Releases: lacework/terraform-provisioning
Release Notes
Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.2.0
Breaking Changes
Users now MUST provide ARN for IAM Role and/or S3 bucket
If you are using one of the use_existing_iam_role
or use_existing_cloudtrail
you will have to update your Terraform plans to pass not only the name but the ARN as well.
Existing IAM Role
provider "lacework" { }
provider "aws" { }
module "aws_cloudtrail" {
source = "git::"
# Use an existing IAM role
use_existing_iam_role = true
iam_role_name = "lw-existing-role"
iam_role_external_id = "1GrDkEZV5VJ@=nLm"
provider "lacework" { }
provider "aws" { }
module "aws_cloudtrail" {
source = "git::"
# Use an existing IAM role
use_existing_iam_role = true
iam_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/lw-existing-role" // <-- NEW! Must be provided
iam_role_name = "lw-existing-role"
iam_role_external_id = "1GrDkEZV5VJ@=nLm"
Existing CloudTrail
provider "lacework" { }
provider "aws" { }
module "aws_cloudtrail" {
source = "git::"
# Use an existing CloudTrail
use_existing_cloudtrail = true
bucket_name = "lacework-ct-bucket-8805c0bf"
sns_topic_name = "lacework-ct-sns-8805c0bf"
provider "lacework" { }
provider "aws" { }
module "aws_cloudtrail" {
source = "git::"
# Use an existing CloudTrail
use_existing_cloudtrail = true
bucket_arn = "arn:aws:s3:::lacework-ct-bucket-8805c0bf" // <-- NEW! Must be provided
bucket_name = "lacework-ct-bucket-8805c0bf"
sns_topic_name = "lacework-ct-sns-8805c0bf"
- refactor(aws): avoid using s3_bucket data source (Salim Afiune Maya)(ced2190)
- refactor(aws): avoid using iam_role data source (Salim Afiune Maya)(c2a7a7f)
Bug Fixes
- fix(azure): typo inside (#72) (Salim Afiune)(65b4f84)
- fix(azure): use object id instead of principal id (#71) (Salim Afiune)(78d7dd1)
- fix(gcp): for project level integrations (#69) (Salim Afiune)(af9c35e)
Documentation Updates
- doc(aws): update aws/ (Salim Afiune Maya)(d15660f)
Other Changes
- ci: update tests from modified examples/ (Salim Afiune Maya)(31e012d)
Release Notes
Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.1
We are introducing three new modules for Azure Cloud:
Creates an Azure Active Directory applicationactivity_log
Creates a Lacework Activity Log integrationconfig
Creates a Lacework Compliance integration
Here is an example of how to use these modules to create both, a Lacework Compliance
integration and Lacework Activity Log integration:
provider "azuread" {}
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
provider "lacework" {}
module "az_config" {
source = "git::"
module "az_activity_log" {
source = "git::"
use_existing_ad_application = true
application_id = module.az_config.application_id
application_password = module.az_config.application_password
service_principal_id = module.az_config.service_principal_id
Bug Fixes
Release Notes
We are starting to release our terraform modules! 🎉 🌟 Yas!!
This repository contains Terraform code for provisioning resources required to integrate
public cloud environments (AWS, GCP, Azure) into Lacework's automated security platform.
