  • Le texte des messages dans un salon respecte le réglage de taille de texte de l’utilisateur (possibilité de zoom) (#896)

Changes in 2.5.0 (2023-10-12)

✨ Features

  • Activer/désactiver les notifications par email (#882)
  • Activation de la zone de saisie email à l'apparition de la vue de création de salon DM (#884)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Réparer la fonctionnalité “Inviter à rejoindre Tchap” (#837)
  • La gestion des favoris depuis la liste générale des salons ne fonctionne pas (#867)
  • Suppression du masquage des salons de messagerie direct (DM) avec externes pendant l'attente de l'inscription des correspondants (#876)

Changes in 2.4.8 (2023-09-20)

✨ Features

  • Le message d'erreur de connexion affiche un lien vers la page de status des services (#864)

🙌 Improvements

  • En thème sombre, les titres de section des paramètres sont illisibles (#856)
  • Changer "session" pour "appareil" (#860)
  • iOS Rebase Element 1.11.1 (#865)
  • Fix after Rebase iOS 1.11.1 merged too quickly (#871)
  • iOS Rebase Element 1.11.2 (#873)

Changes in 2.4.7 (2023-06-28)

🙌 Improvements

  • [RageShake] Les logs transmis peuvent être trop gros pour le serveur (#841) (#841)
  • [Paramètres] Masquer l'option "Nom d'affichage" (#848) (#848)
  • Pousser le déploiement de RustCrypto à 100% (#851) (#851)

Changes in 2.4.6 (2023-06-13)

🙌 Improvements

  • [Paramètres] Mauvaise place du bouton "se déconnecter" (#826) (#826)
  • Remove "Create Space" option in Home "+" menu (#833) (#833)
  • [XSSS] Amélioration UX, wording et organisation des settings sécurité. #843 (#843)
  • [Paramètres utilisateur] Améliorer contraste des titres de section #846 (#846)

Changes in 2.4.5 (2023-05-10)

🙌 Improvements

  • [Mainlining] Update account_validity requests (#718)
  • Améliorer la visibilité de la FAQ #808 (#808)
  • Rebase iOS Element 1.10.10 minimun (pour permettre le renvoi de clés de chiffrement automatique) #814 (#814)
  • Deploy new CryptoSDK (Rust) partially to PROD and fully to Preprod and Dev (#816) (#816)
  • Améliorer l'UI de la pop-up FAQ (#818) (#818)
  • iOS Rebase Element 1.10.11 (#821) (#821)
  • Bad wording: clé de récupération should be code de récupération (#825) (#825)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • [FAQ] Rétablir l'URL d'origine (#811) (#811)
  • [Création de compte] Critères de mot de passe tronqués (#827) (#827)

Changes in 2.4.1 (2023-04-03)

🙌 Improvements

  • Send button in Room view should be in line with Tchap design and not Element design (#778)
  • [VoiceMessages] Set Record icons in Tchap design (#783)
  • Rebase Element 1.10.4 (#785)
  • Add email to Rageshake data (#787)
  • Restore settings option "Timeline bubbles” (#788)
  • Rageshake - Remove log files (#789)
  • Align buttons' labels relative to Cross-signing and Secure Storage settings on all clients (web/Android/iOS) (#792)
  • Enable push notifications for DevTchap (#795)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Input command should not be auto-corrected (#777)

Changes in 2.4.0 (2023-03-14)

🙌 Improvements

  • Adopt SelfVerification path from Element if cross-signing is activated (#698)
  • Enable the secure storage for testing (#720)
  • Simplify Secure Storage setting workflow (#737)
  • [Dark modes] New blue color (#739)
  • Update French translations in Tchap (#747)
  • Use theme colors in rounded buttons disabled state (#748)
  • [Light modes] Restore original blue color (#751)
  • Rebase/element ios 1.10.2 (#761)
  • Set input keyboard to type Email Address on login screen (#763)
  • Activate Voice Messages from message toolbar (#771)
  • Show Security code and hide "Save code" button (#772)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • [Dark mode] Wrong background color is applied to describe an infected media (#642)
  • Fix password update management in Tchap Settings screen (#710)
  • Accepting CGU is not mandatory on account creation (#736)

