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gist Release Notes

Release 12.0.0

This is a major release which includes several changes which break compatibility with previous versions of gist. See the migration guide for documentation on updating existing gist-based ontologies and instance data. Migration scripts are included to facilitate the upgrade process.

Major Updates

  • Changed the gist ontology IRIs and namespace IRI to the w3id domain. Issues #683, #853, #859.
    • The gist ontology IRIs have changed from<ontology-name> to<ontology-name>. For example, is now
    • The gist namespace has changed from to
  • Deleted all inverse properties. Issue #506.
    • For each pair of inverses, the property deemed clearest, simplest, and/or most useful was retained.
    • Axioms referring to the deleted properties were reformulated using owl:inverseOf.
    • Breakdown:
      Properties retained in gist Inverse properties removed from gist
      hasDirectPart isDirectPartOf
      hasDirectSubTask isDirectSubTaskOf
      hasDirectSuperCategory hasDirectSubCategory
      hasMember isMemberOf
      hasNavigationalParent hasNavigationalChild
      hasPart isPartOf
      hasSubTask isSubTaskOf
      hasSuperCategory hasSubCategory
      isAbout isDescribedIn
      isAffectedBy affects
      isBasedOn isBasisFor
      isGeographicallyContainedIn containsGeographically
      isGovernedBy governs
      isIdentifiedBy identifies
      isRecognizedBy recognizes
      occupiesGeographically isGeographicallyOccupiedBy
      occupiesGeographicallyPermanently isGeographicallyPermanentlyOccupiedBy
      precedes follows
      precedesDirectly followsDirectly
  • Changes related to tasks, projects, and events. Issue #760.
    • Renamed gist:TaskExecution, gist:ScheduledTaskExecution, and gist:ProjectExecution to gist:Task, gist:ScheduledTask, and gist:Project, respectively.
    • These classes are no longer limited to the execution of a task or project, but include proposed and planned events as well.
    • Removed datetime restrictions on gist:Event.
    • Replaced gist:PlannedEvent with gist:ScheduledEvent.
    • Added skos:scopeNotes and skos:examples to clarify meaning and usage.
    • Added skos:prefLabel to gist:ScheduledEvent. Issue #844.
    • Updated formal definition of gist:ContingentEvent. Issue #776.
    • Removed datetime restrictions from gist:ContingentEvent and added a restriction on property gist:isTriggeredBy.
  • Deleted classes and properties related to time zones. Issue #650. Terms removed:
    • gist:TimeZone
    • gist:TimeZoneStandard
    • gist:hasOffsetToUniversal
    • gist:usesTimeZoneStandard
  • Deleted properties gist:hasSubTask and gist:hasDirectSubTask; gist:hasPart and gist:hasDirectPart, respectively, to be used instead. Issue #733.
  • Deleted class gist:Percentage. Issue #785.
  • Deleted class gist:TreatyOrganization. Issue #766.

Minor Updates

  • Added unit of measure for percents. Issue #785.
  • Broadened definition of gist:isAllocatedBy to include entities other than IDs, and added clarifying annotations. Issue #530.
  • Added gist:TimeInterval class. Issue #786.
  • Added the gistSubClassAssertions ontology containing explicit subclass axioms that are logically entailed but not inferred by some reasoners. Issue #714.
    • Added script to generate these assertions. Issue #819.
    • Amended bundle.yaml file to include gistSubClassAssertions ontology files in the release package. Issue #714.
  • Added MonetaryPerDuration and CurrencyPerDurationUnit classes. Issue #846.
  • Updated definition and corrected label of gist:IntergovernmentalOrganization. Issues #756, #766.