As of this release (v0.1.0
) we have the following modules available:
AWS Config
provider "aws" {}
provider "lacework" {}
module "aws_config" {
source = "git::"
Module documentation
AWS CloudTrail
provider "aws" {}
provider "lacework" {}
module "aws_cloudtrail" {
source = "git::"
bucket_force_destroy = true
Module documentation
GCP Config
provider "google" {}
provider "lacework" {}
module "gcp_organization_config" {
source = "git::"
org_integration = true
organization_id = "my-organization-id"
Module documentation
GCP Audit Log
provider "google" {}
provider "lacework" {}
module "gcp_project_audit_log" {
source = "git::"
bucket_force_destroy = true
Module documentation
- feat: start versioning repo v0.1.0 (Salim Afiune Maya)(98dab7f)
- feat(aws): parameterize time_sleep duration with input wait_time (#62) (David Huang)(e7892c0)
- feat(aws): add CloudTrail bucket security (Alan Nix)(4a8904f)
- feat(aws): added CloudTrail bucket server-side encryption (Alan Nix)(cbb76b4)
- feat(aws): consolidated cloudtrail + multitenancy (#45) (Salim Afiune)(c099209)
- feat: AWS Terraform Modules (#31) (Salim Afiune)(e307836)
- feat(gcp): enable required APIs at project level (#27) (Andrew Wojszynski)(38009e5)
- feat(aws): add cross_account_policy_name variable (Salim Afiune Maya)(7e5b158)
- feat(aws) Add CloudTrail Lacework Provider (Scott Ford)(456ae4a)
- feat(azure): use new lacework provider (Salim Afiune Maya)(b71fa39)
- feat(gcp): use new lacework provider (Salim Afiune Maya)(47455a9)
- feat(aws): use new lacework provider (Salim Afiune Maya)(ecf0774)
- feat(AWS): Initial commit of aws template (Scott Ford)(cfb147d)
Bug Fixes
- fix(gcp): activate required apis correctly (#52) (Salim Afiune)(38b57ac)
- fix(gcp): update depends_on 10s time sleep (Salim Afiune Maya)(c4307e5)
- fix(gcp): improve stability (#51) (Salim Afiune)(a860120)
- fix(gcp): use correct resource_id for ORG or PROJ (#44) (Salim Afiune)(0c1dd84)
- fix(gcp): pass resource_level to LW integrations (#40) (Salim Afiune)(7665c2c)
- fix(aws): use SQS URL instead of ARN (Salim Afiune Maya)(2f84816)
- fix: add dependencies to avoid tocken lockdown (Salim Afiune Maya)(084807e)
- fix(gcp): user project id inside output file (Salim Afiune Maya)(e6414b0)
- fix(aws): configure an External ID in IAM Role (Salim Afiune Maya)(572dc97)
- fix(var): display iam_role ARN instead of ID (Salim Afiune Maya)(354f0fb)
- fix(review): remove tags variables + doc update (Salim Afiune Maya)(0765e1e)
Documentation Updates
- doc(azure): adds (#36) (Salim Afiune)(00943d2)
- docs(aws): Fixed typos and corrected example (#60) (Michael OConnor)(8784562)
- docs(aws): added documentation for new 'bucket_sse_algorithm' variable (Alan Nix)(44bc6ff)
- docs(aws): update examples (#38) (Salim Afiune)(293c16e)
- docs(README) Update AWS README for module refactor (#35) (Scott Ford)(8c086d0)
- docs(gcp) Update README docs for Org and Project integration (#30) (Scott Ford)(15c3faa)
- docs(gcp): fix TF_VAR prefix in (#28) (Salim Afiune)(44aad17)
- docs: add api keys env vars to README (#25) (Andrew Wojszynski)(dbac1ed)
- docs: add step-by-step for GCP (Scott Ford)(0092ca1)
- docs(README): typos, links and format (Salim Afiune Maya)(542ffe7)
- docs(README and LICENSE) Updates the main README and adds an apache2 LICENSE (Scott Ford)(b418897)
Other Changes
- style: update aws and gcp templates (Salim Afiune Maya)(3222ed6)
- chore: fix all terraform fmt format (Salim Afiune Maya)(c375733)
- chore: update Lacework's support website (#58) (Salim Afiune)(1ca6b58)
- chore(aws): expose cloudtrail SQS ARN (#48) (Salim Afiune)(f21d311)
- chore(aws): update typo in cloudtrail example (#46) (Salim Afiune)(ea52b87)
- chore(aws) rename enable_cloudtrail => use_existing_cloudtrail (#34) (Scott Ford)(1ab3036)
- ci: add badge and validate command (Salim Afiune Maya)(8f95e6c)
- ci: add more integration test cases (Salim Afiune Maya)(4a72a50)
- ci: add fmt and integration tests (Salim Afiune Maya)(379891c)
- ci: enable circleci pipelines (Salim Afiune Maya)(e66ebd1)