🧱 Build

  • Enable CROSS_SIGNING and SECURE_BACKUP flags for DevTchap config (#715)
  • Deploy build flags SECURE_BACKUP and CROSS_SIGNING to Btchap target (#729)
  • Fix parameters order and format in target.yml that erase some previous configuration like the Info.plist filepath. (#731)
  • Customize DevTchap Info.plist to declare it doesn't use encryption that need export compliance (for TestFlight only) (#732)


  • Restore Element Share Extension content in Tchap (#723)
  • Remove favourites messages unused code (#725)
  • [Mainlining] Remove deprecated endpoint /_matrix/client/unstable/users/info (#717)

Changes in 2.2.3 (2023-01-19)

🙌 Improvements

  • "Forgot password" without signing out of all devices (#706)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Fix external account management (#701)

Changes in 2.2.2 (2022-12-07)

🙌 Improvements

  • [Home] Replace "Tous mes chats" screen title by "Accueil" (#696)
  • [Home] Tchap customizations (#699)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Fix room preview for new AppLayout (#689)
  • Fix truncated User Power Level in RoomParticipantsViewController (#690)
  • Fix wrong accent color in Dark Mode (#693)
  • [AppLayout] Manage Invited users restrictions (#701)

Changes in 2.2.1 (2022-11-21)

✨ Features

  • [Home] Use the new AppLayout from Element (#685)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Add missing Identity Server at Login (#687)

Changes in 2.2.0 (2022-11-08)

🙌 Improvements

  • Replace the Authentication and Registration modules by the Element ones (#657)
  • [Account creation] Add Terms & conditions to the workflow (#675)
  • [Forgot password] Configure default value for devices disconnection (#676)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • [Access to a forum] Update forum icon in forums directory (#668)

🧱 Build

  • Remove target.yml files from each target and merge them (#656)

Changes in 2.1.0 (2022-08-29)

🙌 Improvements

  • [Settings] Move back to Element settings screen (#576)
  • [Settings] Adjust Security section (#577)
  • [Cross signing] Disable the cross-signing logic until we are ready to support it (#605)
  • Replace Contacts picker by the Element iOS one (#638)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Fix Auto-capitalization and Keyboard type for Room creation Title Field (#621)
  • Rename exported keys file to tchap-keys (#647)
  • [Room timeline] Add the room settings shortcuts in the room timeline (#658)

🧱 Build

  • [Project Cleaning] Remove the compilation flags for the enabled features (#643)
  • Renew Tchap/Btchap/TchapDev provisioning profiles (#644)
  • Fix build for Btchap/DevTchap targets after rebase (#650)
  • Disable currently unwanted Fastlane task for Codecov (#654)


  • [Project cleaning] Remove unused Tchap source files (#636)
  • Remove CorruptData and IgnoredUsers observers from AppCoordinator #641 (#641)

Changes in 2.0.5 (2022-07-25)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • [Room List] Create discussion button is missing in the people tab (#607)
  • [Reset pwd] unexpected "Optional" word in the message displayed (#609)
  • Fix dark mode for welcome, login, registration and forgot password screens (#628)

Changes in 2.0.4 (2022-07-20)

🙌 Improvements

  • Replace faq URL (#617)
  • Reword account deactivation button on the Settings screen. (#624)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • [Room settings] Notification page still has green UI elements (#601)
  • Activate access by link on private room is temporary null (#602)
  • [Rooms List] Wrong tint color for Notification icons (#618)

Changes in 2.0.3 (2022-07-13)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • On reply messages, redirection to user card doesn't work when tapping on user's name (#596)
  • Fix SplitView issue when joining a forum on iPad (#598)
  • Application is frozen after renewing the account (#615)

Changes in 2.0.2 (2022-06-30)

✨ Features

  • Rooms in spaces aren't visible (#549)

🙌 Improvements

  • [Rooms list] Make shrinkable the sections (#495)
  • [Nouveau salon] Fix icons for salon type (#565)

🧱 Build

  • Add missing LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace key to info plist (#590)

Changes in 2.0.1 (2022-06-22)

✨ Features

  • Add clear cache option from the Apple settings (#579)

🙌 Improvements

  • [Rooms list] Switch back to the Element room cell views (#468)
  • [Salons] Replace tab icon (#562)
  • [Salons] Replace section name "Conversations" with "Salons" (#563)
  • Turn on by default the message bubbles (#575)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Crash on new login with an expired account (#477)
  • [External Users] Hide the unauthorized actions (#564)
  • UI issue with mention Pills on iOS 15 (#582)
  • Crash when sending a Rageshake (#586)

