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AutoCompleteExtender (demo)
AutoComplete extends any ASP.NET TextBox control. It associates that control with a popup panel to display words that begin with the prefix that is entered into the text box.
Name | Description |
CompletionInterval | Time in milliseconds when the timer will kick in to get suggestions using the web service. The default is 1000 |
CompletionListCssClass | A CSS class that will be used to style the completion list flyout. |
CompletionListElementID | ID of an element that will serve as the completion list. |
CompletionListHighlightedItemCssClass | A CSS class that will be used to style a highlighted item in the autocomplete list. |
CompletionListItemCssClass | A CSS class that will be used to style an item in the autocomplete list. |
CompletionSetCount | A number of suggestions to be provided. The default is 10 |
ContextKey | User/page specific context provided to an optional overload of the web method described by ServiceMethod/ServicePath. If the context key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional parameter named contextKey of a string type. |
DelimiterCharacters | The character(s) used to separate words for autocomplete |
EnableCaching | A flag to denote whether client-side caching is enabled. The default is true. |
FirstRowSelected | Determines if the first row of the Search Results is selected by default. The default is false. |
MinimumPrefixLength | Minimum length of text before the webservice provides suggestions. The default is 3 |
OnClientHidden | A handler attached to the client-side hidden event |
OnClientHiding | A handler attached to the client-side hiding event |
OnClientItemOut | A handler attached to the client-side itemOut event |
OnClientItemOver | A handler attached to the client-side itemOver event |
OnClientItemSelected | A handler attached to the client-side itemSelected event |
OnClientPopulated | A handler attached to the client-side populated event |
OnClientPopulating | A handler attached to the client-side populating event |
OnClientShowing | A handler attached to the client-side showing event |
OnClientShown | A handler attached to the client-side shown event |
OnHide | OnHide animation |
OnShow | OnShow animation |
ServiceMethod | The web service method to be called |
ServicePath | The path to the web service that the extender will pull the word/sentence completions from. If this is not provided, the service method should be a page method. |
ShowOnlyCurrentWordInCompletionListItem | If delimiter characters are specified and ShowOnlyCurrentWordInCompletionListItem is set to true, then the completion list displays suggestions just for the current word, otherwise, it displays the whole string that will show up in the TextBox if that item is selected, which is the current default. The default is false. |
UseContextKey | Whether or not the ContextKey property should be used. This will be automatically enabled if the ContextKey property is ever set (on either the client or the server). If the context key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional parameter named contextKey of a string type. |
Name | Description |
CreateAutoCompleteItem(text, value) | Creates a serialized JSON object representing a text/value pair that can be returned by the webservice |
Name | Description |
completionInterval | Auto completion timer interval in milliseconds. The default is 1000 |
completionList | List dom element |
completionListCssClass | A CSS class name that will be used to style the completion list element. |
completionListElementID | ID of the completion div element |
completionListItemCssClass | A CSS class name that will be used to style an item in the completion list. |
completionSetCount | Maximum completion set size. The default is 10 |
contextKey | User/page specific context provided to an optional overload of the web method described by ServiceMethod/ServicePath. If the context key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional parameter named contextKey of a string type. |
delimiterCharacters | The character(s) used to seperate words for autocomplete |
enableCaching | Whether suggestions retrieved from the webservice should be cached |
firstRowSelected | A flag to determine if the first option in the flyout is selected or not. The default is false |
get_onHide | Generic OnHide Animation's JSON definition |
highlightedItemCssClass | A CSS class name that will be used to style a highlighted item in the list. |
isMultiWord | Whether the behavior is currently in multi-word mode |
minimumPrefixLength | Minimum text prefix length required to call the webservice. The default is 3 |
onHideBehavior | Generic OnHide Animation's behavior |
onShow | Generic OnShow Animation's JSON definition |
onShowBehavior | Generic OnShow Animation's behavior |
serviceMethod | Web service method |
servicePath | Web service url |
showOnlyCurrentWordInCompletionListItem | If Delimiter characters are specified and showOnlyCurrentWordInCompletionListItem is set to true, then the completion list displays suggestions just for the current word, otherwise, it displays the whole string that will show up in the TextBox if that item is selected, which is the current default. The default is false |
useContextKey | Whether or not the ContextKey property should be used. This will be automatically enabled if the ContextKey property is ever set (on either the client or the server). If the context key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional parameter named contextKey of a string type. The default is false |
Name | Description |
hidePopup() | Hides the completion list popup |
onHide() | Play the OnHide animation |
onShow() | Play the OnShow animation |
showPopup() | Shows the completion list popup |
Name | Description |
hidden | Occurs when a control is hidden. |
hiding | Occurs when a control is hiding. |
itemOut | Occurs when the mouse cursor is out of the item. |
itemOver | Occurs when the mouse cursor is over item. |
itemSelected | Occurs when an item is selected. |
populated | Occurs when a control is populated. |
populating | Occurs when a control is populating. |
showing | Occurs when a control is showing. |
shown | Occurs when a control is shown. |
Web service url
Getter name: get_servicePath()
Setter name: set_servicePath(value)
Web service method
Getter name: get_serviceMethod()
Setter name: set_serviceMethod(value)
User/page specific context provided to an optional overload of the web method described by ServiceMethod/ServicePath. If the context key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional parameter named contextKey of a string type.