Patch Updates

  • Deleted the gistDeprecated ontology based on updated deprecation and deletion policy. Issues #817, #835.
    • Moving forward, terms deprecated in minor releases will be retained in gistCore.
    • Added annotation property gist:isSupersededBy to link a deprecated term to its replacement, if there is one.
  • Upgraded to version 1.14.2 of the EDM RDF serializer which is applied in a pre-commit hook during development. Issue #774.
    • The new -sni option is used to remove owl:NamedIndividual assertions on instances defined by gist, such as gist:_second.
  • Modifications to pre-commit hook. Issues #794, #794, #797,#823.
    • Modified the serialize pre-commit hook so it:
      • Makes sure the script starts in the root directory of the repository.
      • Adds file to the commit after the sed command.
      • Preserves file permissions during processing steps.
      • Ignores, rather than errors on, files that have been deleted.
    • Added new "root" pre-commit hook which:
      • Prevents commits to these branches: develop, main, master.
      • Then runs the serializer pre-commit hook.
    • Added a setup.cmd file to install the pre-commit hook into the .git/hooks directory. This script will work on Mac, Linux, and Windows.
    • Updated user documentation to reflect these changes.
  • Fixed broken links to gist logo in docs/README.*. Issue #750.
  • Added scripts to migrate from 11.x.x versions to version 12.0.0. Issue #816.
  • Documentation updates. Issues #567, #576, #734, #736, #758, #801, #802, #810.
  • Miscellaneous non-semantic annotation updates. Issues #734,#753, #758.

Import URL:

Release 11.1.0

Minor Updates

  • Renamed gist:Task, gist:ScheduledTask and gist:Project to gist:TaskExecution, gist:ScheduledTaskExecution and gist:ProjectExecution, respectively. Issue #590.
  • Updated class gist:Collection to allow for empty collections. Issue #570.
  • Deprecated gist:Group. Issue #663.
  • Deprecated gist:_greenwichTimeZone, gist:_one_day, gist:_one_millisecond, and gist:_one_minute. Issue #692.
  • Fixed bug: gist:isRecordedAt is now a subproperty of gist:atDateTime instead of gist:actualEndDateTime. Issue #726.
  • Added new property gist:hasFirstMember. Issue #549.
  • Updates related to gist:isConnectedTo:
    • Made the property symmetric. Issue #699.
    • Replaced it in the restriction on gist:TemporalRelation with gist:hasParticipant. Issue #706.
  • Replaced rdfs:range on gist:conformsTo with gist:rangeIncludes. Issue #700.
  • Added the inadvertently omitted predicate gist:follows. Issue #300.
  • Changed superproperty gist:startDateTime to gist:actualStartDateTime in formal definition of gist:ContemporaryEvent. Issue #696.

Patch Updates

  • Added gist:domainIncludes gist:Text to gist:uniqueText.
  • Improved the clarity and accuracy of annotations on several terms, including definitions, examples, and scope notes:
    • gist:Building: Issue #482.
    • gist:PhysicalSubstance and gist:PhysicalIdentifiableItem: Issue #644.
    • gist:uniqueText: Issue#577.
    • gist:precedes, gist:precedesDirectly, and gist:followsDirectly These predicates no longer apply to objects at the same position. Issue #300.
    • gist:Template #408.
  • Added SHACL PrefixDeclarations for prefixes used in the gist ontology. The declaration for gist: is in the gist core ontology, and additional prefixes are included in a separate ontology file. Issue #684.
  • Fixed text definition of gist:actualStartDateTime. #689.

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Release 11.0.0

Major Updates

  • Implemented new time model based on datatype properties rather than TimeInstant. Issues #499, #388. Sample triples are provided in the release package.
    • Deleted class TimeInstant and its subclasses. This class was previously used to materialize a point in time with different precisions (day, minute, system time), a time zone, a local and UTC value, and so on. Object properties were used to connect something to an instance of TimeInstant, specifying different relationships such as start and end, planned vs actual.
    • Defined a top-level datatype property atDateTime, neutral as to start/end, planned/actual, and precision (year, day, minute, microsecond).
    • Replaced existing object properties with a hierarchy of subproperties of atDateTime, retaining distinctions between start and end, planned vs actual, and precisions.
    • Added new predicates with year precision alongside the existing day, minute, and milli-/microsecond precisions.
  • Renamed ContemporaneousEvent to ContemporaryEvent.
  • Removed property gist:hasOrderedMember. gist:hasMember should be used instead. Issue #540.
  • Distinguished governments from governed geo-regions, as per issue #215. Changes include:
    • Added classes SubCountryGovernment, IntergovernmentalOrganization, and TreatyOrganization as subclasses of Organization.
    • Added classes GovernedGeoRegion, CountryGeoRegion as subclasses of GeoRegion.
    • Removed restriction on CountryGovernment requiring it to be recognized by some other country government, and stipulate its sovereignty.
    • Removed GeoPoliticalRegion (roughly replaced by GovernedGeoRegion).
  • Removed domain and range constraints from gist:requires. Issue #183.
  • Removed domain and range constraints from gist:hasNumerator, gist:hasDenominator, gist:hasMultiplier, and gist:hasMultiplicand. Issue #160.
  • Removed predicate hasBiologicalOffspring, added domain and range to hasBiologicalParent, and modified related restrictions on class LivingThing. Issue #638.
  • Combined standardConversionFactor and baseConversionFactor into conversionFactor. Issue #624.

