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Tutorial: Resource Packs

OreCruncher edited this page Dec 21, 2016 · 9 revisions

This tutorial assumes the following:

Configuration files are loaded and applied in a very specific order. Keep this in mind when building/testing your Resource Pack.

  1. Built-in configuration files for each mod is applied in load order.
  2. Resource Pack configuration files are then applied. These configurations can override the configurations in step #1.
  3. External configuration files are applied in the order specified in the dsurround.cfg file. These conifigurations can override the configurations in step #1 and #2.

Adding a configuration script to your Resource Pack is pretty straight forward:

  1. Create a path in your pack /assets/dsurround/.
  2. Create a file configure.json in that path.
  3. Edit configure.json with the settings you need.
  4. Package your Resource Pack and ship!
  5. Profit!


  • Only configured resource packs are scanned when the client starts up. If you enable/disable the resource pack on the fly you will need to reload the Minecraft client to pick up any scripts or you will have to issue the /ds reload command.