Changes in 2.0.0 (2022-06-07)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Some icons have the wrong tint color (#481)
  • Button icon show one notification (#552)
  • [Account creation] Redirection to Tchap/Btchap failed (#553)
  • Tchap is not opened on permalink (#557)

Changes in 1.99.3 (2022-05-30)

🙌 Improvements

  • Enable message edition and reaction by default in Tchap (#532)
  • [DM] Unable to start a new DM with a contact who left the previous DM (#535)
  • Improve the room member details (#543)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Room avatars are missing (#526)
  • Crash when the user joins a forum (#531)
  • Hide the Thread option in the selected message options (#540)

Changes in 1.99.2 (2022-05-17)

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Messages are missing in the room timelines (#527)
  • Unexpected logout (#528)

Changes in v1.99.1 (2022-05-10)

🙌 Improvements

  • Remove the potential confirmation popup before starting a new discussion (#447)
  • [Left panel] add an option "Inviter à rejoindre Tchap" (#449)
  • Change sygnal server url (#454)
  • [Room Settings] Move back to the Element screen (#456)
  • Adjust the room settings in case of a DM (#462)
  • Hide Integration option from the global room settings (#463)
  • [Room Settings] Restore the room access by link (#464)
  • [Room Settings] Restore the potential room access by the external accounts (#465)
  • Make optional the edition and the reaction on message (#470)
  • [Rooms list] restore the Element tabs : Fav/Direct/Rooms (#500)
  • Remove the hexagonal shape on Room avatar (#513)

Changes in 1.99.0 (2022-04-12)

🙌 Improvements

  • Ré-alignement du système de thème avec Element (#395)
  • Suppression de TCNavigationController (remplacé par RiotNavigationController) (#406)
  • Nettoyage des fichiers de configuration du projet (#410)
  • Ré-alignement de la cible de notification avec Element (#411)
  • Ré-alignement de l’extension de partage avec Element (#412)
  • Nettoyage des assets (doublons et ré-alignement sur Element) (#422)
  • Support and test the new RoomNotificationSettings (#429)
  • Corrections sur l’intégration de l’extension de partage (#432)
  • Mise à jour du transfert de messages avec les évolutions d’Element (#433)
  • Refresh the RoomViewController with the Element one (#440)
  • Add the left panel in Tchap-iOS (#441)
  • Update the Tchap architecture with the Element one (#448)
  • Plug the rooms list to the new rooms fetchers (#460)
  • Enable dark mode (#485)
  • Update pinned certificates

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Update the bg color of the invite buttons and missedNotif badge (#425)
  • Fix rooms statuses in Rooms list (#445)
  • Fix Invite by email a new user failed (#479)
  • Hide the session verification based on the secure storage (#486)
  • [Rooms list] Restore the room search (#487)
  • Infinite loading wheel on logout (#489)
  • List the direct rooms with the other rooms (#490)

🧱 Build

  • Intégration d’Xcodegen dans le projet (#391)
  • Utilisation de Towncrier pour générer le changelog (#428)

Changes in Tchap 1.3.3 (2022-03-15) - Beta

Bug Fix:

-   Files sent by Tchap Android 2 can't be read by Tchap iOS 1.2.2 #480

Changes in Tchap 1.3.2 (2021-08-25)


-   Make certificates checking mode more flexible

Changes in Tchap 1.3.1 (2021-08-23)


-   Disable the room retention feature in Tchap (Prod) - It was
    enabled only in beta test program

Changes in Tchap 1.3.0 (2021-05-31)


-   Enable the room retention feature in Tchap (Prod)
-   Apply the new design of the Room header PR #383
-   Apply the design for the specific Tchap Info room #384

Changes in Tchap 1.2.3 (2022-03-14) - Prod

Bug Fix:

-   Files sent by Tchap Android 2 can't be read by Tchap iOS 1.2.2 #480

Changes in Tchap 1.2.2 (2021-08-25)


-   Make certificates checking mode more flexible

Changes in Tchap 1.2.1 (2021-04-12)

Bug Fixes:

-   Crash when the user selects \"forward\" on a selected message
-   Favorite messages are not readable in dark mode
-   Share extension: the rooms list are not readable in dark mode

