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AjaxFileUpload is an ASP.NET AJAX Control that allows you to asynchronously upload files to the server.
Name | Description |
AllowedFileTypes | A comma-separated list of allowed file extensions. The default is an empty string. |
AutoStartUpload | Whether or not automatically start upload files after drag/drop or select in file dialog. The default is false |
ChunkSize | The size of a chunk used by HTML5 to upload large files in bytes. The default is 4096. |
ClearFileListAfterUpload | Whether or not to hide file upload list container after the uploading finished |
IsInFileUploadPostBack | This will be true when a postback will be performed from the control. This can be used to avoid execution of unnecessary code during a partial postback. The default is false. Remarks: Deprecated. Always false. |
MaxFileSize | The maximum size of a file to be uploaded in Kbytes. A non-positive value means the size is unlimited. The default is 0. |
MaximumNumberOfFiles | A maximum number of files in an upload queue. The default is 10. |
Mode | Specifies how AjaxFileUpload uploads files. If set to Auto or Client and the client browser supports HTML 5, AjaxFileUpload uploads files using AJAX requests. If set to Server or the browser does not support HTML 5, AjaxFileUpload uploads files by posting the HTML form. The default is Auto. |
OnClientUploadComplete | The name of a JavaScript function executed on the client side after a file is uploaded successfully. |
OnClientUploadCompleteAll | The client script that executes when all of files in queue uploaded, or when user hits Cancel button to stop uploading |
OnClientUploadError | The name of a JavaScript function executed on the client side if the file upload failed. |
OnClientUploadStart | The name of a JavaScript function executed on the client side before any files are uploaded. |
ServerPollingSupport | Whether or not AjaxFileUpload supports server polling. |
ThrobberID | The ID of a control that is shown on the file upload. The throbber image is displayed for browsers that do not support the HTML5 File API or server-side polling. |
UploadHandlerPath | Upload handler path |
UseAbsoluteHandlerPath | Whether or not to use absolute path for AjaxFileUploadHandler Remarks: Deprecated. Use UploadHandlerPath instead. |
Name | Description |
SaveAs(fileName) | Saves the uploaded file with the specified file name |
Name | Description |
UploadComplete | An event raised when the file upload is complete. |
UploadCompleteAll | An event handler that will be raised when the UploadComplete event is raised in all files in an upload queue, or when a user presses the Cancel button to stop uploading. |
UploadStart | An event raised when the file upload starts. |
Name | Description |
allowedFileTypes | A comma-separated list of allowed file extensions. |
autoStartUpload | Whether or not automatically start upload files after drag/drop or select in file dialog. The default is false |
chunkSize | The size of a chunk used by HTML5 to upload a large file in bytes. |
clearQueueContainerAfterUpload | Whether or not to hide the file upload list container after uploading finished |
enabled | Whether the control is enabled. |
maxFileSize | The maximum size of a file to be uploaded in Kbytes. A non-positive value means the size is unlimited. |
maximumNumberOfFiles | A maximum number of files in an upload queue. Default value is 10. |
mode | Specifies how AjaxFileUpload uploads files. If set to Auto or Client and the client browser supports HTML 5, AjaxFileUpload uploads files using AJAX requests. If set to Server or the browser does not support HTML 5, AjaxFileUpload uploads files by posting the HTML form. The default is Auto. |
postBackUrl | A url of the page where the control is located. |
serverPollingSupport | Whether or not AjaxFileUpload supports server polling. |
throbber | A control that is shown while a file is uploading. The throbber image is displayed for browsers that do not support the HTML5 File API or server-side polling. |
uploadHandlerPath | The path to the upload handler. |
useAbsoluteHandlerPath | Whether or not to use absolute path for AjaxFileUploadHandler |
Name | Description |
addFileToQueue(item) | The processor will call this method to add a selected file to the queue. It will return true if a file item is successfully added, otherwise, it returnes false. |
attachEvents(elements) | Attaches the click event hanlder to an upload button. |
