Releases: paulcwarren/spring-content
Version 2.7.0
What's Changed
- Feat/spring content encryption by @paulcwarren in #1136
- docs: spring-content-encryption docs updates by @paulcwarren in #1183
- ClassWalker now defaults to calculating content property name greedily by @paulcwarren in #1161
- fix: use multi-part file size to set content length property by @igdianov in #1156
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.19.1 to 12.20.0 by @dependabot in #1111
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.15.1 to 12.16.0 by @dependabot in #1112
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-core from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 by @dependabot in #1114
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-storage from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 by @dependabot in #1115
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.7.4 to 2.7.5 by @dependabot in #1121
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.13.0 to 2.14.0 by @dependabot in #1129
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.124.16 to 0.124.19 by @dependabot in #1130
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from 2021.0.4 to 2021.0.5 by @dependabot in #1139
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.14.0 to 2.15.0 by @dependabot in #1140
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.124.19 to 0.124.20 by @dependabot in #1142
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.16.0 to 12.16.1 by @dependabot in #1148
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.20.0 to 12.20.1 by @dependabot in #1150
- Bump localstack from 1.17.5 to 1.17.6 by @dependabot in #1151
- Bump test-containers.version from 1.17.5 to 1.17.6 by @dependabot in #1152
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.15.0 to 2.15.1 by @dependabot in #1154
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.124.20 to 0.124.21 by @dependabot in #1157
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.15.1 to 2.16.0 by @dependabot in #1172
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.124.21 to 0.125.0 by @dependabot in #1174
- Bump ojdbc8 from to by @dependabot in #1175
- Bump localstack from 1.17.5 to 1.17.6 by @dependabot in #1176
- Bump vault from 1.17.3 to 1.17.6 by @dependabot in #1178
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.125.0 to 0.126.0 by @dependabot in #1181
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
@igdianov made their first contribution in #1156
Full Changelog: 2.6.0...2.7.0
Version 2.6.0
What's Changed
- Make content links processor consider @RestResource annotations when constructing linkrel's by @paulcwarren in #1075
- folder now supports cmis:description by @tomas-pritrsky in #1076
- Updates in support of client-side encryption by @paulcwarren in #1027
- Getting a resource's lastModified is safe by @paulcwarren in #1105
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.15.0 to 12.15.1 by @dependabot in #1070
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.19.0 to 12.19.1 by @dependabot in #1071
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.11.3 to 2.12.0 by @dependabot in #1077
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.124.14 to 0.124.15 by @dependabot in #1078
- Bump poi-ooxml from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 by @dependabot in #1080
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.7.3 to 2.7.4 by @dependabot in #1086
- Bump commons-text from 1.9 to 1.10.0 by @dependabot in #1091
- Bump pdfbox-tools from 2.0.26 to 2.0.27 by @dependabot in #1093
- Bump test-containers.version from 1.17.3 to 1.17.4 by @dependabot in #1094
- Bump localstack from 1.17.3 to 1.17.4 by @dependabot in #1095
- Bump pdfbox from 2.0.26 to 2.0.27 by @dependabot in #1096
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.124.15 to 0.124.16 by @dependabot in #1099
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.12.0 to 2.13.0 by @dependabot in #1101
- Bump localstack from 1.17.4 to 1.17.5 by @dependabot in #1102
- Bump test-containers.version from 1.17.4 to 1.17.5 by @dependabot in #1103
- Bump s3 from 2.17.268 to 2.17.289 by @dependabot in #1108
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
@tomas-pritrsky made their first contribution in #1076
Full Changelog: 2.5.0...2.6.0
Version 2.5.0
What's Changed
- rel: bump to 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT by @paulcwarren in #987
- Bump test-containers.version from 1.15.3 to 1.17.3 by @dependabot in #972
- fix: optimistic lock interceptor should intercept new PropertyPath-ba… by @paulcwarren in #1028
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.17.1 to 12.18.0 by @dependabot in #988
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.13.1 to 12.14.0 by @dependabot in #989
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2 by @dependabot in #1006
- Bump spring-cloud-aws-context from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 by @dependabot in #1008
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.18.0 to 12.19.0 by @dependabot in #1033
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.14.0 to 12.15.0 by @dependabot in #1036
- Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 by @dependabot in #1037
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.7.2 to 2.7.3 by @dependabot in #1043
- File storage should convert new content id values properly by @paulcwarren in #1044
- Add links to nested content properties by @vierbergenlars in #1041
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.9.0 to 2.11.3 by @dependabot in #1024
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.124.7 to 0.124.14 by @dependabot in #1025
- Class walker uses a stack to record visited classes and prevent stack overflows by @paulcwarren in #1052
- Bump jsoup from 1.15.2 to 1.15.3 by @dependabot in #1050