Changes in Tchap 1.2.0 (2021-03-24)


-   Design and implement favorite messages #292
-   Public room creation: improve UI for agent.agent users #319
-   \[Room retention\] Support unlimited room history (PR #367)
-   Update the version used to trigger a clear cache during the
    application update (PR #367)
-   Add a shortcut \"forward\" in the selected message options #353
-   Room members: gray out the expired users #273
-   Add the option to import the encryption keys in the Tchap
    settings #360

Bug Fixes:

-   Crash on missing identity server information #357
-   A discussion (1:1) is displayed by mistake as a private room
    opened to extern #356

Changes in Tchap 1.1.1 (2020-12-18)


-   Enable the room access by link

Bug Fix:

-   \[Room history\] The text input must be hidden when the user is
    not allowed to use it #348

Changes in Tchap 1.1.0 (2020-11-19)

Bug Fixes:

-   \[Room Preview\] unexpected failure on join: \"Not possible to
    join an empty room\" #346
-   Wrong error message displayed to the external users when they
    try to join a room by link

Changes in Tchap 1.0.30 (2020-11-17)


-   Update MatrixKit and MatrixSDK
-   The room access by link is enabled only on Btchap

Bug Fixes:

-   Tchap is stuck on the room preview whereas I joined with success
    the room #337
-   E2EE: One time keys upload can try to upload the same key again
-   Fix unexpected 404 errors PR #344

Changes in Tchap 1.0.29 (2020-10-28)


-   Private rooms: turn on the option to join on room's link #293
-   Room preview: support the preview on shared room link #323
-   Apply the new room creation design #317
-   Apply the new design on the room avatar and name #332
-   \[Room creation\] Do not override the power levels anymore #326
-   \[Room access\] Improve the wordings related to the room link
    access #329
-   Rename \"Salon public\" with \"Salon forum\" #333
-   \[Room alias\] Harden the room aliases #328
-   Force a clear cache on application update

Changes in Tchap 1.0.28 (2020-09-03)

Bug Fix:

-   Application may crash after the application update #321

Changes in Tchap 1.0.27 (2020-08-28)

Bug Fix:

-   The user is requested to login again after the application
    update #320

Changes in Tchap 1.0.26 (2020-08-21)

Bug Fixes:

-   Join a federated room failed PR #318
-   The public room preview header is displayed under the navigation
-   Room members count displayed in the title is wrong #291

Changes in Tchap 1.0.25 (2020-08-14)

Bug Fixes:

-   Remove delivered notifications when the user opens the related
-   Permalink error: \"Echec du chargement de la position dans
    l\'historique\" #315

Changes in Tchap 1.0.24 (2020-08-14)


-   Add Notification Service Extension for Tchap and Btchap

-   Update the project to build with Xcode11


    Rebase onto vector-im/riot-ios

        -   Get all changes from Riot until the commit: \'eb444a0\'

-   Set up the permalink option #272

-   Handle the new email validation links from homeserver during a
    registration PR #311

-   Update deployment target to iOS 11.0

Bug Fixes:

-   Terms and Conditions are unavailable
-   Present an activity indicator when the app is resumed on
    universal links PR #313
-   The room of a permalink is not opened during a cold launch PR

Changes in Tchap 1.0.23 (2020-06-10)



    Rebase onto vector-im/riot-ios #277

        -   Get all changes from Riot 0.7.10 to Riot 0.10.4

-   Enable the device verification based on emojis string

-   Disable key backup in the rebase version of the code #299

-   Disable the message edition PR #305

-   Disable the reactions

-   Update the messages displayed during the request of a token by
    email #297

Bug Fixes:

-   \[Device verification\] Only half of the key sharing requests
    are handled after verification #303
-   The app may be stuck on the device verification screen #302
-   Room members: the states of some members are wrong #253 (Force a
    clear cache on application update)
-   Change history_visibility when a room is removed from the rooms
    directory #278

Changes in Tchap 1.0.22 (2020-02-05)


-   Configure per-room retention period for messages #239 - Enabled
    only on Pre-prod.
-   Order the room members by considering admin(s) first #284
-   Room members: gray out the expired users #273

Bug Fixes:

-   Room members count displayed in the title is wrong #291
-   Room settings: the banned users are listed with their id instead
    of their display name #282

Changes in Tchap 1.0.21 (2020-01-16)


