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From Blinker to RISC-V episode II - Pipelining

In the previous episode, we learnt how to create a fully functional RISC-V processor on a FPGA. Our processor is not the most efficient, since it uses between 3 and 4 cycles per instruction. Modern processors are much more efficient, and can execute several instructions per cycle, thanks to different techniques. We will see here how to morph our super-simple processor into a more efficient pipelined processor.

For this episode, you will need a FPGA with at least 128kB BRAM (e.g., ULX3S). You can also run it purely in simulation.

Step 1: separate instruction and data memory

Our previous processor step24.v has a "unified memory", and accesses both program and data using the same wires. For a pipelined processor, things are different internally: it has a separate program memory and data memory. In fact, these memories are caches, filled from a unique memory bus connected to the outside world. For now, I don't know how a cache works (will be for next steps), so to make things simpler, we will have a "program ROM" and a "data RAM" in the processor (64 kB each), directly initialized from a .hex file (we will see later how to create these .hex files from an ELF executable):

   reg [31:0] PROGROM [0:16383];
   reg [31:0] DATARAM [0:16383];   
   initial begin
  • PROGROM is where instructions are stored;
  • DATARAM is where the variables are stored. LOAD and STORE instructions will be able to read and write from/to this memory (but they won't be able to access the program memory).

The previous memory busses are replaced with internal wires:

   wire [31:0] mem_addr;
   wire [31:0] mem_rdata;
   wire [31:0] mem_wdata;
   wire [3:0]  mem_wmask;

As compared to before, mem_rstrobe and mem_rbusy are no longer here: the internal memories always delivers the data at mem_addr at the next cycle.

To be able to talk to the outside world, our processor still has a memory bus for the mapped IO page (that we use to communicate with the UART and other devices):

module Processor (
    output [31:0] IO_mem_addr,  
    input [31:0]  IO_mem_rdata, 
    output [31:0] IO_mem_wdata, 
    output 	  IO_mem_wr     

Now we need to route everything to the internal memory busses. We keep the same IO page as before (so that we can reuse the same code), indicared by bit 22 of memory addresses:

   wire isIO  = mem_addr[22];
   wire isRAM = !isIO;

Data ram is read and optionally written at each cycle, as follows:

   wire [13:0] mem_word_addr = mem_addr[15:2];
   reg [31:0] dataram_rdata;
   wire [3:0] dataram_wmask = mem_wmask & {4{isRAM}};
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      dataram_rdata <= DATARAM[mem_word_addr];
      if(dataram_wmask[0]) DATARAM[mem_word_addr][ 7:0 ] <= mem_wdata[ 7:0 ];
      if(dataram_wmask[1]) DATARAM[mem_word_addr][15:8 ] <= mem_wdata[15:8 ];
      if(dataram_wmask[2]) DATARAM[mem_word_addr][23:16] <= mem_wdata[23:16];
      if(dataram_wmask[3]) DATARAM[mem_word_addr][31:24] <= mem_wdata[31:24];

Then we can plug the external IO busses:

   assign mem_rdata = isRAM ? dataram_rdata : IO_mem_rdata;
   assign IO_mem_addr  = mem_addr;
   assign IO_mem_wdata = mem_wdata;
   assign IO_mem_wr    = isIO & mem_wmask[0];

Finally, there is a couple of simple modifications to make:

  • Instruction is fetched from PROGROM during FETCH_INSTR state: instr <= PROGROM[PC[15:2]];
  • The mem_rbusy signal is no longer there (remember, DATARAM and PROGROM are systematically accessed in one cycle), so the state machine is simplified. The price to pay is that we will not be able to execute programs from SPI flash as before (when PROGROM will be replaced with an instruction cache it will be possible again).

The updated VERILOG source is here: pipeline1.v

We will also need to write software for our new core. Software takes the form of two ASCII hexadecimal files, PROGROM.hex and DATARAM.hex, with the content of the program memory and the initial content of the data memory respectively. First thing is to create a new linker script, with a description of the memory map:

   PROGROM (RX) : ORIGIN = 0x00000, LENGTH = 0x10000  /* 64kB ROM */
   DATARAM (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x10000, LENGTH = 0x10000  /* 64kB RAM */   

The ROM occupies the 64 first kilobytes, then the RAM.

