Releases: jhipster/jhipster-lite
Releases · jhipster/jhipster-lite
Release Notes
💎 Features
- Actuator: Add Actuator - #345 by @swarajsaaj
- Feature/add logback - #329 by @swarajsaaj
🔧 Enhancements
- Prettier xml - #380 by @MSaguer
- Fix Code smell: Logging should not be vulnerable to injection attacks - #376 by @pascalgrimaud
- CI: push SonarCloud Analysis - #375 by @pascalgrimaud
- Revert "CI: SonarCloud Analysis" - #372 by @pascalgrimaud
- CI: SonarCloud Analysis - #370 by @pascalgrimaud
- Add Sonar Analysis - #368 by @pascalgrimaud
- Use replace instead of replaceAll - #366 by @swarajsaaj
- Fix Code smells - #364 by @pascalgrimaud
- Maven: Add configuration plugin/pluginManagement - #361 by @swarajsaaj
- Security JWT: add roles in properties for basic auth - #363 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: generate account resource for basic auth - #362 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: improve SecurityUtils - #360 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: split basic auth - #358 by @pascalgrimaud
- CI: matrix builds - #354 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: remove unused methods related to springfox - #351 by @pascalgrimaud
- Release drafter: improve labels - #350 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix log message when application started - #346 by @pascalgrimaud
- Adding maven adding method should be idempotent - #335 by @MSaguer
- MVC: Remove springfox - #343 by @pascalgrimaud
- Remove pathmatch.matching-strategy property in generator - #342 by @pascalgrimaud
- Merge ExceptionTranslatorTest into IT - #340 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix sonar: remove others read/exec - #338 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix sonar: Regular expressions should not overflow the stack - #337 by @pascalgrimaud
- CI: disable codecov for fork - #336 by @pascalgrimaud
- Display Release version in README - #334 by @pascalgrimaud
🔨 Refactoring
- PostgreSQL: refactoring docker image - #386 by @pascalgrimaud
- Remove SuppressWarnings in Exception Translator Test Controller - #383 by @pascalgrimaud
- Remove unused variable and import - #382 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring PostgresqlDomainService to avoid duplication - #378 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix sonar code smells part3 - #352 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix sonar code smells part2 - #349 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix sonar code smells - #344 by @pascalgrimaud
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fix JaCoCo version - #367 by @pascalgrimaud
- Exception Translator: fix beans with Security Exception Translator - #341 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix inject value in Exception Translator - #339 by @pascalgrimaud
🍃 Spring Boot
- Upgrade testcontainers to 1.16.2 - #391 by @pascalgrimaud
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.6.2 - #390 by @pascalgrimaud
- PostgreSQL: refactoring docker image - #386 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: add roles in properties for basic auth - #363 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: generate account resource for basic auth - #362 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: improve SecurityUtils - #360 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: split basic auth - #358 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: remove unused methods related to springfox - #351 by @pascalgrimaud
- Actuator: Add Actuator - #345 by @swarajsaaj
- Fix log message when application started - #346 by @pascalgrimaud
- MVC: Remove springfox - #343 by @pascalgrimaud
- Exception Translator: fix beans with Security Exception Translator - #341 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix inject value in Exception Translator - #339 by @pascalgrimaud
- Feature/add logback - #329 by @swarajsaaj
🔒 Security
- Security JWT: add roles in properties for basic auth - #363 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: generate account resource for basic auth - #362 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: improve SecurityUtils - #360 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: split basic auth - #358 by @pascalgrimaud
- Exception Translator: fix beans with Security Exception Translator - #341 by @pascalgrimaud
🪶 Maven
- Maven: Add configuration plugin/pluginManagement - #361 by @swarajsaaj
- Adding maven adding method should be idempotent - #335 by @MSaguer
📝 Documentation
- Add JHipster Lite logo - #389 by @sabrinapayet
- Readme: display SonarCloud badges - #377 by @pascalgrimaud
- Remove schema in python - #373 by @pascalgrimaud
- Readme: update with JaCoCo and Basic Auth - #371 by @pascalgrimaud
- Readme: add MySQL - #348 by @pascalgrimaud
📦 Dependency updates
- Upgrade testcontainers to 1.16.2 - #391 by @pascalgrimaud
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.6.2 - #390 by @pascalgrimaud
- Bump spring-boot-maven-plugin from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2 - #388 by @dependabot
- Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2 - #387 by @dependabot
- PostgreSQL: refactoring docker image - #386 by @pascalgrimaud
- Upgrade lint-staged and prettier - #385 by @pascalgrimaud
- Upgrade mockito to 4.2.0 - #384 by @pascalgrimaud
- Upgrade sonar image to sonarqube:9.2.4-community - #369 by @pascalgrimaud
- Bump lint-staged from 12.1.2 to 12.1.3 - #357 by @dependabot
- Bump springdoc-openapi-ui from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2 - #356 by @dependabot
Release Notes
- Fix label for dependabot with dependencies - #333 by @pascalgrimaud
