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Leandro Rowies edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 15 revisions

A Project is the main unit of work in the Project Ledger. It is linked to a Customer and BI Code on AccountsIQ. Timesheets, Activities, Expenses and Outlays are added against a Project too. Depending on its billing type, you can create invoices and have them transfered to AccountsIQ as Sales Invoices. Last but not least, the whole WIP (Work in Progress) listing works off Projects information on the system.

Project members

Name Type Mandatory Description Constraints
ProjectCode String Yes This is the unique identifier of a project within the system
  • Must be unique
  • Project Code cannot exceed 50 characters
  • Project Code is Inactive (only when calling UpdateProject)
Name String Yes Name of the project within the system.
  • Project Code cannot exceed 200 characters
Description String Yes Description of the project within the system.
  • Project Code cannot exceed 1000 characters
BillingType ProjectBillingType Yes The way the project will be treated when it comes to billing time. Milestone: Create targets for a fixed fee, reach them and bill them in a certain date. Time & Materialse: Billed purely on the Timesheets entered against it. Retainere: Bill a certain amount in with an specific frequency, such as weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.
  • Must be of the values from the enumeration ProjectBillingType: Milestonee, TimeAndMaterials or Retainere
  • The BillingType field cannot be modified by calling UpdateProject, so it can only be set once when creating a new project thrugh CreateProject
PricingType ProjectPricingType Yes This is relevant to the way the Timesheets Value is calculated as you'll decide where the Rate is coming from when calculating the Value = Rate * Hours entered. It could come from the Activity selected on the timesheet or the Employee who entered the Timesheet. Each of these elements of the system allows you to enter a default rate value.
  • Must be of the values from the enumeration ProjectPricingType: ActivityRate or EmployeeRate
  • The PricingType field cannot be modified by calling UpdateProject, so it can only be set once when creating a new project thrugh CreateProject
Status ProjectStatus Yes This is an informative field to know in what stage the project currently is. The only relevant Status that will have an impact on the system is if it's Closed as you won't be able to bill or enter timesheets against it.
  • Must be of the values from the enumeration ProjectStatus: Quote, Confirmed, Live, Complete or Closed
AIQCustomerCode String Yes This is the Customer Code linked to this Project which then will be used when billing the project on the Project Ledger and translating into a Customer Sales Invoice on AccountsIQ, as the Invoice needs a valid Customer associated to it on the header.
  • Customer Code cannot exceed 50 characters
  • Customer Code must exist
  • Customer Code must be active
AIQBICodeID String Yes This is the BI Code/Department linked to this Project which then will be used when billing the project on the Project Ledger and translating into a Customer Sales Invoice on AccountsIQ, as the Invoice needs a valid BI Code/Department associated to each invoice line (Note: this doesn't go on the header, but on each of the lines)
  • BI Code/Department cannot exceed 50 characters
  • BI Code/Department must exist
  • BI Code/Department must be active
ProjectManagerEmployeeNumber String No This is the Employee Number which has been granted with Project Manager priviliges within the Project Ledger.
  • ProjectManagerEmployeeNumber cannot exceed 50 characters
  • ProjectManagerEmployeeNumber must exist
  • ProjectManagerEmployeeNumber is invalid. The Employee does not have Project Manager priviliges
StatusNote String No Some note of the overall Status of the project.
  • If set, StatusNotecannot exceed 250 characters
CategoryNote String No Some note about the Category of the project.
  • If set, CategoryNoteexceed 250 characters
CalendarRBGColour RBGCalendarColour No The colour to be used when drawing specific forms on the Scheduler module of the Project Ledger.
  • If specified, must be of the values from the enumeration RBGCalendarColour, otherwise RGB_FFFFFF (white colour) will be assigned by default.

See Also

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