Minor Updates

  • Added unit symbols for unit instances instances per issue #579.

Patch Updates

  • Added labels to gist instances, per issue #370.
  • Added definitions for unit of measure instances per issue #526.
  • Improved definitions of 'navigational' predicates, per issue #523.
  • Modified skos:definition of gist:Message to match formal definitions, per issue #194.
  • Removed min cardinality of zero restriction on ProductUnit, per issue #582.
  • Improved textual definition of gist:Task, per issue #625.
  • Change predicate hasJurisdictionOver to isUnderJurisdictionOf (bug fix). Issue #637.
  • Clarified restrictions on gist:OrderedMember. Issue #574.

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Release 10.0.0

This is a major release, which includes several changes which break compatibility with previous versions of gist. See the migration guide for documentation on updating existing gist-based ontologies and instance data.

Major Updates

  • Renamed 62 object and datatype properties to reflect newly-established conventions. Includes corresponding updates to the gist style guide. Issues 188, 507.
  • Renamed MimeType to MediaType to be consistent with IANA guidelines. and RFC6838. Issue #434.
  • Renamed gist:decimalValue to gist:numericValue and expanded property range to include all numeric data types. supported by OWL. Issue #171.
  • Refactored ordered collection model. Issues #112, #540.
    • Added predicate gist:providesOrderFor.
    • Deleted classes gist:OrdinalCollection and gist:OrdinalMember.
  • Changes to and affecting gist:Person, as per issue #136:
    • Removed owl:someValuesFrom gist:name restriction from gist:Person.
    • Made gist:hasBirthDate a subproperty of gist:hasStart rather than gist:hasActualStart.
  • Refactored the way network connections are modeled per issue #126:
    • networkConnection, hasFromNode and hasToNode have been renamed to links, linksFrom and linksTo, respectively.
    • Added a restriction on NetworkLink that it must have exactly 2 links.
    • Added restrictions on NetworkLink and NetworkNode that they must be isMemberOf a Network.
  • Extended the range of comesFromPlace/goesToPlace to include gist:Address in addition to gist:Place. Issue #392.
  • Modified classes and properties related to street addresses as per issue #483:
    • Removed BuildingAddress.
    • Added StreetAddress as subclass of PostalAddress.
    • Replaced hasStreetAddress with the more general hasAddress. Removed streetAddressOf.
    • Removed communicationAddressOf in a general effort to trim unused inverse properties.
    • Clarified the definition of hasCommunicationAddress (now a subproperty of hasAddress), added domain (Person U Organization).

Minor Updates

  • Added annotation properties which provide usage guidance for properties without the constraints imposed by rdfs:range and rdfs:domain: Issue #389.
    • domainIncludes
    • rangeIncludes
  • Created a gistMediaTypes ontology to declare MediaType instances relevant to semantic applications. Issue #463.

Patch Updates

  • Updated annotations for isBasedOn and isBasisFor properties. Issue #139
  • hasDirectSubCategory is now a subproperty of hasSubCategory, as it was always supposed to be. Issue #481.
  • Clarified the definition of ContemporaneousEvent. Issue #174.

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Release 9.7.0

Minor Updates

  • Deprecated gist:Room. Issue #102.

Patch Updates

  • Updated annotations for the following properties regarding the hasDirectX/hasX pattern. Issue #115
    • geoContains, geoContainedIn
    • directPartOf,hasDirectPart
    • directlyPrecededBy, directlyPrecedes
  • Declare gist:identifies as owl:FunctionalProperty rather than owl:InverseFunctionalProperty (bug fix). Issue #180.