- MappingContext now generates a single content path per content property by @paulcwarren in #1055
- Bump ojdbc8 from to by @dependabot in #1056
- Bump s3 from 2.17.225 to 2.17.268 by @dependabot in #1064
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from 2021.0.3 to 2021.0.4 by @dependabot in #1063
- ContentLinksResourceProcessor generates unique links for each content… by @paulcwarren in #1059
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Paul Warren
Lars Vierbergen
Full Changelog: 2.4.0...2.5.0
Version 2.4.0
What's Changed
- S3 store get resource from property path should use the id object, not the entity by @paulcwarren in #892
- Set Content-Type metadata in S3 from an Entity field annotated with
by @kreymerman in #889 - Shortcut links can now be disabled by @paulcwarren in #896
- Docs update by @paulcwarren in #906
- fix: class walker should support empty path lookups for entities with a single content property of correlated attributes by @paulcwarren in #932
- Stored renditions by @paulcwarren in #870
- Fix/property path s3 bucket support by @paulcwarren in #959
- Specify PropertyPath in all content events emitted by PropertyPath accessors by @kreymerman in #976
- Update entity fields annotated with
before setting of content by @kreymerman in #978 - Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.16.0 to 12.16.1 by @dependabot in #902
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.12.1 to 12.12.2 by @dependabot in #904
- Bump jsoup from 1.14.3 to 1.15.1 by @dependabot in #905
- Bump localstack from 1.17.1 to 1.17.2 by @dependabot in #914
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.16.1 to 12.17.0 by @dependabot in #921
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.12.2 to 12.13.0 by @dependabot in #922
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.6.1 to 2.7.2 by @dependabot in #925
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.123.28 to 0.124.2 by @dependabot in #926
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-storage from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0 by @dependabot in #937
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-core from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0 by @dependabot in #933
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from 2021.0.2 to 2021.0.3 by @dependabot in #935
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.13.0 to 12.13.1 by @dependabot in #943
- Bump docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl from 8.3.4 to 8.3.7 by @dependabot in #945
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.17.0 to 12.17.1 by @dependabot in #946
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.7.2 to 2.8.1 by @dependabot in #952
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.124.2 to 0.124.6 by @dependabot in #962
- Bump docx4j-core from 8.3.4 to 8.3.7 by @dependabot in #967
- Bump docx4j-export-fo from 8.3.4 to 8.3.7 by @dependabot in #968
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.6.7 to 2.7.1 by @dependabot in #963
- Bump ojdbc8 from to by @dependabot in #969
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0 by @dependabot in #971
- Bump localstack from 1.17.2 to 1.17.3 by @dependabot in #973
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.124.6 to 0.124.7 by @dependabot in #974
- Bump jsoup from 1.15.1 to 1.15.2 by @dependabot in #980
- Bump docx4j-export-fo from 8.3.7 to 8.3.8 by @dependabot in #982
- Bump docx4j-core from 8.3.7 to 8.3.8 by @dependabot in #983
- Bump docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl from 8.3.7 to 8.3.8 by @dependabot in #984
- Bump s3 from 2.17.179 to 2.17.225 by @dependabot in #981
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Paul Warren
Mikhail Kreymerman
Full Changelog: 2.3.0...2.4.0
Version 2.3.0
What's Changed
- Ensure shortcut link requests resolve to a content property where possible by @paulcwarren in #887
- Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.7 to 0.8.8 by @dependabot in #851
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-storage from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 by @dependabot in #854
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.12.0 to 12.12.1 by @dependabot in #856
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-core from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 by @dependabot in #855
- Bump spring-cloud-aws-context from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 by @dependabot in #857
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.15.0 to 12.16.0 by @dependabot in #859
- Bump localstack from 1.16.3 to 1.17.1 by @dependabot in #878
- Bump pdfbox from 2.0.25 to 2.0.26 by @dependabot in #879
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from 2021.0.1 to 2021.0.2 by @dependabot in #880
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 by @dependabot in #883
- Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.3.2 to 3.4.0 by @dependabot in #884
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.6.6 to 2.6.7 by @dependabot in #882
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.123.27 to 0.123.28 by @dependabot in #885
- Bump s3 from 2.17.163 to 2.17.179 by @dependabot in #881
- Bump pdfbox-tools from 2.0.25 to 2.0.26 by @dependabot in #886
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Full Changelog: 2.2.0...2.3.0
Version 2.2.0
What's Changed
- Add trace logging to ClassWalker to help debug issues by @paulcwarren in #839
- Inspect store interface to detect reactive by @paulcwarren in #840
- ClassWalker can now walk subclasses by @paulcwarren in #846
- Don't walk enums by @paulcwarren in #847
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.4.4 to 2.4.5 by @dependabot in #809
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.14.4 to 12.15.0 by @dependabot in #811
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.11.4 to 12.12.0 by @dependabot in #813
