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Releases: CesiumGS/cesium-unreal

Cesium for Unreal v1.19.0 (Unreal Engine 4)

01 Nov 11:09
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v4.26 and v4.27 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version. For Unreal Engine 5, please see Cesium for Unreal v1.19.0 (Unreal Engine 5).

Breaking Changes 📣
  • Removed some poorly named and unreliable functions on the CesiumGeoreference: ComputeEastNorthUp, TransformRotatorEastNorthUpToUnreal, and TransformRotatorUnrealToEastNorthUp. These functions have been replaced with reliable "EastSouthUp" counterparts.
Additions 🎉
  • Added asynchronous texture creation where supported by the graphics API. This offloads a frequent render thread bottleneck to background loading threads.
  • Improved synchronous texture creation by eliminating a main-thread memcpy, for cases where asynchronous texture creation is not supported.
  • Added throttling of the main-thread part of loading for glTFs.
  • Added throttling for tile cache unloads on the main thread.
  • Added a prototype developer feature enabling Unreal Insights tracing into Cesium Native. This helps us investigate end-to-end performance in a deeper and more precise manner.
Fixes 🔧
  • Significantly reduced frame-rate dips during asynchronous tile loading by eliminating thread pool monopolization by Cesium tasks.
  • Improved the tile destruction sequence by allowing it to defer being destroyed to future frames if it is waiting on asynchronous work to finish. Previously we would essentially block the main thread waiting for tiles to become ready for destruction.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.20.0 to v0.21.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v1.18.0 (Unreal Engine 5)

03 Oct 11:35
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.0 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. For Unreal Engine 4, please see Cesium for Unreal v1.18.0 (Unreal Engine 4).

Additions 🎉
  • Improved the dithered transition between levels-of-detail, making it faster and eliminating depth fighting.
  • Added an option to Cesium3DTileset to change the tileset's mobility, rather than always using Static mobility. This allows users to make a tileset movable at runtime, if needed.
  • ACesiumCreditSystem now has a Blueprint-accessible property for the CreditsWidget. This is useful to, for example, move the credits to an in-game billboard rather than a 2D overlay.
Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed a bug where collision settings were only applied to the first primitive in a glTF.
  • Fixed a bug where the Screen Credits Decorator prevented the Rich Text Block Image Decorator from working.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.19.0 to v0.20.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v1.18.0 (Unreal Engine 4)

03 Oct 11:35
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v4.26 and v4.27 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version. For Unreal Engine 5, please see Cesium for Unreal v1.18.0 (Unreal Engine 5).

Additions 🎉
  • Improved the dithered transition between levels-of-detail, making it faster and eliminating depth fighting.
  • Added an option to Cesium3DTileset to change the tileset's mobility, rather than always using Static mobility. This allows users to make a tileset movable at runtime, if needed.
  • ACesiumCreditSystem now has a Blueprint-accessible property for the CreditsWidget. This is useful to, for example, move the credits to an in-game billboard rather than a 2D overlay.
Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed a bug where collision settings were only applied to the first primitive in a glTF.
  • Fixed a bug where the Screen Credits Decorator prevented the Rich Text Block Image Decorator from working.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.19.0 to v0.20.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v1.17.0 (Unreal Engine 5)

01 Sep 18:51
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v1.17.0 - 2022-09-01

This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.0 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. For Unreal Engine 4, please see Cesium for Unreal v1.17.0 (Unreal Engine 4).

Additions 🎉
  • The translucent parts of 3D Tiles are now correctly rendered as translucent. In addition, a new TranslucentMaterial property on Cesium3DTileset allows a custom material to be used to render these translucent portions.
  • Added a Rendering -> Use Lod Transitions option on Cesium3DTileset to smoothly dither between levels-of-detail rather than switching abruptly.
  • Added support for loading WebP images inside glTFs and raster overlays. WebP textures can be provided directly in a glTF texture or in the EXT_texture_webp extension.
Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed a bug that prevented fractional DPI scaling from being properly taken into account. Instead, it would scale by the next-smallest integer.
  • Cesium for Unreal now only uses Editor viewports for tile selection if they are visible, real-time, and use a perspective projection. Previously, any viewport with a valid size was used, which could lead to tiles being loaded and rendered unnecessarily.
  • Fixed a bug that caused tiles to disappear when the Editor viewport was in Orbit mode.
  • Fixed a bug in the Globe Anchor Component that prevented changing/resetting the actor transform in the details panel.
  • Reduced the size of physics meshes by only copying UV data if "Support UV from Hit Results" is enabled in the project settings.
  • Fixed a bug - in Unreal Engine 5 only - where a LineTrace would occasionally fail to collide with tiles at certain levels-of-detail.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while running on a dedicated server, caused by attempting to add the credits widget to the viewport.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.18.1 to v0.19.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v1.17.0 (Unreal Engine 4)

