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lainz edited this page Aug 18, 2016 · 1 revision


  • If you need to specify a port do it in the URL adding ":" and the port number.


my_url = ""
  • If you need to specify a proxy do it from your operating system settings.

#HTTP.Download Downloads a file from an URL.

Parameters: URL, Filename, UserName, Password.

HTTP.Download("", "C:\\temp\\file.txt", "", "")

#HTTP.DownloadSecure Is an alias to HTTP.Download, both can work with HTTP and HTTPS websites.

#HTTP.GetFileSize Get the size of a file stored in a website.

Parameters: URL, UserName, Password.

result_bytes = HTTP.GetFileSize("", "", "")

#HTTP.GetFileSizeSecure Is an alias to HTTP.GetFileSize, both can work with HTTP and HTTPS websites.

#HTTP.Submit Sends data to a website and get the result as string.

Parameters: URL, TableData, Method, UserName, Password.

my_data = {color="Red", year="2016"}
result_string = HTTP.Submit("", my_data, 1, "", "")

Method can be:

  • 1: GET
  • 0: POST

#HTTP.SubmitSecure Is an alias to HTTP.Submit, both can work with HTTP and HTTPS websites.

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