Update 0.1.10 NEW Fishing Skill:
- Added New Fishing Skill.
- Added Fish Variety, the bigger the stronger and the bigger the drops. (Optional) (Drops Configurable with Multiplier)
- Added Fish BaseHookChance to be bounded to Fishing Skill. (Optional)
- Added Fish Stamina Drain Decrease bounded to Fishing SKill. (Optional)
- Added Fishing Stamina Drain Decrease bounded to Fishing Skill, at level 50 this number will be 0, higher than that upto 100 you gain Stamina as "rest". (Optional)
- Fixed Some Typos in Configs Decriptions and missing strings.
- Added again the Trophies and Blob config and check up to Hunting Skill. (Optional)
- Added a TamerID ZDO to taming creatures. So it will be bounded to the closest one when it eats for the first time.
- Added a UnPatch and Patch to each skill individually.
- Added a Fishing AutoHook Chance, up to 50% at level 100 of Fishing Skill. (Optional) (Configurable)
- Added Custom Names to Tames. To Change the Name you Need to be Crouching. (Optional)
- Added See Stats from Tames. (BETA and Useless for now)