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Releases: CesiumGS/cesium-unreal

Preview Release: Cesium for Unreal v2.10.0 for Unreal Engine 5.5

13 Nov 09:27
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This is the first release of Cesium for Unreal for Unreal Engine 5.5. It is designated a Preview because we tried to get it out as quickly as possible, so it's not tested as well as a normal release.

For other versions of Unreal Engine, see:

Cesium for Unreal v2.10.0

01 Nov 06:45
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.2, v5.3, and v5.4 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version.

Additions 🎉
  • Added CircumscribedGroundHeight property to CesiumSunSky. It defaults to 0, which is consistent with the previous behavior. It can be set to a larger value (like 40) to avoid dark splotchy artifacts when zoomed out far from the globe in certain tilesets where geometry extends very far beyond the ellipsoid in the low-detail representation, such as Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles.
  • Added a shared assets system that ensures external images referenced by different glTFs will only be loaded once per image. Previously, these images would be loaded again for each glTF that referenced them. This significantly reduces memory usage for tilesets that reuse the same textures.
Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect lighting for tilesets using KHR_materials_unlit.
  • Reduced the memory used by tiles with KHR_materials_unlit.
  • CesiumGlobeAnchor properties are no longer shown on the main CesiumSunSky Details panel, because it is almost never necessary to set these. They can still be set on the component's own Details panel if needed.
  • Fixed error messages in the Unreal log about uninitialized fields in FCesiumSampleHeightResult.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.40.1 to v0.41.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v2.9.0

01 Oct 10:44
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.2, v5.3, and v5.4 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version.

Additions 🎉
  • Added SampleHeightMostDetailed function to Cesium3DTileset, which asynchronously queries the height of a tileset at a list of positions. It is callable from both C++ and Blueprints.
Fixes 🔧
  • Drastically reduced tile mesh memory usage in UE 5.3 and 5.4 by working around a bug that causes those engine versions to add more texture coordinate sets than necessary.
  • Fixed a bug where the scale, noData, and default values of a property in EXT_structural_metadata were not correctly passed to the tileset's material.

This release updates cesium-native from v0.39.0 to v0.40.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v2.8.0

03 Sep 05:26
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.2, v5.3, and v5.4 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version.

Additions 🎉
  • Added universal (Intel and Apple Silicon) binaries for Unreal Engine 5.2. Unreal Engine 5.3 and 5.4 already had universal binaries.
  • Raster overlays now have bAllowAnyoneToDestroyMe set to true by default. This allows them to be dynamically removed and destroyed at runtime via the Blueprint Destroy Component function called from anywhere, including Level Blueprints. Previously, attempting to delete a raster overlay from outside the Actor would result in an error.
Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed a bug introduced in the previous release that caused instanced tilesets to render incorrectly.
  • Debug sections are no longer compressed on Linux and Android, improving compatibility.
  • Fixed a bug where calling Refresh on a CesiumRasterOverlay would cause the overlay to appear on the Cesium3DTileset, even if inactive.

This release updates cesium-native from v0.38.0 to v0.39.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v2.7.1

01 Aug 00:14
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.2, v5.3, and v5.4 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version.

Fixes 🔧
  • Improved collision and line tracing against tilesets by working around an overly-aggressive degenerate triangle check in the Chaos physics engine.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a bad_any_cast exception when trying to access glTF extensions on non-Windows platforms. This commonly popped up when loading tilesets with metadata.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the GetInteger64 functions on CesiumMetadataValue, CesiumPropertyArray, and CesiumPropertyTableProperty to always return the default value on non-Windows platforms.
  • Fixed issue with UCesiumGlobeAnchorComponent::GetEllipsoid that caused compilation errors on some machines.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.37.0 to v0.38.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v2.7.0

01 Jul 00:58
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.2, v5.3, and v5.4 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version.