Getter name: get_contextKey()
Setter name: set_contextKey(value)
Whether or not the ContextKey property should be used. This will be automatically enabled if the ContextKey property is ever set (on either the client or the server). If the context key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional parameter named contextKey of a string type. The default is false
Getter name: get_useContextKey()
Setter name: set_useContextKey(value)
Minimum text prefix length required to call the webservice. The default is 3
Getter name: get_minimumPrefixLength()
Setter name: set_minimumPrefixLength(value)
Maximum completion set size. The default is 10
Getter name: get_completionSetCount()
Setter name: set_completionSetCount(value)
Auto completion timer interval in milliseconds. The default is 1000
Getter name: get_completionInterval()
Setter name: set_completionInterval(value)
ID of the completion div element
Getter name: get_completionListElementID()
Setter name: set_completionListElementID(value)
List dom element
Getter name: get_completionList()
Setter name: set_completionList(value)
Whether suggestions retrieved from the webservice should be cached
Getter name: get_enableCaching()
Setter name: set_enableCaching(value)
A CSS class name that will be used to style the completion list element.
Getter name: get_completionListCssClass()
Setter name: set_completionListCssClass(value)
A CSS class name that will be used to style an item in the completion list.
Getter name: get_completionListItemCssClass()
Setter name: set_completionListItemCssClass(value)
A CSS class name that will be used to style a highlighted item in the list.
Getter name: get_highlightedItemCssClass()
Setter name: set_highlightedItemCssClass(value)
The character(s) used to seperate words for autocomplete
Getter name: get_delimiterCharacters()
Setter name: set_delimiterCharacters(value)
A flag to determine if the first option in the flyout is selected or not. The default is false
Getter name: get_firstRowSelected()
Setter name: set_firstRowSelected(value)
If Delimiter characters are specified and showOnlyCurrentWordInCompletionListItem is set to true, then the completion list displays suggestions just for the current word, otherwise, it displays the whole string that will show up in the TextBox if that item is selected, which is the current default. The default is false
Getter name: get_showOnlyCurrentWordInCompletionListItem()
Setter name: set_showOnlyCurrentWordInCompletionListItem(value)
Whether the behavior is currently in multi-word mode
Getter name: get_isMultiword()
Generic OnShow Animation's JSON definition
Getter name: get_onShow()
Setter name: set_onShow(value)
Generic OnShow Animation's behavior
Getter name: get_onShowBehavior()
Generic OnHide Animation's JSON definition
Getter name: get_onHide()
Setter name: set_onHide(value)
Generic OnHide Animation's behavior
Getter name: get_onHideBehavior()
Creates a serialized JSON object representing a text/value pair that can be returned by the webservice
- Type: String
- Description: Text part
- Type: String
- Description: Value part
Shows the completion list popup
Hides the completion list popup
Play the OnShow animation
Play the OnHide animation
Occurs when a control is populating.
Add event handler method: add_populating(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_populating(handler)
Raise event method: raise_populating()
Occurs when a control is populated.
Add event handler method: add_populated(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_populated(handler)
Raise event method: raise_populated()
Occurs when a control is showing.
Add event handler method: add_showing(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_showing(handler)
Raise event method: raise_showing()
Occurs when a control is shown.
Add event handler method: add_shown(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_shown(handler)
Raise event method: raise_shown()
Occurs when a control is hiding.
Add event handler method: add_hiding(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_hiding(handler)
Raise event method: raise_hiding()
Occurs when a control is hidden.
Add event handler method: add_hidden(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_hidden(handler)
Raise event method: raise_hidden()
Occurs when an item is selected.
Add event handler method: add_itemSelected(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_itemSelected(handler)
Raise event method: raise_itemSelected()
Occurs when the mouse cursor is over item.
Add event handler method: add_itemOver(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_itemOver(handler)
Raise event method: raise_itemOver()
Occurs when the mouse cursor is out of the item.
Add event handler method: add_itemOut(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_itemOut(handler)
Raise event method: raise_itemOut()
This content was moved from https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/documentation to this Documentation wiki. This is now the authoritative location of the AJAX Control Toolkit documentation.
- Step-by-Step Installation Guide
- Upgrading from v7.x and below
- Uninstalling the AJAX Control Toolkit
- Troubleshooting Installer Issues
- Updating the Project from CI Builds
- How to Use Bundling and CDN
- Creating a Custom Localization
- Creating a Custom Control
- Design Standards
- Accordion
- AjaxFileUpload
- AreaChart
- AsyncFileUpload
- BarChart
- BubbleChart
- ComboBox
- Editor (deprecated)
- Gravatar
- LineChart
- NoBot
- PieChart
- Rating
- ReorderList
- Seadragon
- TabContainer
- TabPanel
- AlwaysVisibleControl
- Animation
- AutoComplete
- BalloonPopup
- Calendar
- CascadingDropDown
- CollapsiblePanel
- ColorPicker
- ConfirmButton
- DragPanel
- DropDown
- DropShadow
- DynamicPopulate
- FilteredTextBox
- HoverMenu
- HtmlEditor
- ListSearch
- MaskedEdit
- MaskedEditValidator
- ModalPopup
- MultiHandleSlider
- MutuallyExclusiveCheckBox
- NumericUpDown
- PagingBulletedList
- PasswordStrength
- PopupControl
- ResizableControl
- RoundedCorners
- Slider
- SlideShow
- TextBoxWatermark
- ToggleButton
- UpdatePanelAnimation
- ValidatorCallout