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PatrickLane edited this page Oct 30, 2014 · 1 revision

The SaveCreditNote function saves a modified CreditNote back to the system.



public WSResultStatus SaveCreditNote(string token, CreditNote CreditNote, bool create)

Visual Basic

Public Function SaveCreditNote(ByVal token As String, ByVal CreditNote As CreditNote, ByVal create As Boolean) As WSResultStatus

Parameter List

Parameter Type Description
token String The session token retrieved during authentication.
CreditNote [5b80c947-8eec-498d-aa6d-8bf8d4ecf2d7b] CreditNote to save/update back to the system.
create Boolean Flag indicating whether to create the CreditNote if it does not already exist. If the CreditNote already exist the flag is ignored. If the CreditNote does not already exist and the flag is on, the CreditNote is created. If the CreditNote does not already exist and the flag is off, the CreditNote is not created.



Integration ws = new Integration();

String auth = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey);
if (auth != null)
  WSResult2OfCreditNote result = ws.GetNewSalesCreditNote(auth, "TESTINTEGR");

  InvoiceLine line = new InvoiceLine();
  line.StockItemID = "STOCKITEM1";
  line.StockItemPrice = 100M;
  line.TaxCode = "NT";
  line.TaxRate = 0.21M;
  line.StockItemDescription = "From default";
  line.StockItemCost = 50M;
  line.CreditNotedQuantity = 10;
  line.NetAmount = 1000M;
  line.TaxAmount = line.NetAmount * line.TaxRate;
  line.GrossAmount = (1 + line.TaxRate) * line.NetAmount;
  line.GLAccountCode = "1000";
  line.ActualPrice = 100M;
  line.LocationID = "1";
  line.SublocationID = "BIN1";
  line.GLAccountCode = "1000";
  line.OpeningStockGLAccountCode = "2000";
  result.Result.AccountName = "Test integration";
  result.Result.ExternalReference = "External reference 2";

  result.Result.Lines = new CreditNoteLine[1];
  result.Result.Lines[0] = line;
  result.Result.ExchangeRate = 1;

  WSResultStatus r = ws.SaveCreditNote(auth, result.Result, true);
  Assert.IsTrue(r.Status == OperationStatus.Created);

Visual Basic

Dim ws As New Integration

Dim auth As String = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey)
If (Not Me.auth Is Nothing) Then
  Dim result As WSResult2OfCreditNote =, "TESTINTEGR")
  Dim line As New InvoiceLine
  line.StockItemID = "STOCKITEM1"
  line.StockItemPrice = 100
  line.TaxCode = "NT"
  line.TaxRate = 0.21
  line.StockItemDescription = "From default"
  line.StockItemCost = 50
  line.CreditNotedQuantity = 10
  line.NetAmount = 1000
  line.TaxAmount = (line.NetAmount * line.TaxRate)
  line.GrossAmount = (Decimal.op_Increment(line.TaxRate) * line.NetAmount)
  line.GLAccountCode = "1000"
  line.ActualPrice = 100
  line.LocationID = "1"
  line.SublocationID = "BIN1"
  line.GLAccountCode = "1000"
  line.OpeningStockGLAccountCode = "2000"
  result.Result.AccountName = "Test integration"
  result.Result.ExternalReference = "External reference 2"
  result.Result.Lines = New CreditNoteLine() { line }
  result.Result.ExchangeRate = 1
  Assert.IsTrue((, result.Result, True).Status = OperationStatus.Created))
End If

See Also

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