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Possible future moves of Human resources

Mohamed Hassan edited this page Nov 26, 2022 · 26 revisions

Internal moves forward are mandatory upon need because of the needed acquired extensive experience and knowledge over the time inside the corporation to bring more added value for both sides. Possible future moves upon occurrence of a vacant position inside the corporation for a human resource inside the unit of software development department.

Quality over years of experience in selection criteria and mutual acceptance.

CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Business Analyst => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Product Owner => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

UI/UX Designer => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Scrum Master (Team Lead) => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Project Manager => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Java Architect => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Junior Java Developer [Backend] => Can be moved to => Senior Java Developer [Backend] => Can be moved to => Java Architect => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Senior Java Developer [Backend] => Can be moved to => Java Architect => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Junior JavaScript Developer [Web Frontend] => Can be moved to => Senior JavaScript Developer [Web Frontend] => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Senior JavaScript Developer [Web Frontend] => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Junior Java Developer [Mobile Frontend] => Can be moved to => Senior Java Developer [Mobile Frontend] => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Senior Java Developer [Mobile Frontend] => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Junior Tester [QA] => Can be moved to => Senior Tester [QA] => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Senior Tester [QA] => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Junior System Admin [Linux Based] => Can be moved to => Senior System Admin [Linux Based] => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Senior System Admin [Linux Based] => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Junior DevOps Engineer [Linux Based] => Can be moved to => Senior DevOps Engineer [Linux Based] => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

Senior DevOps Engineer [Linux Based] => Can be moved to => Can be moved to => CTO => Can be moved to => Board of Management

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