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Ben Christel edited this page Dec 30, 2022 · 5 revisions

The "36 Views" technique is a way of exploring a topic by approaching it from many different, complementary angles.

The name is a reference to the series of paintings "36 Views of Mount Fuji" by Hokusai.

I use the technique on this wiki to investigate complex topics. Each view illuminates some aspect of the topic while obscuring others.

There is an analogy to be made to multiview projection, in which a multidimensional object is presented via several projections into a lower-dimensional space.

See also: Mike Caulfield's idea of Choral Explanations, and Bohr's principle of complementarity.

On Other Wikis

People have defined entire "view models" (systems of complementary views) for enterprise architecture, because of course they have.

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