Then we describe the sections, indicating that text segments should be sent to PROGROM, and the rest should be sent to DATARAM:


    .text : {
        . = ALIGN(4);
	start_pipeline.o (.text)
    } > PROGROM

    .data : {
	. = ALIGN(4);
    } > DATARAM

The text segment starts with the content of start_pipeline.S:

.equ IO_BASE, 0x400000  
.section .text
.globl start
        li   gp,IO_BASE
	li   sp,0x20000
	call main

With this linker script, we can generate an ELF binary with all the code in the 64 first kilobytes of memory, then the data in the next 64 kilobytes. For instance, here is how to compile Fabrice Bellard's program that computes the decimals of pi:

$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Os -fno-pic -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -fno-stack-protector -w -Wl,--no-relax   -c pi.c
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-as -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32   start_pipeline.S -o start_pipeline.o 
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-as -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32   putchar.S -o putchar.o 
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-as -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32   wait.S -o wait.o 
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Os -fno-pic -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -fno-stack-protector -w -Wl,--no-relax   -c print.c
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Os -fno-pic -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -fno-stack-protector -w -Wl,--no-relax   -c memcpy.c
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Os -fno-pic -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -fno-stack-protector -w -Wl,--no-relax   -c errno.c
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-ld -T pipeline.ld -m elf32lriscv -nostdlib -norelax pi.o putchar.o wait.o print.o memcpy.o errno.o -lm libgcc.a -o pi.pipeline.elf

The Makefile does it for you as follows:

$ make pi.pipeline.elf

You can take a look at the memory map:

$ readelf -a pi.pipeline.elf | more

then you'll see that .text and .data are where we expected them to be:

Section Headers:
  [Nr] Name              Type            Addr     Off    Size   ES Flg Lk Inf Al
  [ 0]                   NULL            00000000 000000 000000 00      0   0  0
  [ 1] .text             PROGBITS        00000000 000074 003fd8 00  AX  0   0  4
  [ 2] .data             PROGBITS        00010000 004050 0002c0 00  WA  0   0  8

To generate PROGROM.hex and DATARAM.hex, we can use the firmware_words utility that has a -from_addr and a -to_addr argument to select a portion of the memory to be written to a .hex file:

$ firmware_words pi.pipeline.elf -ram 0x20000 -max_addr 0x20000 -out pi.PROGROM.hex -from_addr 0 -to_addr 0xFFFF
$ firmware_words pi.pipeline.elf -ram 0x20000 -max_addr 0x20000 -out pi.DATARAM.hex -from_addr 0x10000 -to_addr 0x1FFFF

Again, the Makefile does it for you (and in addition copies the .hex files where they are needed):

$ make clean
$ make pi.pipeline.hex

(you need to make clean before else it gets confused by the pre-existing .elf file)

Now you can run pi in simulation:

$ cd ..
$ ./ pipeline1.v

You can also try other programs (e.g., tinyraytracer):

$ make tinyraytracer.pipeline.hex
$ cd ..
$ ./ pipeline1.v

If you have a ULX3S, plug it to a USB port, then:

$ BOARDS/ pipeline1.v
$ ./

Step 2: performance counters

The goal of pipelining is to gain some performance, so we need a way of measuring performance. The RISC-V ISA has a set of special registers (called "CSR" for Constrol and Status Registers). There are many CSRs, used to control interrupts, protection levels, virtual memory... Here we will only implement two (or four) of them:

  • CYCLE: counts the clock ticks
  • INSTRET: counts the number of retired instructions (with them we can easily compute CPI (clock per instruction) by dividing CYCLE by INSTRET).

