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lainz edited this page Jul 22, 2016 · 5 revisions


Returns the Unicode code of a character (in decimal format).

code = String.Asc("ñ")
  • In this case will return 241.


Returns the character value of a specific Unicode code (in decimal format).

character = String.Char(241)
  • In this case will return "ñ".


Case-sensitive comparison between two strings.

isbigger = String.Compare("Cañón","El Gran")
  • -1: The first string is smaller.
  • 0: Both strings are equal.
  • 1: The first string is bigger.


Compares two file version strings.

isbigger = String.CompareFileVersions("","")
  • -1: The first version is smaller.
  • 0: Both versions are equal.
  • 1: The first version is bigger.


Case-insensitive comparison between tho strings.

isbigger = String.CompareNoCase("CAÑÓN","cañón")
  • -1: The first string is smaller.
  • 0: Both strings are equal.
  • 1: The first string is bigger.


Joins two strings together and return as new string.

result_string = String.Concat("One","Two")
  • In this case will return "OneTwo".


Finds a sub-string.

Parameters: SearchString, Pattern, StartAt, CaseSensitive

result_number = String.Find("Lorem Ipsum", "sum", 1, false)


Formats a number of bytes and converts it to bytes, KB, MB, GB or TB.

Parameters: SizeInBytes, Format

result_string = String.GetFormattedSize(2048, 1)


  • 1: Automatic
  • 2: to bytes
  • 3: to KB
  • 4: to MB
  • 5: to GB
  • 6: to TB


Copy left n characters into a new string.

Parameters: String, NumberOfChars

result_string = String.Left("Hello World", 4)
  • The result in this case will be "Hello".


Get the number of characters in a string.

result_number = String.Length("Cañón")
  • The result in this case will be 5.


Returns a lowercase string.

result_string = String.Lower("Cañón")
  • The result in this case will be "cañón".


Returns a range of characters from a string.

Parameters: String, Start, NumberOfChars

result_string = String.Mid("El Gran Cañón", 4, 4)
  • The result in this case will be "Gran".


Repeat a string a giver number of times.

result_string = String.Repeat("10", 2)
  • The result in this case will be "1010".


Replaces a pattern with a new one.

Parameters: String, Pattern, ReplaceWith, CaseSensitive

result_string = String.Replace("El Gran Cañón", "Gran", "Pequeño", true)
  • The result in this case will be "El Pequeño Cañón".


Finds a sub-string from right to left.

Parameters: String, Pattern, CaseSensitive

result_number = String.ReverseFind("Repeat Repeat", "Repeat", true)
  • The result in this case will be 8.


Copy right n characters into a new string.

Parameters: String, NumberOfChars

result_string = String.Right("Hello World", 5)
  • The result in this case will be "World".


Converts the numeric string into number.

result_number = String.ToNumber("100.5")


Returns a uppercase string.

result_string = String.Upper("Cañón")
  • The result in this case will be "CAÑÓN".