- GitHub Actions: use composite for setup environment - #328 by @pascalgrimaud
- Clean unused import - #327 by @pascalgrimaud
- JaCoCo: check minimum coverage - #326 by @pascalgrimaud
- Improve coverage for security and mvc - #325 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: rename Nested class - #323 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix copy for Maven Wrapper Downloader - #321 by @pascalgrimaud
- Add MySQL - #320 by @swarajsaaj
- Mvn delete - #318 by @MSaguer
- Fix windows breaking paths - #317 by @swarajsaaj
- Maven: change permission +x for maven wrapper - #316 by @pascalgrimaud
- Init: change permission +x for .husky/pre-commit - #315 by @pascalgrimaud
- Project Repository: new method set executable - #314 by @pascalgrimaud
- Update links after transfert repo - #313 by @pascalgrimaud
- Rename light to lite - #312 by @pascalgrimaud
- Add diagram, using mingrammer - #310 by @pascalgrimaud
- Readme instructions generation - #309 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: do not use patch for adding annotation - #308 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: polish main application - #307 by @pascalgrimaud
- Spring Boot Properties: use replace text - #306 by @pascalgrimaud
- Maven Domain: use replace text - #305 by @pascalgrimaud
- Add method to replace text in Project - #304 by @pascalgrimaud
- Core: rename tests to tests-ci - #300 by @pascalgrimaud
- Core: rename template to generator - #299 by @pascalgrimaud
- Templates : prettier format - #288 by @pascalgrimaud
- PostgreSQL: add DatabaseConfiguration - #287 by @pascalgrimaud
- Jwt security utils - #285 by @pascalgrimaud
- spring security jwt - #256 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: technical/infrastructure/secondary - #269 by @pascalgrimaud
- Add git methods to Project Repository - #266 by @pascalgrimaud
- Upgrade version spring boot 2.6.1 - #265 by @pascalgrimaud
- CI: wait 10sec after starting the app - #264 by @pascalgrimaud
- Spring Boot Web: add TestUtil - #257 by @pascalgrimaud
- Add UnitTest and IntegrationTest to templates - #255 by @pascalgrimaud
- Improve description for error 500 - #254 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: rename beans to config - #253 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: move template from web to mvc - #252 by @pascalgrimaud
- Create empty packages with different options of generator-jhipster - #251 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: rename web to mvc - #250 by @pascalgrimaud
- Spring Boot Web: fix package with infrastructure/primary - #246 by @pascalgrimaud
- Spring Boot Web: fix package - #245 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: rename error to base - #244 by @pascalgrimaud
- Spring Boot Web: add exception handler - #242 by @pascalgrimaud
- Spring Boot Core: add Integration Test annotation - #241 by @pascalgrimaud
- Java: add UnitTest annotation - #239 by @pascalgrimaud
- Add exception handler, using Zalando Problem - #232 by @pascalgrimaud
- Migrate to springdoc - #233 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: move springfox configuration to technical/infrastructure - #230 by @pascalgrimaud
- CI: real tests - #179 by @pascalgrimaud
- CI: separate codecov to another job - #229 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix template classpath - #224 by @pascalgrimaud
- Prettier: rename jsxBracketSameLine to bracketSameLine - #222 by @pascalgrimaud
- Spring boot core: add application fast properties - #221 by @pascalgrimaud
- Spring Boot Web: add springfox dependency - #220 by @pascalgrimaud
- Upgrade spring boot 2.6.0 - #214 by @pascalgrimaud
- Improve tests for Spring Boot Properties - #210 by @pascalgrimaud
- Bump lint-staged from 11.2.3 to 12.0.2 - #208 by @dependabot
- Bump prettier-plugin-java from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 - #207 by @dependabot
- Bump prettier-plugin-packagejson from 2.2.13 to 2.2.15 - #206 by @dependabot
- Add NPM to dependabot - #205 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix warning in pom.xml - #204 by @pascalgrimaud
- Plugin with version - #203 by @pascalgrimaud
- Bump guava from 30.1.1-jre to 31.0.1-jre - #202 by @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 1 to 2.4.1 - #201 by @dependabot
- CI: add dependabot - #200 by @pascalgrimaud
- Rename to JHipster Light - #196 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix packagename with liquibase - #194 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix docker-compose with postgresql, without basename - #193 by @pascalgrimaud
- Improve api tags - #192 by @pascalgrimaud
- Improve build tool rules - #191 by @pascalgrimaud
- Improve template in Project Local Repository - #190 by @pascalgrimaud
- Clean tests - #189 by @pascalgrimaud
- Build tool without event - #188 by @pascalgrimaud
- Clean existing code - #187 by @pascalgrimaud
- Project: manage different types, related to possible options - #186 by @pascalgrimaud
- Generator: add banner - #185 by @pascalgrimaud
- Rename psql to postgresql - #184 by @pascalgrimaud
- Project clean up - #183 by @pascalgrimaud
- Liquibase: improve coverage by addind tests for Spring Liquibase Util - #180 by @pascalgrimaud
- Change default server port of JHipster Forge: 8080 -> 7470 - #178 by @pascalgrimaud
- License - #166 by @pascalgrimaud
- Jacoco: ignore maven wrapper - #177 by @pascalgrimaud
- Rename example json - #176 by @pascalgrimaud
- Update some api - #175 by @pascalgrimaud
- Update ProjectDTO by renaming path to folder - #174 by @pascalgrimaud
- Upgrade dependencies - #173 by @pascalgrimaud
- Improve README - [#172](