CYCLE and INSTRET can be read by the following instructions:


There are two instructions for each counter because the counters are 64-bit wide. RDCYCLE reads the 32 LSBs into rd and RDCYCLEH reads the 32 MSBs into rd (sae thing for INSTRET).

In fact, these four instructions are pseudo-instructions, all implemented with a single instruction (CSRRS), encoded as follows:

instr[31:20] instr[19:15] instr[14:12] instr[11:7] instr[6:0]
CSR Id rs1 funct3 rd SYSTEM
5'b00000 3'b010 7'b1110011

The CSRRS instruction atomically reads the current content of a CSR into rd and sets bits of the CSR according to rs1. If rs1 is x0, this just copies the CSR into rd (which is the case for our four pseudo-instructions RDXXX).

  • the 12 MSBs of the instruction word encode the id of the concerned CSR
  • rs1 will be always x0 in our case
  • funct3 is 3'b010 for CSRRS (there are other instructions for manipulating the CSRs that we do not implement here).
  • rd uses the same bits of the instruction words as usual.
  • the opcode is SYSTEM (same as EBREAK that we use already). We will recognize EBREAK by funct3 (that is 3'b000 for EBREAK).

The CSR Id is as follows for the four CSR we need to recognize:

CSR Id Id (binary)
CYCLE C00 110000000000
CYCLEH C80 110010000000
INSTRET C02 110000000010
INSTETH C82 110010000010

In our design, we declare two new 64-bit registers. cycle is incremented at each clock tick:

   reg [63:0] cycle;   
   reg [63:0] instret;
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      cycle <= cycle + 1;

and instret is incremented each time an instruction is fetched from program memory:

     WAIT_INSTR: begin
        rs1 <= RegisterBank[instr[19:15]];
        rs2 <= RegisterBank[instr[24:20]];
        state <= EXECUTE;
        instret <= instret + 1;

In the instruction decoder, we need to discriminate between EBREAK and CSRRS, that both use the SYSTEM opcode:

   wire isEBREAK     = isSYSTEM & (funct3 == 3'b000);
   wire isCSRRS      = isSYSTEM & (funct3 == 3'b010);

Then we declare the value of the read CSR as follows:

   wire [31:0] CSR_data =
	       ( instr[27] & instr[21]) ? instret[63:32]:
	       (!instr[27] & instr[21]) ? instret[31:0] :
	             instr[27]          ? cycle[63:32]  :
 	                                  cycle[31:0]   ;

(we only examine the bits of instr that discriminate between the four CSRs we have implemented).

Finally, we route it to writeBackData when the decoded instruction is CSRRS:

   assign writeBackData = (isJAL || isJALR) ? PCplus4   :
			      isLUI         ? Uimm      :
			      isAUIPC       ? PCplusImm :
			      isLoad        ? LOAD_data :
			      isCSRRS       ? CSR_data  :

The resuling VERILOG design is available here: pipeline2.v.

Now we need to create some utility functions to easily read the counters from C programs. It is implemented in FIRMWARE/perf.S. Let us take a look at rdcycle():

   rdcycleh a1
   rdcycle a0
   rdcycleh t0
   bne a1,t0,.L0

There are two things to know:

  • the RISC-V RV32 ABI returns 64 bit values in a1 and a0 (with the 32 MSBs in a1);
  • since reading a 64-bit counter uses two instructions, the 32 LSBs may wraparound while you read them. To detect this, as explained in the RISC-V programmer's manual, one can read the MSBs twice and compare them (and loop until they match).

Note that since it respects the ABI, our function can be called from C code. We declare it in perf.h as follows:

#include <stdint.h>
extern uint64_t rdcycle();

(same thing for rdinstret()).

