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Acoustic Profiles

OreCruncher edited this page Dec 16, 2016 · 1 revision

An acoustic profile is a collection of footstep sound effect data that can be applied to a block. These are built-in and can be tagged to any block. The table below lists the block classes available and as well as a Vanilla block that can be used to check out the sound in the game.

You will noticed that some of the entries have comma separated values. These are composites means that multiple sounds may play concurrently to give an effect. For example, Anvils have a class of “metalcompressed,hardmetal” meaning that the acoustic profiles of “metalcompressed” and “hardmetal” will play simultaneously.

Entries that are prefixed with a “#” indicate a complex sound profile. For example, “#crop” is a sound profile for crops like Carrots and Potatoes. Each of these crops have various growth stages, and each stage has it’s own unique sound. From a configuration file perspective it is easier to indicate it’s a “#crop” rather than creating 7 different entries for each crop.

Acoustic Vanilla Block Comment
NOT_EMITTER Flowers Block does not emit a sound
_SWIM Player swimming in water
straw Fully grown wheat
brush_straw_transition Rose Bush bottom block
brush Tall grass
fire Fire
rails Tracks
grass Grass
organic_solid Pumpkin
organic_dry Cocoa
dirt Dirt
stone Cobblestone
wood Logs
bedrock Bedrock
sand Sand
gravel Gravel
ore Iron Ore
leaves Leaves
glass Glass
mud Sponge
glowstone Glowstone
stonemachine Dispenser
composite Diamond Block
sandstone Sandstone
rug Carpet
wood_sticky Sticky Piston Head
hardmetal Iron Block
brickstone Stone Bricks
marble Quartz Block
equipment TnT
obsidian Obsidian
metalbar Iron Bars
squeakywood Wooden Chest
bluntwood Wooden Door
ladder Ladder
snow Snow
organic Nether Wart Block
quicksand Soul Sand
waterfine Lily Pad
stoneutility Enchanting Table
metalcompressed Anvil
metalsubparts Iron Door
metalcompressed,hardmetal Anvil Composite sound
stoneutility,glass Daylight Detector Composite sound
stone,snow Packed Ice Composite sound
rug,straw,squeakywood Standing Banner Composite sound
rug,straw Wall Banner Composite sound
#sapling Tree Sapling
#reed Canes
#wheat Wheat growth profile Strawlike sounds based on growth level
#crop Carrot growth profile Plantlike sounds based on growth level
#fence Wooden Fence