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Release 9.6.0

Minor Updates

  • Added datatype property gist:description for describing instance data. Issue #425.
  • Refactored hasParty, giver and getter. Issue #133.
    • giver and getter
      • Renamed to hasGiver and hasGetter
      • The newly named versions are no longer sub-properties of hasParty
      • Deprecated giver and getter
    • New property: hasParticipant
      • No domain or range
      • Has sub-properties: hasGiver, hasGetter, hasParty, fromAgent and toAgent
    • Added a skos:scopeNote to fromAgent
    • Added a skos:example to hasParty
    • Updated skos:definitions for toAgent and fromAgent

Patch Updates

  • Updated all skos:prefLabel values based on a newly-adopted convention. See the convention specification in the section on Labels in the gist style guide. Added skos:prefLabel validation to build process for classes and properties. Issues #227 and #421.

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Release 9.5.0

Minor Updates

  • Converted RDFS annotations to SKOS annotations. See gist style guide for usage details. A file containing legacy RDFS annotations is included in the release package for those who wish to continue using them for existing terms. Issues #351, #379.
  • Deprecated gist:geoDirectlyContains and gist:geoDirectlyContainedIn. Issue #328.
  • Removed gist:Address from range of gist:toAgent and gist:fromAgent. Issue #391.
  • Added label validation rules for classes and properties. Created gist:nonCoformingLabel annotation property to tag exceptions to the rule. Issue #227.

Patch Updates

  • Modified build to create JSON-LD ontology files with .jsonld extension. Issue #365.
  • Documentation:
    • Documented policy change on submission of PRs by external contributors (PRs from external contributors are now accepted for review if submitted with an issue). Issue #382.
    • Documented new, condensed release notes format (reverted release note format introduced in 9.4.0). Issue #401.
  • Added a standard pre-commit hook which applies uniform formatting to RDF files using tools/rdf-toolkit.jar. Issue #228.
  • Conformed definition of gist:_second to other gist:BaseUnit individuals. Issue #92.
  • Fixed label of TaskTemplate. Issue #407.
  • Corrected all class and property labels to be compliant with validation rules documented in the gist style guide. Issue #227.

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Release 9.4.0

Minor Updates

  • Replaced the union class equivalences in the definitions of gist:Artifact and gist:Place with subclass assertions from each of the union class members. Issues #110, #343.
  • Made changes to Category predicates: added intransitive properties gist:hasDirectSubCategory and gist:hasDirectSuperCategory as sub-properties of gist:hasSubCategory and gist:hasSuperCategory, respectively, and made the latter transitive. Issues #104, #107.
  • Replaced gist:Weight with gist:Mass in all contexts. Issue #105.

Patch Updates

  • Made gist:hasPhysicalLocation transitive. Issue #109.
  • Deprecated gist:_unitedNations. Issue #207.
  • Made trivial corrections to axioms in the definition of some geo terms. Issues #64, #334, #361.
  • Changed ontology edit format from RDF/XML (.owl) to Turtle (.ttl). Issues #223, #319.
  • Added release notes template. Issue #338.

Import URL:

Release 9.3.0

  • Merged into a single module/file all of gist except the gistDeprecated module. Fixes issue #292.
  • Removed import diagram generation and catalog files from bundling. Fixes issue #309.
  • Amended bundle.yaml to add rdfs:isDefinedBy to all ontology terms during release bundling process. Fixes issue #266.
  • Added gist:EmailAddress as a subclass of gist:ElectronicMessageAddress. Fixes issue #99.
  • Changed gist:orderedMemberOf from Inverse Functional to Functional. Fixes issue #262.
  • Added gist:Collection as the range, instead of domain, of gist:memberOf. Fixes issue #142.
  • Removed redundant disjoints. Fixes issue #254.

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Release 9.2.0

  • Replaced all "xs" namespace prefixes for XML Schema with "xsd". Corrects issue #158.
  • Corrected gist:convertToBase value for gist:_minute from 1.0 to 60.0. Fixes issue #82.
  • Added initial draft of in-progress gist style guide. Fixes issue #163.
  • Added documentation of change and release management process. Fixes issue [#233](#233>.
  • Added guidelines for submission of GitHub issues and pull requests. Fixes issue #190.
  • Remove defunct tools and documentation. Fixes issue #193.
  • Include direct imports of all gist modules in gistCore. Fixes issue #80.
  • Corrected all typos and misspellings in annotations. Fixes issue #210.
  • Added cardinality restrictions and disjoints to various gist unit classes. Fixes #69.
  • Removed defunct owl:versionInfo from all ontology files. Fixes issue #212.

