MoreSkills 0.1.6 WoodCutting Overhaul
WoodCutting Overhaul:
1- Get more Drops from Trees with higher WoodCutting Skill Level.
a. Multiplier in config (Default x3 at level 100)
2- Redone Pickaxe Drop Mod to work with WoodCutting Drop Mod.
a. Multiplier in Config (Default x3 at level 100 Pickaxe)
b. Added Obsidian and TinOre.
c. LeatherScraps, Guck and WitheredBone is Attached to HuntingSkill level.
3- Small Fixes
a. Birds now also do higher drops with Hunting Skill.
b. Fixed Error Typo in TrophyHatchling.
c. Added TinOre and Obsidian to Pickaxe Drop Mod.