Let us now test the performance of our processor with a simple FIRMWARE/test_rdcycle.c program:

#include "perf.h"

int main() {
   for(int i=0; i<100; ++i) {
      uint64_t cycles = rdcycle();
      uint64_t instret = rdinstret();      
      printf("i=%d    cycles=%d     instret=%d\n", i, (int)cycles, (int)instret);
   uint64_t cycles = rdcycle();
   uint64_t instret = rdinstret();      
   printf("cycles=%d     instret=%d    100CPI=%d\n", (int)cycles, (int)instret, (int)(100*cycles/instret));

Now we can compile the program, generate the ROM and initial RAM content, and start simulation as follows:

$ make test_rdcycle.pipeline.hex
$ cd ..
$ ./ pipeline2.v

Note1: in case you wonder, perf.S is already included in the list of files to compile and to link by the Makefile.

Note2: our printf() function cannot display floating point values, so we display 100*CPI instead of CPI.

Then we learn that for this simple loop, our (naive) CPU design runs at around 3.14 CPIs. Let us see now what it gives with a more realistic program like tinyraytracer. We add instructions to compute CPI and our "raystones" performance measure here: FIRMWARE/raystones.c.

Let's see what it gives:

$ make raystones.pipeline.hex
$ cd ..
$ ./ pipeline2.v

It will compute and display a simple raytracing scene, and give the CPI and "raystones" score of the core.

You can also run it on device (ULX3S):

$ BOARDS/ pipeline1.v
$ ./

This program is a C version of Dmitry Sokolov's tinyraytracer. Raytracing is interesting for benchmarking cores, because it massively uses floating point operations, either implemented in software or by an FPU.

Besides CPI (cycles per instruction), the program also computes the "raystones" score of the PCU.

"raystones" (pixels/s/MHz or pixels/Mticks) is an interesting measure of the core's floating-point performance in a realistic scenario (raytracing). For our core, we obtain the following numbers:

3.034 2.614

Our core runs at slightly more than 3 CPIs. Most instructions take 3 cycles, except loads that take 4 cycles. Raytracing is quite compute intensive, for a more data intensive program, the average CPI will be nearer to 4.

The table below gives the raystone performance of several popular cores:

core instr set raystones
serv rv32i 0.111
picorv32-minimal rv32i 1.45
picorv32-standard rv32im 2.352
femtorv-quark rv32i 1.99
femtorv-electron rv32im 3.373
femtorv-gracilis rv32imc 3.516
femtorv-petitbateau rv32imfc 45.159
vexriscv imac rv32imac 7.987
vexriscv_smp rv32imafd 124.121

The present core is faster than femtorv-quark, because it has a barrel shifter that shifts in 1 cycle. It is slower than femtorv-electron that supports rv32im with multiplications in 1 cycle and divisions in 32 cycles.

What can we expect to gain with pipelining ? Ideally, a pipelined processor would run at 1 CPI, but this is without stalls required to resolve certain configurations (dependencies and branches), more on this later. If you compare femtorv-gracilis (rv32imc) with vexriscv imac (that is pipelined), you can see that vexriscv is more than twice faster.

So our goal is to turn the present processor into a pipelined version, similar to vexriscv but simpler: for now, our ALU, that only supports the rv32i instruction set, operates in a single cycle. Moreover, for now, we use a separate program memory and data memory, all in BRAM, that read/writes to memory in 1 cycle. We will see later how to implement caches.

Note on RAYSTONEs: All RAYSTONES statistics should be obtained with the line #define NO_GRAPHIC uncommented in FIRMWARE/raystones.c. This is because the putchar() function in FIRMWARE/putchar.S sends the character then waits for the UART to be not busy. The number of iterations of the waiting loop can vary A LOT depending of the ratio between CPU frequency and UART baud rate.

Step 3: a sequential 5-stages pipeline

A pipelined processor is like a multi-cycle processor that uses a state machine, but each state has its own circuitry, and runs concurrently with the other states, and passes its outputs to the next state (one talks about stages rather than states). Since there are several tricky situations to handle, and since I don't know for now exactly how to do that, my idea is to go step by step, and first write a core that has all the stages, but drive it with a state machine that executes one stage at a time instead of running them concurrently. Then we will see what needs to be modified when all the stages run concurrently.

