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Necessary amount of information technology knowledge for employees before work

Mohamed Hassan (JOHN) edited this page Feb 2, 2025 Β· 14 revisions


Due to the bad level of education globally 🌍, this amount is added here per need.

FYI / FYA: You shall have such amount with practical experience during your education whether you're a vocational education graduate or a university graduate. At the end you will be qualified as a general-computer-user πŸ˜‡ πŸŽ… regardless of your real-life-specialization πŸ’ͺ. Besides it's also useful when you start interacting with the digital governmental services (as paying internet subscription online), doing online shopping, ..., etc.

Necessary content:

why this content is not taught within the different education phases in a practical manner that fit the real world need not a fucken fantasy one with more money on some shitty mcq questions ???!!! 🀑 πŸ€“ πŸ’© πŸ€ͺ

FYI / FYA: No need for ms-office package until you start working in a legal manner, then the government itself shall give you such specialized training upon need, because it's not a critical life need as being a general-computer-user as mentioned above.


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