Releases: guiriguy/MoreSkills
MoreSkills 0.1.10 New Fishing Skill and Custom Tame Names
Update 0.1.10 NEW Fishing Skill:
- Added New Fishing Skill.
- Added Fish Variety, the bigger the stronger and the bigger the drops. (Optional) (Drops Configurable with Multiplier)
- Added Fish BaseHookChance to be bounded to Fishing Skill. (Optional)
- Added Fish Stamina Drain Decrease bounded to Fishing SKill. (Optional)
- Added Fishing Stamina Drain Decrease bounded to Fishing Skill, at level 50 this number will be 0, higher than that upto 100 you gain Stamina as "rest". (Optional)
- Fixed Some Typos in Configs Decriptions and missing strings.
- Added again the Trophies and Blob config and check up to Hunting Skill. (Optional)
- Added a TamerID ZDO to taming creatures. So it will be bounded to the closest one when it eats for the first time.
- Added a UnPatch and Patch to each skill individually.
- Added a Fishing AutoHook Chance, up to 50% at level 100 of Fishing Skill. (Optional) (Configurable)
- Added Custom Names to Tames. To Change the Name you Need to be Crouching. (Optional)
- Added See Stats from Tames. (BETA and Useless for now)
- Fix the Crash when you die having a few skills disabled.
- Added MaxFallAltitude, higher than this will multiply the amout of meters exceeded as damage.
- Changed the FallDamageDecrese to start based on the MaxRollAltitude. Up to 30m.
- Now the MaxRollAltitude is attached to Jump Skill Level
- Added a Configurable MaxFallAltitude Altitude in (Meters).
- Added a Configurable MaxFallAltitudeIncreaseDamageMultiplier per Meter Exceeded, By Default 2. It Need to be higher than 0.
- Added a Configurable Min and Max Roll Altitude if you are between these 2 values you will roll and not recieve Damage at all.
- Changed the Visual Text when about to tame a Creature to Needed Levels, Novice, Adept and Master Tamer. With a timer of the more or less time it will take to tame at that moment.
- Added a Trials of Odin Levels Compatibility so the drops with Hunting Skill will stick to the Stars Shown by ToO. This need to be Configured at HuntingConfig, with the same values from ToO.
- Another tiny fixed and numbers at Hunting Config as you are a Master Tamer with Everything by the HoverText.
- Some more things I can't remember at the moment.
MoreSkills Hotfix
- Fixed Game Crash when Taming all Levels under Master.
- Fixed Null Log report when not close enought to the tame.
- Added Message on the top left corner for: When you are not the tamer. When you get far away from the tame, and when you get close again.
Fixed a minor Bug that Drops would not count Stone
Separated the Drops by their attachment, else it would not drop nothing at all if one of the attachments was disabled.
MoreSkills Jump Overhaul
MoreSkills 0.1.9 NEW!
New Jump Overhaul:
1- Now you can jump higher if you press Shift (Optional and custom if wanted).
a. Can change the base jump force, and the max when level 100 is reached.
b. Can change the Custom Keybind to activate the higher jump or deactivate this key.
c. Can disable Higher Jump if you don't want it.
d. Have a Decreased fall damage, with custom divider, reached at level 100.
e. Added a roll if you fall from heights from 4 to 8 meters(?). In the future this roll will have decreased fall damage and stamina with Vitality and Strength levels respectly.
2- Revamped Crafting, Hunting and Taming.
a. Now Simple Recycling is attached to your Crafting level, so the higher the cost the higher the recycling, but if you made something that cost 100 wood and then when you are level 100 it will read the cost then and give you back the selected amount (default 50%).
b. Now it will get and save all new creatures and items. In case of hunting it will get what it drops and do the math.
c. Now the drops take in count the creature's level and multiply it.
d. Now Taming will add al custom Creatures, and if not in the list it will add Default Taming Levels, Unlock: 30, Tamer: 60, Master: 90.
3- Fixed Bugs
a. Fixed bug in WoodCutting where FineWood would not drop.
b. Fixed bug in Taming that when looking to a boar it would send a log error.
c. Fixed the Wheel Scroll Killer Config.
d. Other minor fixes.
MoreSkills 0.1.6 WoodCutting Overhaul
WoodCutting Overhaul:
1- Get more Drops from Trees with higher WoodCutting Skill Level.
a. Multiplier in config (Default x3 at level 100)
2- Redone Pickaxe Drop Mod to work with WoodCutting Drop Mod.
a. Multiplier in Config (Default x3 at level 100 Pickaxe)
b. Added Obsidian and TinOre.
c. LeatherScraps, Guck and WitheredBone is Attached to HuntingSkill level.
3- Small Fixes
a. Birds now also do higher drops with Hunting Skill.
b. Fixed Error Typo in TrophyHatchling.
c. Added TinOre and Obsidian to Pickaxe Drop Mod.
MoreSkills Hunting Skill
NEW Hunting Skill:
1- Get more Drops from Mobs at Higher Levels.
a. Multiplier in config
b. Gain the New Max Drops at level 50
c. Gain the New Min Drops at level 100
d. Gain 100% Chance Drop, if not already activated, at level 100 if activated in config
f. Affect on Trophy if activated in config. (For Epic Loots mainly)
2- Get more Drops from Bosses at Higher Levels.
a. Activate in config. Recommended for Epic Loots
b. Multiplier in config
c. Gain the New Max Drops at level 50
d. Gain the New Min Drops at level 100
e. Gain 100% Chance Drop, if not already activated, at level 100 if activated in config
f. Affect on Trophy if activated in config. (For Epic Loots mainly)
3- Small Fixes
a. Changed that the skill if not activated, won't appear in tab (Most surrely if disactivated and later activated will loose progress in such skill).
b. Fixed Pickaxe was way to OP by my fault.
c. Fixed where the Crafting Skill would tell a log.
d. Changed the Icon for Vitality S.
MoreSkills 0.1.3 Mining Overhaul
Mining Overhaul:
1- Changes the max and min drops.
a. Reach the max max drops upgrade at level 50
b. Reach the max min drops upgrade at level 100
2- Changes the chance of Mudpile drops.
a. Reach a 100% chance at level 70.
MoreSkills 0.1.2
Adds a Crafting Skill with 2 difficulties!
Fixes the boat slow or non existing rudder turn at low sailing skills