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The BalloonPopupExtender control displays a popup which can contain any content.
Name | Description |
BalloonPopupControlID | The ID of the control to display |
BalloonSize | Optional setting specifying the size of balloon popup. (Small, Medium and Large). Default value is Small |
BalloonStyle | Optional setting specifying the theme of balloon popup. Default value is Rectangle |
CustomClassName | This is required if user choose BalloonStyle to Custom. This specifies the name of the css class for the custom theme |
CustomCssUrl | This is required if user choose BalloonStyle to Custom. This specifies the url of custom css which will display custom theme |
DisplayOnClick | Optional setting specifying whether to display balloon popup on the client onClick event. Default value is true |
DisplayOnFocus | Optional setting specifying whether to display balloon popup on the client onFocus event. Default value is false |
DisplayOnMouseOver | Optional setting specifying whether to display balloon popup on the client onMouseOver event. Default value is false |
ExtenderControlID | Extender control ID |
OffsetX | Optional X (horizontal) offset for the popup window (relative to the target control). Default value is 0 |
OffsetY | Optional Y (vertical) offset for the popup window (relative to the target control). Default value is 0 |
OnHide | The OnHide animation will be played each time the popup is hidden |
OnShow | The OnShow animation will be played each time the popup is displayed. The popup will be positioned correctly but hidden Remarks: The animation can use to display the popup along with any other visual effects |
Position | Optional setting specifying where the popup should be positioned relative to the target control Remarks: (TopRight, TopLeft, BottomRight, BottomLeft, Auto) Default value is Auto |
ScrollBars | Optional setting specifying whether to display scrollbar if contents are overflowing. Default value is Auto |
UseShadow | Optional setting specifying whether to display shadow of balloon popup or not |
Name | Description |
balloonPopopControlID | The ID of the control to display |
balloonPopupPosition | Optional setting specifying where the popup should be positioned relative to the target control. Default value is Auto |
balloonPopupStyle | Optional setting specifying the theme of balloon popup. Default value is Rectangle |
balloonSize | Optional setting specifying the size of balloon popup. Default value is Small |
customClassName | This is required if user choose BalloonStyle to Custom. This specifies the name of the css class for the custom theme |
displayOnClick | Optional setting specifying whether to display balloon popup on the client onClick event. Default value is true |
displayOnFocus | Optional setting specifying whether to display balloon popup on the client onFocus event. Default value is false |
displayOnMouseOver | Optional setting specifying whether to display balloon popup on the client onMouseOver event. Default value is false |
extenderControlID | Extender control ID |
offsetX | Optional X (horizontal) offset for the popup window (relative to the target control) |
offsetY | Optional Y (horizontal) offset for the popup window (relative to the target control) |
onHide | Generic OnHide Animation's JSON definition |
onShow | Generic OnShow Animation's JSON definition |
onShowBehavior | Generic OnShow Animation's behavior |
popupVisible | Whether popup is visible. Default value is false |
scrollBars | Optional setting specifying whether to display scrollbar if contents are overflowing. Default value is Auto |
useShadow | Optional setting specifying whether to display shadow of balloon popup or not. Default value is true |
Name | Description |
hidePopup() | Hides the popup |
onHide() | Play the OnHide animation |
onHideBehavior() | Generic OnHide Animation's behavior |
onShow() | Play the OnShow animation |
pageHeight() | Calculates container height |
pageWidth() | Calculates container width |
posLeft() | Calculates popup left offset |
posTop() | Calculates popup top offset |
showPopup() | Shows the popup |
Name | Description |
hidden | Fires when popup is hidden |
hiding | Fires when popup is hiding |
showing | Fires when popup is showing |
shown | Fires when popup is shown |
The ID of the control to display
Getter name: get_balloonPopupControlID()
Setter name: set_balloonPopupControlID(value)