01 Sep 17:25
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v1.17.0 - 2022-09-01

This release includes support for Unreal Engine v4.26 and v4.27 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version. For Unreal Engine 5, please see Cesium for Unreal v1.17.0 (Unreal Engine 5).

Additions 🎉
  • The translucent parts of 3D Tiles are now correctly rendered as translucent. In addition, a new TranslucentMaterial property on Cesium3DTileset allows a custom material to be used to render these translucent portions.
  • Added a Rendering -> Use Lod Transitions option on Cesium3DTileset to smoothly dither between levels-of-detail rather than switching abruptly.
  • Added support for loading WebP images inside glTFs and raster overlays. WebP textures can be provided directly in a glTF texture or in the EXT_texture_webp extension.
Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed a bug that prevented fractional DPI scaling from being properly taken into account. Instead, it would scale by the next-smallest integer.
  • Cesium for Unreal now only uses Editor viewports for tile selection if they are visible, real-time, and use a perspective projection. Previously, any viewport with a valid size was used, which could lead to tiles being loaded and rendered unnecessarily.
  • Fixed a bug that caused tiles to disappear when the Editor viewport was in Orbit mode.
  • Fixed a bug in the Globe Anchor Component that prevented changing/resetting the actor transform in the details panel.
  • Reduced the size of physics meshes by only copying UV data if "Support UV from Hit Results" is enabled in the project settings.
  • Fixed a bug - in Unreal Engine 5 only - where a LineTrace would occasionally fail to collide with tiles at certain levels-of-detail.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while running on a dedicated server, caused by attempting to add the credits widget to the viewport.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.18.1 to v0.19.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v1.16.2 (Unreal Engine 5)

16 Aug 00:25
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v1.16.2 - 2022-08-04

This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.0 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version. For Unreal Engine 4, please see Cesium for Unreal v1.16.2 (Unreal Engine 4).

Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash in Unreal Engine 4.26 when enabling the experimental tileset occlusion culling feature.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.18.0 to v0.18.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v1.16.2 (Unreal Engine 4)

16 Aug 00:25
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v1.16.2 - 2022-08-04

This release includes support for Unreal Engine v4.26 and v4.27 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version. For Unreal Engine 5, please see Cesium for Unreal v1.16.2 (Unreal Engine 5).

Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash in Unreal Engine 4.26 when enabling the experimental tileset occlusion culling feature.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.18.0 to v0.18.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v1.16.1 (Unreal Engine 5)

01 Aug 19:12
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v1.16.1 - 2022-08-01

This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.0 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. For Unreal Engine 4, please see Cesium for Unreal v1.16.1 (Unreal Engine 4).

Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when using thumbnail rendering, notably on the Project Settings panel in UE5.
  • More fully disabled the occlusion culling system when the project-level feature flag is disabled.

