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Arivetti edited this page Jun 7, 2023 · 7 revisions

This structure represents a trial balance line.



Name Type Description
GLAccountCode String The code of the GL account whose balanced is being analysed.
GLAccountName String The name of the GL account whose balanced is being analysed.
OverallPeriodMovement Decimal Summary of all movements on the account within the given period.
OverallBalance Decimal Overall balance over time of the GL account. If the account is either a Profit or Revenue account, they reset to 0 at the start of each financial year.
OverallBudgetPeriodMovement Decimal Summary of all budget movements on the account within the given period.
OverallBudgetBalance Decimal Overall budget balance over time of the GL account.
OverallRevisedBudgetPeriodMovement Decimal Summary of all revised budget movements on the account within the given period.
OverallRevisedBudgetBalance Decimal Overall revised budget balance over time of the GL account.
DepartmentBalances [WSDepartmentBalance] The detail of the balance of the GL account code, split by department ID.
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