Following all good books in processor design (Patterson & Hennessy, Harris & Harris) we will start with a super classical design with 5 stages:

acronym long name description
IF Instruction fetch reads instruction from program memory
ID Instruction decode decodes instruction and immediates
EX Execute computes ALU, tests and addresses
MEM read or write memory load and store
WB Write back writes result to register file

(I am using single-letter stage names (F,D,E,M,W) in what follows instead of the more classical (IF,IF,EX,MEM,WB) names. This is because later, we will name pipeline registers, with names that are prefixed by the letter of the state that writes them and the letter of the state that reads them)

Each stage will read its input from a set of registers and write its outputs to a set of registers. These registers, called "pipeline registers" are different from the standard RISC-V ISA registers (called "architectural registers"), they are there for internal bookkeeping.

In particular, each stage will have its own copy of the program counter, the current instruction, and some other fields derived from them (well, in fact we will be able to drop the program counter and the instruction word in the last stages, but for now we suppose we keep everyting).

In short, to be more precise, each stage needs to have its own copy of everything it needs to operate properly. Why is this so ?

  • Remember that even if for now we launch them sequentially, all stages are supposed to run concurrently (it will be so in our next step). In particular, it means that each stage will process a different instruction (and a different associated PC);
  • besides the advantage of increasing throughput, there is another reason: by separating execution into multiple register-to-register stages, pipelining often results in a shorter critical path (hence supports a higher frequency).

OK, so for this first step, we are going to create a multi-cycle CPU, and each state will correspond to the table above. So there will be a state machine that goes through all the states systematically, as follows:

   localparam F_bit = 0; localparam F_state = 1 << F_bit;
   localparam D_bit = 1; localparam D_state = 1 << D_bit;
   localparam E_bit = 2; localparam E_state = 1 << E_bit;
   localparam M_bit = 3; localparam M_state = 1 << M_bit;
   localparam W_bit = 4; localparam W_state = 1 << W_bit;
   reg [4:0] 	  state;
   wire           halt;
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(!resetn) begin
	 state  <= F_state;
      end else if(!halt) begin
	 state <= {state[3:0],state[4]};

We will remove this state machine in the next step, but for now it is better to run the stages sequentially, so that we do not have to worry about some nasty things. We will have no choice later, but it is easer, at least for me, to introduce one difficulty at a time, and test at each step that the CPU still works, by running the RAYSTONES benchmark.

We can now review the rules of the game that we are going to play:

  • Consider stage names A,B,C,D,E (easier to remember than F,D,E,M,W even if we will soon use these names instead). Each stage reads its input from a set of registers and writes its output to a set of registers. The output of a stage (for instance B) corresponds to the input of the next stage (for instance C). To make things easier, the names of these registers (that are both the output of B and the input of C) are prefixed by BC_. Still considering B, it reads its input from registers prefixed by AB_ and writes its output to registers prefixed by BC_. Then, C reads its input from registers prefixed by BC_ and writes its output to registers prefixed by CD_, and so on and so forth... Hence, the Verilog code for the B stage looks like:
   always @(posedge clk) begin
     if(state[B_bit]) begin
         BC_xxx <= AB_aaa;
	 BC_yyy <= AB_bbb;
  • But that's not all, each stage can have some combinatorial logic. For instance, in the E stage, the ALU reads its input from two registers DE_rs1 and DE_rs2 and outputs its result in EM_Eresult. This combinatorial function can be written with intermediary signals, that are always wires, and that are prefixed by the name of the state. In stage B, these signals take as input either registers prefixed by AB_ or other signals prefixed by B_.

  • And some states will read and/or write memories (the program ROM, the data RAM and the register file). In stage B, for writing to a memory, the address and the data to be written can be either an AB_-prefixed register or a B_ prefixed wire. For reading from a memory, the output should always be a BC_-prefixed register and nothing else than reading the data should be done (this is because each memory already has a registered reading port, and complying to this rule lets the synthesizer map the BC_ target to this registered reading port).

