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Release 2.1.9

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@deleonio deleonio released this 29 Oct 14:49
· 1216 commits to develop since this release

We are excited to present the latest updates and improvements in KoliBri v2.1.9. Below are the key changes:

New Features

  • Table: Added a spacer between the table body and footer for better visual separation. (#6860) by @Makko74
  • Sample App: Display alerts with headline levels for improved structure and accessibility. (#6857) by @Makko74
  • KolAlert: Icons are now always included in the accessibility tree to enhance accessibility. (#6932) by @AlexanderSchmidtCE


  • Accessibility: Optimized screen reader interactions on the Known Issues screen. (#6868) by @AlexanderSchmidtCE
  • Styling: Updated badge styles for a more modern appearance. (#6908) by @Chrisdo82
  • Typography: Moved font-size specifications to typography.scss and converted pixel values to rem() for better scalability. (#6968) by @anicyne

Bug Fixes

  • Popup: Fixed an asynchronous ESLint error when closing popups. (#6858) by @Makko74
  • Single-Select: Resolved delayed display of selected values. (#6885) by @anicyne
  • Combobox: Corrected the issue where the combobox displayed an empty list during navigation. (#6891) by @anicyne
  • KolInputDate: Fixed minimum and maximum value settings. (#6892) by @AlexanderSchmidtCE
  • Drawer: Updated the README for the Drawer component. (#6970) by @anicyne
  • Tree Item: Fixed alignment issues with tree items. (#6982) by @sdvg

Enhanced Functionality

  • Table: Expanded documentation and introduced multi-sort functionality with a React example. (#6879) by @anicyne
  • Internal Toasts: Refactored the internal Toast component for better maintainability. (#6969) by @Makko74
  • Details Component: Transitioned to a collapsible functional component for increased flexibility. (#6940) by @Makko74

Code Optimizations and Refactorings

  • Code Quality: Cleaned up the codebase following architectural patterns. (#6841) by @deleonio
  • Line Heights: Changed line heights to use relative values for better scalability. (#6871) by @Makko74
  • Components: Replaced alertVariant with variant in Toasts to simplify the API. (#6914) by @AlexanderSchmidtCE

Dependencies and Maintenance

  • Dependencies:
    • Updated contributor-assistant/github-action from version 2.5.2 to 2.6.1. (#6893) by @dependabot
    • Upgraded Webpack from version 5.91.0 to 5.95.0. (#6919) by @dependabot
  • Git Hooks: Introduced pre-commit hooks to enhance code quality. (#6730) by @Makko74
  • Repository Maintenance: Performed general maintenance tasks on the repository. (#6974) by @sdvg

Other Changes

  • Deprecations: Deprecated indented text and removed it from other components. (#6829) by @AlexanderSchmidtCE
  • Fonts: Removed the BundesSans font in favor of more modern alternatives. (#6948) by @AlexanderSchmidtCE
  • Reverts: Reverted the update of @types/react from version 18.3.9 to 18.3.4 due to compatibility issues. (#6894) by @laske185

Full Changelog: GitHub Comparison 2.1.8...2.1.9

Thank you to all contributors for your outstanding work and dedication!