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lainz edited this page Jul 22, 2016 · 2 revisions

#Folder.Create Creates a new folder on the system.


#Folder.Delete Deletes a folder from the system. The folder must be empty to be deleted.


#Folder.DeleteTree Deletes a folder and all of its contents (files and subfolders) from the system.


#Folder.DoesExist Returns true if the folder exists or false if not.

result_boolean = Folder.DoesExist("C:\\temp")

#Folder.Find Searches for folders on the system.

Parameters: StartFolder, Folder, Recurse

result_table = Folder.Find("C:\\temp", "test", false)

#Folder.GetCurrent Returns the working directory of the application.

result_string = Folder.GetCurrent()

#Folder.Rename Renames a folder on the system.

Parameters: OldName, NewName

Folder.Rename("C:\\temp", "C:\\test")

#Folder.SetCurrent Sets the application working directory.

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