cancelUpload() | Cancels upload process. |
confirmFileIsInvalid(fileItem) | Sends alert to a user that the file type is not acceptable. The processor uses this method after validation. |
confirmFileIsTooLarge(fileItem) | Sends alert to a user that the file size is too large. The processor uses this method after validation. |
done() | Call this method when all files has been uploaded. This method will reset states of the control. |
doneAndUploadNextFile(fileItem) | Marks fileItem as uploaded, and uploads the next file in a queue. |
enableControls(enable) | If set to true, it will set the control state to enabled (ready to upload), otherwise the control will be disabled and the button state turns to the Cancel button. |
fileSizeExceeded(fileSize) | Checks if the file size is larger than the upload size limit. |
fileTypeIsValid(fileType) | Checks whether the file type is allowed to be uploaded by checking it against the AlowedFileTypes property. |
getCurrentFileItem() | Gets a file item based on the current file id. |
getFileItem(id) | Get file in upload queue by ID |
getNextFile() | Gets a file in an upload queue by id. |
removeFileFromQueueHandler(e) | Removes a file from the queue and updates user interface. |
setAsUploading(fileItem) | Sets the file item status to uploading. |
setDefaultElementsLayout(elements) | Sets default elements layout during initializing. |
setFileStatus(fileItem, fileStatusText, text) | Sets file item status text. |
setPercent(percent) | Sets upload percentage. |
setStatusMessage(msg) | Sets a message in a status bar. |
startUpload() | Manually starts upload process |
validateFiles(files) | Validates files in queue before uploading. Returns true if validation is passed, otherwise false |
Name | Description |
uploadComplete | Occurs when the file upload completes. |
uploadCompleteAll | An event handler that will be raised when the UploadComplete event is raised in all files in an upload queue, or when a user presses the Cancel button to stop uploading. |
uploadError | An event handler raised when an upload error occurs. |
uploadStart | Occurs when the file upload starts |
A comma-separated list of allowed file extensions.
Getter name: get_allowedFileTypes()
Setter name: set_allowedFileTypes(value)
Whether or not automatically start upload files after drag/drop or select in file dialog. The default is false
Getter name: get_autoStartUpload()
Setter name: set_autoStartUpload(value)
The size of a chunk used by HTML5 to upload a large file in bytes.
Getter name: get_chunkSize()
Setter name: set_chunkSize(value)
Whether or not to hide the file upload list container after uploading finished
Getter name: get_clearQueueContainerAfterUpload()
Setter name: set_clearQueueContainerAfterUpload(value)
Whether the control is enabled.
Getter name: get_enabled()
Setter name: set_enabled(value)
The maximum size of a file to be uploaded in Kbytes. A non-positive value means the size is unlimited.
Getter name: get_maxFileSize()
Setter name: set_maxFileSize(value)
A maximum number of files in an upload queue. Default value is 10.
Getter name: get_maximumNumberOfFiles()
Setter name: set_maximumNumberOfFiles(value)
Specifies how AjaxFileUpload uploads files. If set to Auto or Client and the client browser supports HTML 5, AjaxFileUpload uploads files using AJAX requests. If set to Server or the browser does not support HTML 5, AjaxFileUpload uploads files by posting the HTML form. The default is Auto.
Getter name: get_mode()
Setter name: set_mode(value)
A url of the page where the control is located.
Getter name: get_postBackUrl()
Setter name: set_postBackUrl(value)
Whether or not AjaxFileUpload supports server polling.
Getter name: get_serverPollingSupport()
Setter name: set_serverPollingSupport(value)
A control that is shown while a file is uploading. The throbber image is displayed for browsers that do not support the HTML5 File API or server-side polling.
Getter name: get_throbber()
Setter name: set_throbber(value)
The path to the upload handler.
Getter name: get_uploadHandlerPath()
Setter name: set_uploadHandlerPath(value)
Whether or not to use absolute path for AjaxFileUploadHandler
Getter name: get_useAbsoluteHandlerPath()
Setter name: set_useAbsoluteHandlerPath(value)
Saves the uploaded file with the specified file name
- Type: String
- Description: Name of the file to save
The processor will call this method to add a selected file to the queue. It will return true if a file item is successfully added, otherwise, it returnes false.
