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3. Configuration

Schmille edited this page Jan 23, 2021 · 2 revisions


Name Options Default Notes
can_decompose [true / false] true If this option is set to true, you will be able to compost bamboo in the composter
compose_chance [0..1] 0.3 A value between 0 and 1, which determines how often the composter will receive a filling from adding bamboo
(Leaves = 0.3, Sugar Cane = 0.5, Wheat = 0.65, Bread = 0.85, Cake = 1.0)

Raw Bamboo

Name Options Default Notes
can_eat_raw [true / false] true If true, bamboo can be eaten raw
raw_hunger_value [0..20] 2 Determines how much hunger will be restored when eating bamboo raw.
raw_saturation [0..1] 0.3 "Modifier for how fast the hungerbar will deplete (lower means faster)"

Raw bamboo slowness

Name Options Default Notes
raw_apply_slowness [true / false] true If true, eating raw bamboo will apply slowness
raw_slowness_duration [0..n] 5 Duration of the slowness effect (in seconds)
raw_slowness_level [0..n] 1 Determines the level of the slowness effect
raw_slowness_chance [0..1] 1 Chance that the slowness effect will be applied when eating raw bamboo.
1 means 100%

Cooked bamboo

Name Options Default Notes
cookable [true / false] true If false, you will not be able to obtain cooked bamboo through smelting
smokable [true / false] true If false, you will not be able to obtain cooked bamboo through smoking
campfire_cooking [true / false] true If false, you will not be able to obtain cooked bamboo through campfire cooking
cooked_hunger_value [0..20] 4 How much hunger will be restored when cooked bamboo is eaten.
cooked_saturation_value [0..1] 0.5 Modifier for how fast the hungerbar will deplete (lower means faster)

Bamboo spread

Name Options Default Notes
do_bamboo_spread [true / false] true If true, bamboo will spread to available nearby blocks
only_spread_grown [true / false] true If true bamboo will only spread once from fully grown shoots.
WARNING: If you disable this setting it is highly recommended to drastically reduce spread chance!
spread_x [0..n] 4 X-radius for spread
spread_z [0..n] 4 Z-radius for spread
spread_y_top [0..n] 2 Number of blocks bamboo can spread upwards
spread_y_bottom [0..n] 1 Number of block bamboo can spread downward
spread_chance [0.01...1.0] 0.6 Chance that bamboo will spread
spread_to [Any block id] * Blocks that bamboo can spread to

*minecraft:grass_block, minecraft:sand, minecraft:dirt,minecraft:coarse_dirt, minecraft:podzol

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