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pkgdown 1.5.0

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@hadley hadley released this 25 Mar 18:56

New features

  • The articles index page and navbar have been overhauled. There are two
    major new features in this release:

    • The articles index page now displays article descriptions,
      taken from YAML metadata belonging to each article. This lets you provide
      more context about each article and describe why one might want to read
      it (#1227).

    • The articles navbar is now also controlled by the articles section
      in _pkgdown.yml. The ordering of the sections, and articles within
      them, control the order of the articles in the navbar, and you can
      use the new navbar field to control whether or not each section
      appears in the navbar (#1101, #1146).

  • The reference index now has two levels of heading hierarchy: title and
    subtitle (#327).

  • Tables of contents in sidebars now use
    bootstrap-toc; this considerably
    improves navigation for long articles and reference pages.

  • You can now control the links to source files (in reference pages and
    articles) and issues and users (in the NEWS) with new repo$url config
    option (#1238). This makes it easier to use pkgdown with GitHub enterprise,
    packages in subdirectories, and other source hosts (like bitbucket).


    The individual components (e.g. path, issue number, username) are pasted on
    the end of these urls so they should have trailing /s.

    You don't need to set these links for GitLab, as pkgdown now detects
    GitLab urls automatically (since they use the same structure as GitHub)

  • There's much richer control over Open Graph and Twitter metadata for the
    whote site and for individual articles. See new vignette("metadata") for
    details (@gadenbuie, #936).

  • New deploy_to_branch() function to build and deploy a site to a branch,
    defaulting to gh-pages for use with GitHub Pages. This is used in our
    recommended GitHub action workflow for automatically building and deploying
    pkgdown sites for packages on GitHub (@jimhester, #1221).

  • Updated JS libraries: jquery 3.3.1 -> 3.4.1; bootswatch 3.3.7 -> 3.4.0;
    bootstrap 3.3.7 -> bootstrap 3.4.1; docsearch 2.6.1 -> 2.6.3;
    fontawesome 5.11.1 -> 5.12.1; headroom.js 0.9.44 -> 0.11.0;
    clipboard.js 2.0.4 -> 2.0.6 (@jayhesselberth).

Auto-linking improvements

  • Examples and Rmd now use exactly the same syntax highlighting strategy.

  • In examples and Rmd, calls of the form current_package::foo now get
    a local link (#1262).

  • \preformatted{} blocks are now highlighted and linked if they parse
    as R code (#1180).

  • library(pkgdown) is now automatically linked to the reference index for
    "pkgdown" not the documentation for library() (#1161).

  • help("topic") is now automatically linked to the documentation for "topic",
    not to the documentation for help() (#1210)

Minor improvements and bug fixes


  • build_home() no longer uses (unrendered) README.Rmd or index.Rmd if
    corresponding .md files are not found.

  • build_article() failures now print more information to help you debug
    the problem (#952).

  • The name of the vignette mapped to the "Get started" entry in the navbar
    is now more flexible. You can use an article (e.g articles/{pkgname})
    and if your package has a . in its name you can replace it with - to
    generate a valid article name (e.g. the get started vignette for
    pack.down would be pack-down) (#1166).


  • deploy_to_branch() now correctly captures the commit SHA on GitHub Actions
    (@coatless, #1252).

  • deploy_to_branch(github_pages = TRUE) generates a .nojekyll to prevent
    jekyll ever executing (#1242).

  • CNAME is no longer generated by init_site(), but is instead conditionally
    by deploy_to_branch() when github_pages = TRUE. This is a better a fit
    because the CNAME file is only needed by GitHub pages (#969).

  • deploy_site_github() argument repo_slug has been deprecated and is no
    longer needed or used. (@jimhester, #1221)


See additional details in ?build_news:

  • You can optionally suppress the CRAN release dates added to the news
    page (#1118).

  • Multi-page news style gets a better yaml specification (the old style
    will continue to work so no need to change existing YAML).


  • A topic named index will not longer clobber the reference index (#1110).

  • Topic names/aliases on reference index are now escaped (#1216).

  • build_reference() gives better warnings if your _pkgdown.yml is
    constructed incorrectly (#1025).

  • New has_keyword() topic selector for reference. has_keyword("datasets")
    is particularly useful for selecting all data documentation (#760).

  • New lacks_concepts() can select topics that do not contain any of
    a number of specified concepts. (@mikldk, #1232)

Home, authors, and citation

  • pkgdown now escapes html and linkifies links in comments in author info
    from DESCRIPTION (@maelle, #1204)

  • pkgdown now uses the ORCiD logo included in Font Awesome 5.11 instead of
    querying it from (@Bisaloo, #1153)

  • badges are now extracted from everything between <!--badges: start-->
    and <!--badges: end-->. They used to be extracted only if they were
    direct children of the first <p> after <!--badges: start-->.

  • build_home() now looks for pkgdown/ in addition to the top-level
    index or README files (@nteetor, #1031)


  • pkgdown now formats the package version displayed in the navbar the same way
    as it has been specified in the DESCRIPTION file. In particular, version
    separators (e.g. . and -) are preserved. (#1170, @kevinushey)

  • add support for navbar submenus: you can create submenus following the
    convention established in rstudio/rmarkdown#721 (@ijlyttle, @wendtke, #1213)


  • Updated JS libraries: jquery 3.3.1 -> 3.4.1; bootswatch 3.3.7 -> 3.4.0;
    bootstrap 3.3.7 -> bootstrap 3.4.1; docsearch 2.6.1 -> 2.6.3

  • Markdown conversion now explicitly allows markdown inside of HTML blocks;
    this was previously accidentally disabled (#1220).

  • A timestamp for the last site build is reported in pkgdown.yml (#1122).