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1 by @dependabot in #815
- Bump poi-ooxml from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2 by @dependabot in #822
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.123.23 to 0.123.27 by @dependabot in #836
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.4.5 to 2.6.0 by @dependabot in #838
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-storage from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot in #841
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.6.4 to 2.6.6 by @dependabot in #843
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-core from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot in #844
- Bump s3 from 2.17.144 to 2.17.163 by @dependabot in #849
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.2.0
Version 2.1.0
What's Changed
- Put lombok in the provided scope by @vierbergenlars in #769
- Optimize byte range requests to S3 Storage by @paulcwarren in #771
- Initial investigation into supporting a reactive content store by @paulcwarren in #783
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 by @dependabot in #760
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.123.18 to 0.123.19 by @dependabot in #761
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.14.3 to 12.14.4 by @dependabot in #774
- Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 by @dependabot in #775
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.11.3 to 12.11.4 by @dependabot in #777
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 by @dependabot in #780
- Bump spring-cloud-aws-context from 2.3.3 to 2.4.0 by @dependabot in #781
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.4.0 to 2.4.4 by @dependabot in #791
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.123.19 to 0.123.22 by @dependabot in #795
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from 2021.0.0 to 2021.0.1 by @dependabot in #798
- Bump docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl from 8.3.2 to 8.3.4 by @dependabot in #797
- Bump poi-ooxml from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 by @dependabot in #804
- Bump azure-spring-boot from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0 by @dependabot in #801
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 by @dependabot in #799
- Bump docx4j-core from 8.3.2 to 8.3.4 by @dependabot in #800
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.123.22 to 0.123.23 by @dependabot in #805
- Bump s3 from 2.17.122 to 2.17.144 by @dependabot in #807
New Contributors
- @vierbergenlars made their first contribution in #769
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.1.0
Version 2.0.0
This release contains BREAKING CHANGES
This release formalizes the concept of content properties
in all storage modules and allows entities to have multiple as well as nested content properties. We have also improved the accuracy and handling of content accessed via fully-qualified content URLs.
The good news: This is almost completely backward compatible. Most consumers should not see any incompatibilities while upgrading to this 2.0.0.
The bad news: In prior versions of Spring Content it was possible to store content on @Embedded
objects and access that content by placing a ContentStore
on that @Embedded object and, if using rest, matching the RestResource and StoreRestResource paths. With the formal introduction of content properties and property paths this is no longer possible. This type of content association is now accessed by placing a ContentStore on the top-level Entity and using a property path to access the nested content.
The other bad news: Spring Content REST now calls PropertyPath
-based ContentStore methods. Any annotations you may have on your ContentStore interfaces to unexport (e.g. RestResource(export=false)
) or apply security (@PreAuthorize
) now need to be moved onto the PropertyPath-based methods.
Issues Closed
PRs Merged
- Add a test to prove we can handle json content 758
- Bump s3 from 2.17.121 to 2.17.122 757
- Bump ojdbc8 from to 756
- Bump to 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT 755
- Remove the unused logback classes dependency 754
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-storage from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 753
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-core from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 752
- Bump s3 from 2.17.120 to 2.17.121 751
- Bump asciidoctor-maven-plugin from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 750
- Bump s3 from 2.17.112 to 2.17.120 749
- Use the managed version of the h2 dependency 748
- Bump s3 from 2.17.112 to 2.17.119 747
- Bump s3 from 2.17.112 to 2.17.118 746
- Bump azure-spring-boot from 3.12.0 to 3.13.0 745
- Bump s3 from 2.17.112 to 2.17.117 743
- Bump mockito-core from 3.12.4 to 4.3.0 742
- Bump s3 from 2.17.112 to 2.17.116 741
- Bump h2 from 2.0.206 to 2.1.210 in /spring-content-jpa 740
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.6.2 to 2.6.3 739
- Bump s3 from 2.17.112 to 2.17.115 738
- Property path support 737
- Bump localstack from 1.16.2 to 1.16.3 736
- Bump s3 from 2.17.112 to 2.17.114 735
- Bump s3 from 2.17.112 to 2.17.113 733
- Bump h2 from 2.0.206 to 2.1.210 732
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.14.2 to 12.14.3 731
- Bump s3 from 2.17.105 to 2.17.112 730
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.11.2 to 12.11.3 729
- Bump poi-ooxml from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0 728
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-storage from 2.0.7 to 3.0.0 727
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Paul Warren
Toon Geens
Full Changelog: 1.2.7...2.0.0
Version 1.2.7
This release contains BREAKING CHANGES to the spring-content-s3 module.