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Release 9.1.0

  • Reformatted all files to match uniform serialization.
  • Corrected restriction for gist:Collection.
  • Provided missing labels for classes and properties.
  • Corrects issues #72, #91, #95, #96, #97, #98, #101, #122, and #145.
  • Removed outdated Visio and PDF files, documentation is now auto-generated as part of the release process.
  • gistWiki has been removed.

Import URL:

Release 9.0


  • The gist namespace has been modified from http: to https:.
  • Added comments to ontologies.
  • Added labels and comments to many properties and classes.
  • SocialBeing has been removed.
  • The property gist:party has been renamed to gist:hasParty.

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  • SocialBeing has been removed. A few restrictions that used SocialBeing as a filter class now use the expression (Person or Organization).
  • Added Contract.
  • The property gist:party was renamed to gist:hasParty.


  • New property: hasTag.
  • A gist:Category now uses gist:hasTag instead of gist:containedText.
  • The definition of Taxonomy was corrected. It used to be a controlled vocabulary that had a super category or a navigational parent. But it is not the taxonomy that is part of a hierarchy, it is the elements of the taxonomy that are part of the hierarchy. The definition for gist:Taxonomy now says it is a controlled vocabulary and has a member that has either a sub category or super category. The notion of navigational parent is no longer included in the definition.
  • The object property gist:hasPreferredTerm that pointed to a gist:Text property was removed. Use the annotation skos:prefLabel instead.


  • Renamed occurredAt to occursAt.
  • Changed restriction on gist:Event to be (occursAt gist:Place) rather than (occuredAt gist:GeoRegion).
  • Renamed TemplateTask to TaskTemplate because it is a template related to tasks, not a task related to templates.
  • Moved gist;characterizedAs to gistTop.
  • Removed TimeInterval. A number of restrictions with filter class (TimeInstant or TimeInterval) changed to be just TimeInstant.


  • A ServiceSpecifictation no longer produced a behavior. Rather, it is the basis for an Event (replaced a restriction)
  • New property: basisFor, inverse of basedOn which is defined in gistTop.


Entirely new ontology for modeling Internet of Things concepts.


  • Slight clarification of the meaning of OrdinalCollection. Mathematically, it is more than just a total order, it is a strict total order.
  • directlyPrecedes replaces strictlyPrecedes.
  • directlyPrecededBy replaces strictlyPrecededBy
  • PhysicalThing removed, was a vestige from the past.


  • Entirely new ontology covering concepts for a virtual or actual network.


  • New Class: GeoPoliticalRegion, a collection of gist:GeoRegion administered by a GovernmentOrganization.


  • The range of the property geoOccupies changed to gist:Place. It had been the union of GeoRegion and GeoVolume.


  • TemporalRelation no longer a subclass of TimeInterval (which has been removed).


  • Just a few new labels and comments.


  • References to TimeInterval removed.
  • Event is no longer a subclass of TimeInterval. Instead, it has a start and end time.
  • gist:Content is no longer disjoint with Intention.
  • gist:Magnitude is no longer gist:of something. We used to think of magnitude of say 180 pounds as necessarily being a value associated with something, e.g. a person. gist:of was the inverse of gist:hasA which no longer exists.


  • RatioUnit used to have exactly 1 UnitOfMeasure as a numerator, now it can have more than one.


Added to the list of deprecated things:

  1. Renamed
    • gist:TemplateTask (renamed to TaskTemplate)
    • gist:party (use hasParty instead)
  2. Removed
    • gist:SocialBeing - use (Person or Organization) instead
    • gist:of (a vestige of the past)
    • gist:sameOrderAs (was adding unnecessary mathematical precision)
    • gist:TimeInterval (the idea of a time interval is captured by assigning it a start and end time, e.g. an event)
    • gist:dateTime
  3. Replaced by a variation
    • gist:strictlyPrecededBy (using directlyPrecededBy instead)
    • gist:strictlyPrecedes (using directlyPrecedes instead)

Release 8.0

This major version primarily changed all concept URIs to use / instead of # Additionally, gistWiki is no longer included by gistCore.