Additions 🎉
  • Cesium for Unreal now supports using non-WGS84 ellipsoids.
    • An CesiumEllipsoid asset may be specified in the Ellipsoid field of a CesiumGeoreference.
    • To create a CesiumEllipsoid asset, right-click in the Content Drawer and select "Data Asset" under "Miscellaneous." Choose "Cesium Ellipsoid" from the menu that appears.
Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed two problems with CesiumCartographicRasterOverlay:
    • Small tiles would never be excluded, even with "Exclude Selected Tiles" enabled.
    • Pieces of tiles would sometimes not have the raster overlay correctly applied to them. When using with clipping, this would cause bits of tiles to randomly appear inside the clipping polygon.
  • Removed an unnecessary alpha check when selecting translucent base materials.
  • Fixed a crash caused by CesiumSunSky when no viewport is activated in the Editor.
  • Fixed build issues in Unreal 5.4.2 relating to UStaticMesh and glm::toMat4.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.36.0 to v0.37.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v2.6.0

03 Jun 22:29
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.2, v5.3, and v5.4 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version.

Breaking Changes 📣
  • Renamed the following properties on CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay:
    • Url -> BaseUrl
    • West -> RectangleWest
    • South -> RectangleSouth
    • East -> RectangleEast
    • North -> RectangleNorth
  • UseWebMercatorProjection has been deprecated on CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay. Instead, use the Projection enum property to specify between Geographic or WebMercator projection.
Additions 🎉
  • Added support for Instanced 3D Meshes (I3DM) and the glTF EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing extension.
  • Improved DynamicPawn movement by interpolating to its intended speed. This provides smoother movement over areas with large height variation, e.g., when flying over buildings in a city.
  • Added TileWidth and TileHeight properties to CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay.
Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed an issue with pixel dithering artifacts that could appear on tilesets.
  • Fixed an issue where DynamicPawn could get stuck after interrupting a flight from UCesiumFlyToComponent.
  • Fixed a bug where CesiumTileMapServiceRasterOverlay, CesiumWebMapServiceRasterOverlay, and CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay would attempt to load empty URLs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some textures shared between multiple glTF primitives to be missing entirely.
  • Fixed a bug that caused tilesets to fail to load with the "Experimental Occlusion Culling Feature" enabled.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause linker errors when packaging a game using both Cesium for Unreal and the Pixel Streaming plugin in Unreal Engine 5.4.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.35.0 to v0.36.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v2.5.0

01 May 21:09
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.1, v5.2, v5.3, and v5.4 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version.

NOTE: This is the last release of Cesium for Unreal that will support Unreal Engine v5.1. Future versions will require Unreal Engine v5.2+.

Additions 🎉
  • Added support for Unreal Engine 5.4.
  • Added support for Cesium ion servers in single user mode. Tokens are not required to stream assets from such servers.
Fixes 🔧
  • Fixed an issue where tilesets would render completely black on Quest headsets and some iOS devices.
  • Fixed a crash on Unreal Editor shutdown that would occasionally happen due to attempts to access garbage-collected static classes.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.34.0 to v0.35.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v2.4.1

01 Apr 05:54
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.1, v5.2, and v5.3 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version.

This release updates cesium-native from v0.33.0 to v0.34.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.

Cesium for Unreal v2.4.0

01 Mar 05:40
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This release includes support for Unreal Engine v5.1, v5.2, and v5.3 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Please select the appropriate ZIP for your version.

Additions 🎉
  • Significantly reduced CPU memory used by glTF and raster overlay textures.
  • Improved texture creation performance on non-D3D platforms.
  • Added support for the KHR_texture_transform glTF extension - including rotation - for CesiumFeatureIdTexture and CesiumPropertyTextureProperty.
  • CesiumFeaturesMetadataComponent now generates nodes for KHR_texture_transform if the extension is present in a feature ID texture or property texture property.
Fixes 🔧
  • Metadata-related textures are now created in TEXTUREGROUP_8BitData instead of TEXTUREGROUP_World.
  • Added some defensive nullptr checks to CesiumSunSky.

In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.32.0 to v0.33.0. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native.