S3 Changes
This release bumps spring-content-s3 to aws sdk v2 and as such contains breaking changes as a number of aws sdk classes were re-exported by Spring Content.
Old Class | New Class |
---|---| | | | org.springframework.content.s3.S3ObjectId |
org.springframework.content.s3.config.MultiTenantAmazonS3ClientProvider | org.springframework.content.s3.config.MultiTenantS3ClientProvider |
In addition the deprecated class org.springframework.content.s3.S3ObjectResolver
has now been removed. Please use a org.springframework.content.s3.config.S3StoreConfigurer
to add a Converter instead.
Issues Closed
- Error creating bean with name 'amazonS3' 667
PRs Merged
- Bump logback-classic from 1.2.7 to 1.2.9 695
- Rename MultiTenantAmazonS3Provider to MultiTenantS3ClientProvider 694
- Bump spring-cloud-aws-context from 2.3.0 to 2.3.3 693
- Bump logback-classic from 1.2.7 to 1.2.8 692
- Bump s3 from 2.17.99 to 2.17.100 691
- Remove spring cloud aws dependency 690
- Bump s3 from 2.17.97 to 2.17.99 689
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 1.118.0 to 2.2.2 688
- Bump azure-storage-file-share to 12.11.2 687
- Bump s3 from 2.17.97 to 2.17.98 686
- Bump spring-cloud-aws-context from 2.3.0 to 2.3.2 685
- Bump docx4j-core from 8.3.1 to 8.3.2 684
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.123.16 to 0.123.17 683
- Refactor onto aws sdk v2 682
- Bump docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl from 8.3.1 to 8.3.2 681
- Bump docx4j-export-fo from 8.3.1 to 8.3.2 680
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-storage from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 679
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-core from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 678
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.5.6 to 2.6.1 677
- Bump h2 from 1.4.200 to 2.0.202 676
- Bump azure-spring-boot from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 675
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.5.6 to 2.6.0 674
- Bump mockito-core from 3.12.4 to 4.1.0 673
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.5.6 to 2.5.7 672
- Only autoconfigure storage if its default storage property is specified 671
- Bump logback-classic from 1.2.6 to 1.2.7 670
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.8.0 to 12.11.2 669
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.14.1 to 12.14.2 668
- Bump azure-spring-boot from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 664
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Paul Warren
Full Changelog: 1.2.6...1.2.7
Version 1.2.6
Issues Closed
- Deletion of all document version only deletes head version 663
- Impossible to delete Folder when using spring-content-cmis 660
- Blobs from Content Store are not deleted from the database when using spring-content-jpa together with PostgreSQL 659
- No space left on /tmp device . 650
- IllegalArgumentException: client must be specified when trying to call setContent with Azure Blob Storage 648
- S3: Add possibility to configure the endpoint, accessKey, accessSecret, pathStyleAccessEnabled 645
- 'No converter found' for ID in REST endpoint 638
PRs Merged
- Add deleteAllVersions 666
- Deleting a folder should not try to delete a document 665
- Bump azure-spring-boot from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 664
- When deleting content from postgres 662
- Bump poi-ooxml from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 661
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-core from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 658
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-storage from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 657
- Bump localstack from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2 656
- Ensure the content copy file is always removed 654
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.5.5 to 2.5.6 653
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.123.14 to 0.123.16 652
- Remove default consutructor 651
- Configure AmazonS3 client via application properties 649
- Bump localstack from 1.16.0 to 1.16.1 647
- Bump test-containers.version from 1.15.3 to 1.16.1 646
- Allow converter to be configured and use when fetching entities where appropriate 644
- Fix: GCP property used in Azure factory. 642
- Bump azure-storage-blob from 12.14.0 to 12.14.1 641
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.123.13 to 0.123.14 637
- Bump jsoup from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3 636
- Bump google-cloud-nio from 0.123.12 to 0.123.13 635
- Bump azure-spring-boot from 3.8.0 to 3.9.0 634
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.5.4 to 2.5.5 633
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Paul Warren