This is a big release/set of changes! (see examples/ and more details below)
- extensibility, add any go function, used it for a lot of what follows:
- math functions (pow, trigonometry functions (sin,cos,tan,asin,acos,atan) etc)
- constants like PI and E
- floating point exponent (eg 1.2e-3), underscore number separator (eg 1_000_000)
- printf/printf
- variadic functions either go side and grol side using
special last argument
What's Changed
- Added support for extensions, including usage and args check - use it to add math functions by @ldemailly in #96
- Variadic grol side by @ldemailly in #99
- handle exponent notation floats and _s by @ldemailly in #104
- ALL_CAPS are now constants. Changed/shared recursive function environment. Fixed bug with macro environment. Added pprof. by @ldemailly in #102
More mundane:
- STRING token in right section, DebugString() compact mode by @ldemailly in #100
Full Changelog: v0.33.1...v0.34.0
- 6b4aac6 ALL_CAPS are now constants. Changed/shared recursive function environment. Fixed bug with macro environment. Added pprof. (#102)
- 4d9664f Added support for extensions, including usage and args check - use it to add math functions (#96)
- 0011c9e STRING token in right section, DebugString() compact mode (#100)
- e6fb1f8 Variadic grol side (#99)
- e5f18a8 handle exponent notation floats and _s (#104)