-   Improve the warning dialog displayed before creating an external
-   Update the known instances list #283

Changes in Tchap 1.0.20 (2019-12-17)


-   Set up the Tchap share extension #228
-   Manage a minimum client version #214
-   Update wording on limit exceeded error #276

Bug Fixes:

-   Select an invite from the notifications doesn\'t not work #275
-   The user lands in an empty room after selecting a notification

Changes in Tchap 1.0.19 (2019-11-25)

Bug Fixes:

-   Reply to: replace the matrix id with the member display name
-   Join a federated public room failed #262
-   KeyChain is not updated in case of Change Password #188
-   Several DM invites may be sent to the same users #260

Changes in Tchap 1.0.18 (2019-11-01)


-   Settings: Let the user decide to hide/show the join and leave
    events #216
-   Update the pinned certificates list

Bug Fixes:

-   Room members: the states of some members are wrong #253

Changes in Tchap 1.0.17 (2019-09-23)


-   Add a mechanism to handle a potential cache clearing (if need)
    during the application update PR #252
-   Force a cache clearing for this version

Changes in Tchap 1.0.16 (2019-09-19)


-   Handle the strong password policy forced by the server #195
-   Room creation: allow or not the external users to join the room
-   Add a marker to indicate whether or not a room can be joined by
    external users #203
-   The room admin is able to open the room to the external users
-   Room members: invite new members by their email address #209
-   Room members: remove the external users from the picker when
    they are not allowed to join #210
-   Room members: remove the federated users from the picker when
    the room is not federated #222
-   Improve the direct chat handling #235
-   Expired account: update the dialog message when on new email has
    been requested #241
-   Pin the new agent.externe certificate.
-   Prompt the user before creating an external account #240
-   Add room access info in the Room title #249

Bug Fixes:

-   Room members: third-party invites can now be revoked PR #244
-   Room member: some unexpected badges are displayed on invited
    members PR #246
-   Room members: Some invited members don\'t have name.
-   Do not use by default a member avatar for the room avatar #242

Changes in Tchap 1.0.15 (2019-09-01)


-   Room attachments: allow to send files from the file system #215
-   Force the email address in lower case #230
-   Update MatrixKit and MatrixSDK

Bug Fixes:

-   Handle correctly M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error code #229

Changes in Tchap 1.0.14 (2019-08-12)


-   Prompt external users before displaying their email in user
    directory #208
-   Prompt the last room admin before letting him leave the room
-   Allow the user to send a new invite to an external email address
-   Add a splash screen

Bug Fixes:

-   Preview on invited public room failed
-   Error \"Profile isn\'t available\" just after logging in #219

Changes in Tchap 1.0.13 (2019-06-28)


-   Pin the certificate of the [agent.externe]{.title-ref} instance.

Changes in Tchap 1.0.12 (2019-06-18)


-   Support the account validity error #177
-   The external users can now be hidden from the users directory
    search, show the option in settings #205
-   Enable the proxy lookup use on Prod

Bug Fixes:

-   Invite by email: The joined discussion is displayed like a
    \"salon\" #200

Changes in Tchap 1.0.11 (2019-05-23)


-   Certificate pinning #165
-   Support the proxy lookup PR #199

Bug Fixes:

-   Registration - Accessibility: CGU checkbox is not accessible by
    Voiceover #194

Changes in Tchap 1.0.10 (2019-04-24)


-   User Profile: add an option to hide the user from users
    directory search #167

Bug Fixes:

-   Handle the Password AutoFill Workflow PR #187
-   Flickering of the notification badges #189
-   Room history: the most recent event is not displayed #136

Changes in Tchap 1.0.9 (2019-04-09)


-   Registration: require that users agree to terms (EULA) #186
-   Settings: Remove the phone number option #178

Changes in Tchap 1.0.8 (2019-04-05)


-   Increase the minimum password length to 8 #179

Bug Fixes:

-   Improve external users handing
-   Fix a crash observed after a successful login

Changes in Tchap 1.0.7 (2019-04-04)


-   Invite contact by email #166
-   Restore the option to ignore a user from a Discussion #176

Bug Fixes:

-   BugFix the account creation is stuck on email token submission
    PR #181

Changes in Tchap 1.0.6 (2019-03-25)