- Type: Object
- Description: File to add to the queue
Attaches the click event hanlder to an upload button.
- Type: Object
- Description: Collection of AjaxFileUpload visual elements
Cancels upload process.
Sends alert to a user that the file type is not acceptable. The processor uses this method after validation.
- Type: Object
- Description: A file attempting to be added to the upload queue.
Sends alert to a user that the file size is too large. The processor uses this method after validation.
- Type: Object
- Description: A file attempting to be added to the upload queue.
Call this method when all files has been uploaded. This method will reset states of the control.
Marks fileItem as uploaded, and uploads the next file in a queue.
- Type: Object
- Description: Uploaded file
If set to true, it will set the control state to enabled (ready to upload), otherwise the control will be disabled and the button state turns to the Cancel button.
- Type: Boolean
- Description: true to enable controls, otherwise false
Checks if the file size is larger than the upload size limit.
- Type: Number
- Description: File size in bytes
Checks whether the file type is allowed to be uploaded by checking it against the AlowedFileTypes property.
- Type: String
- Description: File extension
Gets a file item based on the current file id.
Get file in upload queue by ID
- Type: Number
- Description: File ID
Gets a file in an upload queue by id.
Removes a file from the queue and updates user interface.
- Type: Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload.Item
- Description: An item to remove
Sets the file item status to uploading.
- Type: Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload.Item
- Description: Uploading file
Sets default elements layout during initializing.
- Type: Object
- Description: Elements to set up
Sets file item status text.
- Type: Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload.Item
- Description: Uploading file
- Type: String
- Description: Text displayed in file info container
- Type: String
- Description: Text displayed in status bar
Sets upload percentage.
- Type: Number
- Description: Upload percent
Sets a message in a status bar.
- Type: String
- Description: Text to set
Manually starts upload process
Validates files in queue before uploading. Returns true if validation is passed, otherwise false
- Type: Object
- Description: An array of files in the upload queue
Occurs when the file upload completes.
Add event handler method: add_uploadComplete(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_uploadComplete(handler)
Raise event method: raise_uploadComplete()
An event handler that will be raised when the UploadComplete event is raised in all files in an upload queue, or when a user presses the Cancel button to stop uploading.
Add event handler method: add_uploadCompleteAll(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_uploadCompleteAll(handler)
Raise event method: raise_uploadCompleteAll()
An event handler raised when an upload error occurs.
Add event handler method: add_uploadError(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_uploadError(handler)
Raise event method: raise_uploadError()
Occurs when the file upload starts
Add event handler method: add_uploadStart(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_uploadStart(handler)
Raise event method: raise_uploadStart()
This content was moved from https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/documentation to this Documentation wiki. This is now the authoritative location of the AJAX Control Toolkit documentation.
- Step-by-Step Installation Guide
- Upgrading from v7.x and below
- Uninstalling the AJAX Control Toolkit
- Troubleshooting Installer Issues
- Updating the Project from CI Builds
- How to Use Bundling and CDN
- Creating a Custom Localization
- Creating a Custom Control
- Design Standards
- Accordion
- AjaxFileUpload
- AreaChart
- AsyncFileUpload
- BarChart
- BubbleChart
- ComboBox
- Editor (deprecated)
- Gravatar
- LineChart
- NoBot
- PieChart
- Rating
- ReorderList
- Seadragon
- TabContainer
- TabPanel
- AlwaysVisibleControl
- Animation
- AutoComplete
- BalloonPopup
- Calendar
- CascadingDropDown
- CollapsiblePanel
- ColorPicker
- ConfirmButton
- DragPanel
- DropDown
- DropShadow
- DynamicPopulate
- FilteredTextBox
- HoverMenu
- HtmlEditor
- ListSearch
- MaskedEdit
- MaskedEditValidator
- ModalPopup
- MultiHandleSlider
- MutuallyExclusiveCheckBox
- NumericUpDown
- PagingBulletedList
- PasswordStrength
- PopupControl
- ResizableControl
- RoundedCorners
- Slider
- SlideShow
- TextBoxWatermark
- ToggleButton
- UpdatePanelAnimation
- ValidatorCallout