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Ben Christel edited this page Jul 16, 2023 · 6 revisions

A closure is an instance of a Routine. While routines are a Static (source-code) concept, closures are a Dynamic (runtime) concept. An analogy to ObjectOrientedProgramming might help here: closures are to routines as objects are to classes. Indeed, one way to View closures is that they are like objects that have a single Method, call(...arguments). Some languages (notably Java) implement closures in exactly this way.

A closure retains a reference to the LexicalScope in which it was instantiated. It can generally read variables within that scope (and reassign them, too, in some languages).

Understanding Closures

Closures are an inherently difficult concept to learn, because they require you to mentally manipulate objects and concepts that don't correspond one-to-one with syntactic forms in the source code. However, closures are so essential to an understanding of complex programs that it pays to master the concept early on. Many programmers' first exposure to closures is in JavaScript, so I'll use JavaScript examples here.

The first key thing to understand is this: the function keyword in JavaScript creates a new closure when it executes, just as the {} object syntax creates a new object, or [] creates a new array. Arrow-function syntax (() => {}) also creates a closure in exactly the same way.

Why do we care when a new closure gets created, though? In order to understand why this is important, we need to look at how closures interact with variables.

Closures are easiest to grasp if we first look at how they work in the absence of VariableReassignment. Take a function like getMessage(), below:

const message = "Hello, world!"
function getMessage() {
  return message

You can probably guess what getMessage does: it always returns "Hello, world!". The interesting thing about it is that in order to do this, it references a Constant defined outside itself (in the language of this wiki, a FreeConstant).

A useful mental model for reasoning about this program is what Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman in StructureAndInterpretationOfComputerPrograms call the SubstitutionModel. The first rule of the substitution model is that we can replace the name of any constant with the value of that constant. If we replace message with its value, we get:

const message = "Hello, world!"
function getMessage() {
  return "Hello, world!"

This is not a particularly interesting example, because the getMessage function is declared at the top level. That means there will only ever be one closure instantiated from this function, because the code that defines it is only executed once.

Here's a more complex example:

function makeGreeter(message) {
  function greet() {
    return message
  return greet

const spanish = makeGreeter("Hola")
const english = makeGreeter("Hello")

console.log(spanish()) // logs "Hola"
console.log(english()) // logs "Hello"

Here, we have a makeGreeter function that returns a closure instantiated from the greet function. You can think of the function keyword in JavaScript as creating a new closure when it executes, in much the same way as the {} object syntax creates a new object, or [] creates a new array. So in this program, line 2 creates a new closure instance, which gets returned from makeGreeter on line 5.

We can apply the substitution model to this code, too. The second rule of the substitution model is that whenever we see a function call, we can replace it with the value that the function would return given those arguments. Applying the rule to spanish and english, we get:

function makeGreeter(message) {
  function greet() {
    return message
  return greet

const spanish = function greet() {
  return "Hola"
const english = function greet() {
  return "Hello"


This example is interesting because we call makeGreeter twice with different arguments. Each time, we get back a new closure, and those closures do different things—they return different messages. This is very similar to having our makeGreeter function return an object:

function makeGreeterObject(message) {
  const greeter = {
    message: message
  return greeter

const spanish = makeGreeterObject("Hola")
const english = makeGreeterObject("Hello")


Here, we get a new object from each call, and the objects' properties can have different values. In just the same way, we get a new closure each time we call makeGreeter in the previous example, and those closures can have different behavior.

Note, though, that the substitution model is not a complete model of how closures work in JavaScript. It only works if objects are never mutated and variables are never reassigned. If we introduce variable reassignment to the greeter example, things get pretty mind-bending:

function makeGreeter(message) {
  function greet() {
    return message
  function setMessage(newMessage) {
    message = newMessage
  return {
    greet: greet,
    setMessage: setMessage,  

const greeter = makeGreeter("Hello")
console.log(greeter.greet()) // logs "Hello"
console.log(greeter.greet()) // logs "Hola"

const french = makeGreeter("Bonjour")
console.log(french.greet()) // logs "Bonjour"
console.log(greeter.greet()) // still logs "Hola"

Here, we're returning an object from makeGreeter as a convenient way of returning two closures.

Now, the return value of each greet closure depends on whether anyone has called the setMessage closure returned from the same makeGreeter call. Every time we call makeGreeter, we get a different pair of greet and setMessage closures.

How can we reason about this program? The key to seeing what's going on here is to imagine how the CallStack grows and shrinks as our program runs.

Consider the call makeGreeter("Hello"). To execute this code, the computer pushes a new frame onto the stack with room for the message variable. It assigns message the value "Hello". Then it starts executing the code in the makeGreeter function. It instantiates a new closure from the greet function, and—this is the key point—that closure has access to the stack frame in which it was created. That is, it can get and set the message variable.

The weird thing here is that although when makeGreeter returns, its stack frame is popped, the stack frame doesn't disappear. It gets moved to another area of memory, and the closures created by makeGreeter still have access to it. The stack frame is like an invisible "ghost object" that's kept floating around, accessible only through the closure functions.

Is this a memory leak? Potentially, if the closures stick around forever. But if the closures are no longer referenced anywhere, they will be garbage-collected, and any "ghost" stack frames they reference will be cleaned up too.

Nested Closures


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