Optional setting specifying where the popup should be positioned relative to the target control. Default value is Auto
Getter name: get_balloonPopupPosition()
Setter name: set_balloonPopupPosition(value)
Optional setting specifying the theme of balloon popup. Default value is Rectangle
Getter name: get_balloonPopupStyle()
Setter name: set_balloonPopupStyle(value)
Optional setting specifying the size of balloon popup. Default value is Small
Getter name: get_balloonSize()
Setter name: set_balloonSize(value)
This is required if user choose BalloonStyle to Custom. This specifies the name of the css class for the custom theme
Getter name: get_customClassName()
Setter name: set_customClassName(value)
Optional setting specifying whether to display balloon popup on the client onClick event. Default value is true
Getter name: get_displayOnClick()
Setter name: set_displayOnClick(value)
Optional setting specifying whether to display balloon popup on the client onFocus event. Default value is false
Getter name: get_displayOnFocus()
Setter name: set_displayOnFocus(value)
Optional setting specifying whether to display balloon popup on the client onMouseOver event. Default value is false
Getter name: get_displayOnMouseOver()
Setter name: set_displayOnMouseOver(value)
Extender control ID
Getter name: get_extenderControlID()
Setter name: set_extenderControlID(value)
Optional X (horizontal) offset for the popup window (relative to the target control)
Getter name: get_offsetX()
Setter name: set_offsetX(value)
Optional Y (horizontal) offset for the popup window (relative to the target control)
Getter name: get_offsetY()
Setter name: set_offsetY(value)
Generic OnHide Animation's JSON definition
Getter name: get_onHide()
Setter name: set_onHide(value)
Generic OnShow Animation's JSON definition
Getter name: get_onShow()
Setter name: set_onShow(value)
Generic OnShow Animation's behavior
Getter name: get_onShowBehavior()
Whether popup is visible. Default value is false
Getter name: get_popupVisible()
Optional setting specifying whether to display scrollbar if contents are overflowing. Default value is Auto
Getter name: get_scrollBars()
Setter name: set_scrollBars(value)
Optional setting specifying whether to display shadow of balloon popup or not. Default value is true
Getter name: get_useShadow()
Setter name: set_useShadow(value)
Hides the popup
Play the OnHide animation
Generic OnHide Animation's behavior
Play the OnShow animation
Calculates container height
Calculates container width
Calculates popup left offset
Calculates popup top offset
Shows the popup
Fires when popup is hidden
Add event handler method: add_hidden(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_hidden(handler)
Raise event method: raise_hidden()
Fires when popup is hiding
Add event handler method: add_hiding(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_hiding(handler)
Raise event method: raise_hiding()
Fires when popup is showing
Add event handler method: add_showing(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_showing(handler)
Raise event method: raise_showing()
Fires when popup is shown
Add event handler method: add_shown(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_shown(handler)
Raise event method: raise_shown()
This content was moved from https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/documentation to this Documentation wiki. This is now the authoritative location of the AJAX Control Toolkit documentation.
- Step-by-Step Installation Guide
- Upgrading from v7.x and below
- Uninstalling the AJAX Control Toolkit
- Troubleshooting Installer Issues
- Updating the Project from CI Builds
- How to Use Bundling and CDN
- Creating a Custom Localization
- Creating a Custom Control
- Design Standards
- Accordion
- AjaxFileUpload
- AreaChart
- AsyncFileUpload
- BarChart
- BubbleChart
- ComboBox
- Editor (deprecated)
- Gravatar
- LineChart
- NoBot
- PieChart
- Rating
- ReorderList
- Seadragon
- TabContainer
- TabPanel
- AlwaysVisibleControl
- Animation
- AutoComplete
- BalloonPopup
- Calendar
- CascadingDropDown
- CollapsiblePanel
- ColorPicker
- ConfirmButton
- DragPanel
- DropDown
- DropShadow
- DynamicPopulate
- FilteredTextBox
- HoverMenu
- HtmlEditor
- ListSearch
- MaskedEdit
- MaskedEditValidator
- ModalPopup
- MultiHandleSlider
- MutuallyExclusiveCheckBox
- NumericUpDown
- PagingBulletedList
- PasswordStrength
- PopupControl
- ResizableControl
- RoundedCorners
- Slider
- SlideShow
- TextBoxWatermark
- ToggleButton
- UpdatePanelAnimation
- ValidatorCallout