Releases: assimbly/custom-components
Releases · assimbly/custom-components
What's Changed
- GoogleDrive - include flowId on the log error by @brunovg in #126
- ZipFileEnrichStrategy - PoolEnrich - if newExchange is null, it means there's no remote file to consume by @brunovg in #127
- Samba - check if the path exist before listing files by @brunovg in #128
- Samba - implement newGenericFile, returning new GenericFile by @brunovg in #129
- Update to 5.0.2-SNAPSHOT by @skin27 in #131
- xmltojsonlegacy - handle decimal values when type is number by @brunovg in #132
- Samba - SmbConsumer - cannot override isRetrieveFile method by @brunovg in #133
- Next by @skin27 in #134
- Replace - escape replacement string by @brunovg in #135
- XmlToJson component - improvements and corrections by @brunovg in #136
- XmlAggregateStrategy - checks for xml declaration at the beginning of splitXml string by @brunovg in #137
- Mail SplitAttachmentsExpression - use the same code as Apache Camel, with a few changes by @brunovg in #138
- replicate ZipFileEnrichStrategy logic like on runtime by @brunovg in #139
What's Changed
- TenantVariable - add missing field static_tenant_variable_group_id by @brunovg in #121
- Mail component - Using jakarta.mail dependency from angus by @brunovg in #122
- WSDLHelperTest - unit test removed by @brunovg in #123
- set angus.mail version on main pom file by @brunovg in #124
- merge missing fix - register drivers only once by @brunovg in #125
- GoogleDrive - include flowId on the log error by @brunovg in #126
- ZipFileEnrichStrategy - PoolEnrich - if newExchange is null, it means there's no remote file to consume by @brunovg in #127
- Samba - check if the path exist before listing files by @brunovg in #128
- Samba - implement newGenericFile, returning new GenericFile by @brunovg in #129
- Release 5.0.1 by @skin27 in #130
Full Changelog: 5.0.0...5.0.1
What's Changed
- Updated workflows by @joaocatalao in #17
- Updated new release workflow by @joaocatalao in #18
- Updated delete packages workflow by @joaocatalao in #19
- Updated delete packages workflow by @joaocatalao in #20
- XML to JSON custom component - replicate Json-lib behaviour by @github-actions in #22
- Renaming globalvariables component to tenantvariables by @github-actions in #24
- XML to JSON legacy component - changes / developments by @github-actions in #28
- Bugfix/issue 29/xml to json legacy component some more issues by @brunovg in #30
- GoogleDrive / OAuth2 - replicate last changes to Assimbly by @github-actions in #32
- Unit tests - NoClassDefFoundError javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlRootElement by @github-actions in #26
- tenantvariables component - problems with gateway login by @github-actions in #34
- pdftotxt component - set header content-type text/plain by @github-actions in #36
- SQL - validate endpoint - escapedChars param should be escapeChars by @github-actions in #38
- SQL Component - SQL Server - instance name on hostname doesn't work by @github-actions in #40
- JSON to XML legacy component by @github-actions in #42
- JsonToXML Legacy component - renaming options by @github-actions in #44
- 4.0.3 by @skin27 in #45
- 4.0.3 by @skin27 in #46
- Update pom.xml by @skin27 in #47
- Update version to 4.0.3 by @skin27 in #49
- Update pom.xml by @skin27 in #50
- Main by @skin27 in #51
- CVStoXML component - Set content-type 'application/xml' by @brunovg in #53
- FormtoXml - set content-type as application/xml by @brunovg in #55
- SQL component - response info on multiple inserts by @brunovg in #57
- Simple Replace - read only once the body from exchange in by @brunovg in #59
- SimpleReplace component - unmarshal needs to return a String instead of a OutputStream by @brunovg in #61
- Oriflame custom component by @brunovg in #63
- JsonToXML Legacy component - setting correctly namespace on output xml by @brunovg in #65
- Tenant variables - Encryption - using kalium library by @brunovg in #67
- AttachmentAttacher processor was missing in mail component by @brunovg in #70
- Encoder - first conversion should be originCharset, and not UTF-8 by @brunovg in #73
- XML to JSON legacy component - corrections/refinements by @brunovg in #74
- forceFlag was never used to recreate client with the new access token by @brunovg in #76
- GoogleDrive component - message log corrected by @brunovg in #78
- Xml2Json legacy component - fixing some problems by @brunovg in #80
- XmlToJson / JsonToXml legacy - init config objects by @brunovg in #82
- Add 4.0.5 changes to next by @skin27 in #71
- Aggregate - update xml aggregate strategy by @brunovg in #83
- XmlAggregateStrategy - small fixes by @brunovg in #84
- XmlAggregateStrategy - fix some problems when parallel processing is used by @brunovg in #85
- XmlAggregateStrategy - removes xml declaration from splitXml by @brunovg in #86
- Mongodb - Using mongodb drivers directly on 5.00 by @brunovg in #88
- Mongodb - other field types than string by @brunovg in #89
- Mongodb - check for null on long fields, before setting value by @brunovg in #90
- SQL component - enable header attributes by @brunovg in #92
- Email component - oauth2 authentication by @brunovg in #93
- Email component - add missing hasAttachments method by @brunovg in #94
- Email Component - set JavaMailSender password based on authenticationType value by @brunovg in #95
- Multipart - set body content as byte[] by @brunovg in #96
- Tenant Variables - working with encrypted tenant variables by @brunovg in #97
- Soap - set body content as byte[] by @brunovg in #98
- Sql - query was interpolated 2 times by @brunovg in #99
- Mongodb - User - cast role and status fields with the right type by @brunovg in #100
- Email component - when oauth is used, don't use defaultSender by @brunovg in #101
- Edifact & Smooksnoxml - force hibernate-core version 6.5.2.Final by @brunovg in #102
- xmltojsonlegacy - add text node content as json, when content is detected as json by @brunovg in #103
- Exclude old groovy version dependency from edifact and smooksnoxml custom components by @brunovg in #104
- Next by @skin27 in #105
- TenantVariables - include missing tag_ids field on TenantVariable object by @brunovg in #106
- Update to 5.0.0 by @skin27 in #111
- Update GitHub Action workflows by @skin27 in #113
- Update update-version.yml by @skin27 in #114
- Update to 5.0.0 by @skin27 in #115
- Update release.yml by @skin27 in #116
- Update release.yml by @skin27 in #117
- OAuth2Token & Mail Comp - get StaticTenantVariable accessToken by @brunovg in #108
- TenantProcessor - reverted class code to the original onde (with a few mods) + removed kalium lib by @brunovg in #118
- Tenant Variable - inits empty fields by @brunovg in #119
- Release 5.0.0 by @skin27 in #120
Full Changelog: 4.0.1...5.0.0