v1.16.0 - 2022-08-01

Breaking Changes 📣
  • Cesium for Unreal now automatically scales the selected 3D Tiles level-of-detail by the viewport client's GetDPIScale, meaning that devices with high-DPI displays will get less detail and higher performance than they did in previous versions. This can be disabled - and the previous behavior restored - by disabling the "Scale Level Of Detail By DPI" in Project Settings under Plugins -> Cesium, or by changing the "Apply Dpi Scaling" property on individual Tileset Actors.
Additions 🎉
  • Added an experimental feature that uses Occlusion Culling to avoid refining tiles that are occluded by other content in the level. Currently this must be explicitly enabled from the Plugins -> Cesium section of Project Settings. We expect to enable it by default in a future release.
  • Added options in ACesium3DTileset to control occlusion culling and turn it off if necessary.
  • UCesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent now has static mobility, allowing it to take advantage of several rendering optimizations only available for static objects.
  • Added an OnTilesetLoaded even that is invoked when the current tileset has finished loading. It is available from C++ and Blueprints.
  • Added a GetLoadProgress method that returns the current load percentage of the tileset. It is available from C++ and Blueprints.
  • Added Blueprint-accessible callback OnFlightComplete for when Dynamic Pawn completes flight.
  • Added Blueprint-accessible callback OnFlightInterrupt for when Dynamic Pawn's flying is interrupted.
Fixes 🔧
  • When the Cesium ion access or login token is modified and stored in a config file that is under source code control, it will now be checked out before it is saved. Previously, token changes could be silently ignores with a source code control system that marks files read-only, such as Perforce.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented credit images from appearing in UE5.
  • Fixed a credit-related crash that occur when switching levels.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.17.0 to v0.18.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v1.16.1 (Unreal Engine 4)

01 Aug 18:59
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v1.16.1 - 2022-08-01

This release includes support for Unreal Engine v4.26 and v4.27 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version. For Unreal Engine 5, please see Cesium for Unreal v1.16.1 (Unreal Engine 5).

Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when using thumbnail rendering, notably on the Project Settings panel in UE5.
  • More fully disabled the occlusion culling system when the project-level feature flag is disabled.

v1.16.0 - 2022-08-01

Breaking Changes 📣
  • Cesium for Unreal now automatically scales the selected 3D Tiles level-of-detail by the viewport client's GetDPIScale, meaning that devices with high-DPI displays will get less detail and higher performance than they did in previous versions. This can be disabled - and the previous behavior restored - by disabling the "Scale Level Of Detail By DPI" in Project Settings under Plugins -> Cesium, or by changing the "Apply Dpi Scaling" property on individual Tileset Actors.
Additions 🎉
  • Added an experimental feature that uses Occlusion Culling to avoid refining tiles that are occluded by other content in the level. Currently this must be explicitly enabled from the Plugins -> Cesium section of Project Settings. We expect to enable it by default in a future release.
  • Added options in ACesium3DTileset to control occlusion culling and turn it off if necessary.
  • UCesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent now has static mobility, allowing it to take advantage of several rendering optimizations only available for static objects.
  • Added an OnTilesetLoaded even that is invoked when the current tileset has finished loading. It is available from C++ and Blueprints.
  • Added a GetLoadProgress method that returns the current load percentage of the tileset. It is available from C++ and Blueprints.
  • Added Blueprint-accessible callback OnFlightComplete for when Dynamic Pawn completes flight.
  • Added Blueprint-accessible callback OnFlightInterrupt for when Dynamic Pawn's flying is interrupted.
Fixes 🔧
  • When the Cesium ion access or login token is modified and stored in a config file that is under source code control, it will now be checked out before it is saved. Previously, token changes could be silently ignores with a source code control system that marks files read-only, such as Perforce.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented credit images from appearing in UE5.
  • Fixed a credit-related crash that occur when switching levels.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.17.0 to v0.18.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v1.15.1 (Unreal Engine 5)

02 Jul 01:10
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v1.15.1 - 2022-07-01

This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.0 on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. For Unreal Engine 4, please see Cesium for Unreal v1.15.1 (Unreal Engine 4).

Additions 🎉
  • Display credits using Rich Text Block instead of the Web Browser Widget.
Fixes 🔧
  • Swapped latitude and longitude parameters on georeferenced sublevels to match with the main georeference.
  • Adjusted the presentation of sublevels in the Cesium Georeference details panel.
  • We now explicitly free physics mesh UVs and face remap data, reducing memory usage in the Editor and reducing pressure on the garbage collector in-game.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when reporting tileset or raster overlay load errors, particularly while switching levels.
  • We now Log the correct asset source when loading a new tileset from either URL or Ion.
  • Disabling physics meshes of a tileset now works in Unreal Engine 5.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.16.0 to v0.17.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.