released this
24 Jan 12:06
What's Changed
GoogleDrive - include flowId on the log error by @brunovg in #126
ZipFileEnrichStrategy - PoolEnrich - if newExchange is null, it means there's no remote file to consume by @brunovg in #127
Samba - check if the path exist before listing files by @brunovg in #128
Samba - implement newGenericFile, returning new GenericFile by @brunovg in #129
Update to 5.0.2-SNAPSHOT by @skin27 in #131
xmltojsonlegacy - handle decimal values when type is number by @brunovg in #132
Samba - SmbConsumer - cannot override isRetrieveFile method by @brunovg in #133
Next by @skin27 in #134
Replace - escape replacement string by @brunovg in #135
XmlToJson component - improvements and corrections by @brunovg in #136
XmlAggregateStrategy - checks for xml declaration at the beginning of splitXml string by @brunovg in #137
Mail SplitAttachmentsExpression - use the same code as Apache Camel, with a few changes by @brunovg in #138
replicate ZipFileEnrichStrategy logic like on runtime by @brunovg in #139
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