-   Block invite to a deactivated account user #168
-   Warn the user about the remote logout in case of a password
    change #164
-   Hide the rooms created to invite some non-tchap contact by
    email. #172
-   Configure the application for the extern users #139

Bug Fixes:

-   Bug when leaving a room #162

Changes in Tchap 1.0.5 (2019-03-08)


-   Turn on ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption flag

Bug Fixes:

-   Public room: the avatar shape is wrong #152
-   Room details: the attachments list is empty #151
-   Room members: improve the contacts picker #140

Changes in Tchap 1.0.4 (2019-02-25)


-   Private Room creation: change history visibility to \"invited\"
-   Power level: a room member must be moderator to invite #155
-   Adjust wording on bug report #160
-   Keys sharing: remove the verification option #149
-   Disable voip call #153

Bug Fixes:

-   Push Notification: Tchap is not opened on the right room #150

Changes in Tchap 1.0.3 (2019-02-08)


-   Setup Universal Links support for the registration process #119
-   Registration: remove the polling mechanism on email validation
-   Enable bug report #104
-   Update TAC url
-   Turn off \"ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption\" flag (until export
    compliance is reviewed)
-   Enlarge room invite cell

Bug Fixes:

-   Fix the flickering during unread messages badge rendering PR

Changes in Tchap 1.0.2 (2019-01-30)


-   Turn on \"ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption\" flag

Changes in Tchap 1.0.1 (2019-01-11)


-   Room history: update bubbles display #127
-   Apply the Tchap tint color to the green icons #126

Bug Fixes:

-   Unexpected logout #134
-   Clear cache doesn\'t work properly #124
-   room preview doesn\'t work #113
-   The new joined discussions are displayed like a \"salon\" #122
-   Rename the discussions left by the other member (\"Salon vide\")

Changes in Tchap 1.0.0 (2018-12-14)


-   Set up push notifications in Tchap #108
-   Antivirus - Media scan: Implement the MediaScanManager #77
-   Antivirus Server: encrypt the keys sent to the antivirus server
-   Support the new room creation by setting up avatar, name,
    privacy and participants #73
-   Update Contacts cells display #88
-   Show the voip option #103
-   Update project by adding Btchap target PR #120
-   Update color of days in rooms #115
-   Encrypted room: Do not use the warning icon for the unverified
    devices #109
-   Remove beta warning dialog when using encryption #110
-   Accept unknown devices #111
-   Configurer le dispositif de publication de l'application

Bug Fixes:

-   Registration is stuck in the email validation step #117
-   Matrix name when exporting keys #112

Changes in Tchap 0.0.4 (2018-11-22)


-   Antivirus - Media download: support a potential anti-virus
    server #40
-   Support the pinned rooms #16
-   Room history: update input toolbar #92
-   Update Rooms cells display #89
-   Hide the voip option #90
-   Disable support #91
-   Rebase onto vector-im/riot-ios
-   Replace \"\" url with \"\" #87

Changes in Tchap 0.0.3 (2018-10-23)


-   Authentication: implement \"forgot password\" flow #38
-   Contact selection: create a new discussion (if none) only when
    the user sends a message #41
-   Update TAC link #72
-   BugFix The display name of some users may be missing #69
-   Design the room title view #68
-   Encrypt event content for invited members #44
-   Room history: remove the display of the state events (history
    access, encryption) #74
-   Room creation: start/open a discussion with a tchap contact #18

Changes in Tchap 0.0.2 (2018-09-28)


-   Authentication: implement the registration screens #4
-   Add the search in the navigation bar #10
-   Check the pending invites before creating new direct chat #13
-   Open the existing direct chat on contact selection even if the
    contact has left it #14
-   Re-invite left member on new message #15
-   Set up the public rooms access #19
-   Discussions settings are not editable #11
-   Update room ("Salon") settings #42
-   Room History: Disable membership event redaction #43

Changes in Tchap 0.0.1 (2018-09-05)


-   Set up the new application Tchap-ios #1
-   Replace Riot icons with the Tchap ones #2
-   Disable/Hide the Home, Favorites and Communities tabs #6
-   Authentication: Welcome screen #3
-   Discover Tchap platform #22
-   Authentication: implement the login screens #5
-   Display all the joined rooms in the tab \"Conversations\" #7
-   \"Contacts\": display all the known Tchap users #9
-   User Profile is not editable #12
-   Remove invite preview #20