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Release 7.5

This version focused on making the import structure simpler and flatter, in order to make it easier for people to use subsets of gist if they want to. Because all of gist is in one name space this was relatively easy to do and will have very little impact on anyone who is using gist 7.* (see the change log there were a few changes that you may want to review).

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Release 7.4

Gist 7.4 was an internal release.

Release 7.3

  • An additional supplementary ontology was added for Units of Measure which introduces the concept of a Coherent Unit. This allows for conversions between units of the same dimension to be done using just SPARQL, as opposed to relying on rules.
  • There are new and/or improved annotations (definitions, notes, examples, negative examples, etc.) on all Classes.
  • The Category ontology added properties for true sub/super type relationship, including having a unique superType (parent).
  • Other minor changes:
  • removal of redundant imports and redundant classes already defined in another ontology
  • relaxed the domain on gist:start and gist:end
  • expanded the range of gist:fromAgent and gist:toAgent
  • added to the Units of Measure ontology and corrected an erroneously named class

See ChangeLog in pdf file for full details of changes.

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Release 7.2

  • Add wiki and rdfshape capability
  • Removed some redundant assertions, and moved some comments to the ontology where the concept was first introduced.
  • Removed currencyValue in favor of decimalValue
  • Upgrades domains on some date properties and hasCommunicationAddress
  • Deprecated a lot of the measurement stuff that wasn't being used (as far as we know)

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Release 7.1.1

  • Fix an erroneous disjoint statement on the class gist:Magnitude. If you previously downloaded gist 7.1 you may have experienced an inference error if you attempted to run inference using Hermit. The gist 7.1.1 release has eliminated the cause of this error.
  • In addition to using the OWL files locally, you can import these files via URL directly into your ontology editor of choice(Protegé, Topbraid, etc.) The import will take care of the dependencies.

Import URL:

Release 7.1

Primarily fixes minor errors like typos in our gist 7.0 release.

Below is a brief summary of the changes that have semantic import from an inference perspective (axiom added, removed, changed, etc.) or that are backward incompatible.

  • Made gist:uniqueText a subproperty of gist:containedText.
  • Added gist:Agreement to range of gist:governs.
  • Changed gist:prevent, gist:allow and gist:require to gist:prevents, gist:allows, and gist:requires.
  • Changed restriction on gist:Offer to use gist:hasDirectPart some gist:CatalogItem.
  • Removed property gist:specifiedIn, no longer needed.
  • Changed property restriction on gist:Account from gist:hasA some gist:Balance to gist:hasMagnitude some gist:Balance.
  • Corrected inverse property of gist:hasDirectSubtask to gist:directSubtaskOf
  • Added gist:IntellectualProperty and gist:PhysicalThing to the range of gist:governs.
  • In the definition of gist:Requirement, removed gist:Conformance from the range of gist:requires.

In addition to using the OWL files locally, you can import these files via URL directly into your ontology editor of choice(Protegé, Topbraid, etc.) The import will take care of the dependencies.

Import URL:

Release Notes gist 7.0

gist 7.0 is a major upgrade from our last released version (6.7.1). The main differences are:

  • gist 7.0 is extremely modular. There are 18 modules that can be used collectively or in subsets if you don't need all the concepts in gist.
  • gist 7.0 is more elegant than its predecessors. We have reduced the number of top level concepts that everything else derives from to 12. And these 12 concepts are not philosophical abstractions like endurants and perdurants, or qualia, there are normal terms whose definitions are quite close to what you already believe.
  • gist 7.0 has more extensive and more-fine grained disjointness at the highest level. It turns out that in order for an upper ontology to help you avoid making logical errors in your derived enterprise or ontology, it needs to make use of disjointness. Without disjointness, the reasoner does not find logic errors.

For documentation and OWL files regarding terms that were deprecated when moving from version 6.7.1 to 7.0, please see the sub-folder called "Deprecated terms from gist6.7.1".

In addition to using the OWL files locally, you can import these files via URL directly into your ontology editor of choice(Protegé, Topbraid, etc.) The import will take care of the dependencies.

Import URL: