Releases: afterpay/sdk-ios
Releases · afterpay/sdk-ios
1.4.2 - External Link Hotfix
What's Changed
- Ensure all links requesting to be opened in a new window are opened externally @adamjcampbell (#129)
1.4.1 - Swift Update (5.2)
What's Changed
- Update minimum requirements to Swift 5.2 and Xcode 11.4 @adamjcampbell (#128)
- Add latest sandbox PIN @adamjcampbell (#126)
1.4.0 - Pay Now Button
What's Changed
- Add reference to the example server project @adamjcampbell (#122)
- Fix swiftlint-example script to respect the Mintfile @adamjcampbell (#123)
🚀 Features
- Add 'Pay Now' button to Afterpay framework and example project @adamjcampbell (#125)
1.3.0 - Clearpay
What's Changed
This release marks full support for the Clearpay branding and pound sterling within the price breakdown component. This is achieved by setting the configured locale to "en_GB"
. In addition to this clearpay URLs have been added to the valid set for the checkout web flow.
🚀 Features
- Ensure currency formatting matches expected currency formatting @adamjcampbell (#120)
- Ensure SVGView updates when a change in locale causes a change in the SVG @adamjcampbell (#119)
- Add Clearpay SVGs to the price breakdown component @adamjcampbell (#118)
- Added Clearpay as a valid host for UK transactions. @JakeHoldom (#116)
🧰 Maintenance
- Updates documentation to show locale configuration and refer to 1.3.0 @adamjcampbell (#121)
- Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3 updates @adamjcampbell (#117)
1.2.0 - Minty Fresh
What's Changed
- Prepare iOS for a 1.2.0 release adding documentation and ensuring features are accessible @adamjcampbell (#114)
🚀 Features
- Match on Locales to serve the correct "Info" modal @adamjcampbell (#112)
- Add accessibilty label to the badge attachement in price breakdown @adamjcampbell (#110)
- Format with correct currency symbol @adamjcampbell (#109)
- Update attributed text in breakdown components via notification center @adamjcampbell (#107)
- Add the ability to view the purchase-payment-agreement in browser @adamjcampbell (#105)
- Price Breakdown Logic @adamjcampbell (#103)
- Allow the option to implement a delegate and launch the info modal @adamjcampbell (#102)
- Add link and limit UITextView interactions @adamjcampbell (#101)
- Add InfoWebViewController for viewing Afterpay information links @Rypac (#100)
- Adds afterpay badge to PriceBreakdownView and makes the text responsive @adamjcampbell (#98)
- Cache Afterpay configuration in example app @Rypac (#96)
- Presents the correct afterpay badge in light or dark style @adamjcampbell (#97)
- Add afterpay badge view and components tab @adamjcampbell (#95)
- Adds SwiftSVG as a dependency of the AfterpaySDK @adamjcampbell (#94)
- Set the merchant configuration in the example app @adamjcampbell (#92)
- Add GitHub action to validate Afterpay SDK pod @Rypac (#90)
- Add settable Configuration object to the SDK @adamjcampbell (#89)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix scroll view height ambiguity by adding containment views @adamjcampbell (#106)
🧰 Maintenance
- Make use of the locale region code to form the info link @adamjcampbell (#113)
- Configuration observation example @adamjcampbell (#108)
- Add unit tests for PriceBreakdown @adamjcampbell (#104)
- Update assets and refactor color schemes @adamjcampbell (#99)
- Add Validate Swift Package Job @adamjcampbell (#91)
1.1.0 - Put a PIN in it
What's Changed
- Update integration docs @adamjcampbell (#87)
🚀 Features
- Add an authentication challenge handler to the SDK @adamjcampbell (#88)
1.0.2 - A warm ☕️ of Cocoa
What's Changed
🚀 Features
- Add Cocoapods support and release deployment @adamjcampbell (#84)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Update CocoaPods deployment to run on published releases @adamjcampbell (#86)
1.0.1 - The Day-One Patch
What's Changed
- Update the README with version 1.0.1 relevant content @adamjcampbell (#81)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Harden Swiftlint build phase script to avoid build failures @adamjcampbell (#80)
🧰 Maintenance
- Bump version to 1.0.1 @adamjcampbell (#82)
1.0.0 - Ready Set Afterpay
First public release of the Afterpay SDK for iOS. 🚀