Let us summarize the rules:

  • Rule 1 State B takes its inputs from AB_-prefixed registers and writes its output to BC_-prefixed registers;

  • Rule 2 State B can have intermediary wires. Their names are prefixed by B_. Their inputs are either AB_-prefixed registers or B_-prefixed wires;

  • Rule 3 If state B reads a memory, the result is always stored into a BC_-prefixed register and nothing else is done to the result;

Or put differently: in state B, on the left of <= there can be only a BC_-prefixed register. On the right of <= or = there can be only a AB_-prefixed register, a B_-prefixed wire or some combinations of these...

However, there are two exceptions to the rules (else it would be too simple !):

  • When there is a jump or a taken branch, the program counter, managed by the Fetch state, needs to be modified. So there is a 32-bits signal jumpOrBranchAddress and a 1-bit signal jumpOrBranch that is asserted whenever the program counter needs to be updated to jumpOrBranchAddress;

  • most instructions write back their result to the register file. Hence there is a 32-bits signal wbData with the value to be written, a 5-bits signal wbRdId that indicates in which register the value should be written, and a 1-bit signal wbEnable that is asserted each time wbData should be written to register wbRdId.

If you imagine that an instruction travels from the left to the right through all the states (Fetch, Decode, Execute, Memory, Writeback), you can see that these two sets of signals travel from the right to the left (so in a certain sense, they go "back in time"). This is what causes all the difficulties we will have in the next step (but we do not have any difficulty for now since we activate one stage at a time, sequentially).

One more thing: I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to get this right directly, so debugging is important. For that, I've written in VERILOG a simple RISC-V disassembler. It can be used in simulation to display the instructions in all the stages of the pipeline, it is super-useful to track bugs.

OK, so to make things simple, and to be able to use the disassembler, we will store the PC and the current instruction in all stage (and of course, it will be a different instruction in all stage).

Before we take a look at the Fetch state, I highly recommend to be super strict with the names of the registers and the signals: with a pipeline architectures, many things have the same name, and if they are not properly named, there is a high risk of confusing everything !


Let us see what the Fetch stage looks like:

   reg  [31:0] F_PC;
   reg  [31:0] PROGROM[0:16383]; 

   initial begin

   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(!resetn) begin
	 F_PC    <= 0;
      end else if(state[F_bit]) begin
	 FD_instr <= PROGROM[F_PC[15:2]];
	 FD_PC    <= F_PC;
	 F_PC     <= F_PC+4;
      end else if(jumpOrBranch) begin
	 F_PC  <= jumpOrBranchAddress;	 
   reg [31:0] FD_PC;   
   reg [31:0] FD_instr;

The F stage is a bit particular, in the sense that it is the first stage. It does not have any input, but it has the program counter F_PC and the instruction ROM. It outputs the PC and the loaded instruction to the Decode stage. Note that it handles the "exceptions to the rule" signals (jumpOrBranch and jumpOrBranchAddress) that come from later stages.


The Decode stage is responsible for recognizing the opcodes, extracting the immediates from the instruction, and fetching the operands from the register file. To make things as simple as possible, for now, we are going to decode the instruction each time we need it instead of doing that in the decode stage. It sounds a bit crazy, but for now the goal is to understand how a pipelined design works. Then we will see later how to optimize the design. Another reason is that we want to be able to display the instructions in each stage with our disassembler, hence it requires each stage to have the instruction and PC, and I'd rather keep the information in a single form in the system (else it is a potential source of bugs). Hence our Decode stage is implemented as follows:

   reg [31:0] RegisterBank [0:31];
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(state[D_bit]) begin
	 DE_PC    <= FD_PC;
	 DE_instr <= FD_instr;
	 DE_rs1 <= RegisterBank[rs1Id(FD_instr)];
	 DE_rs2 <= RegisterBank[rs2Id(FD_instr)];

   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(wbEnable) begin
	 RegisterBank[wbRdId] <= wbData;
   reg [31:0] DE_PC;
   reg [31:0] DE_instr;
   reg [31:0] DE_rs1;
   reg [31:0] DE_rs2;

It passes the PC and the instruction to the next stage (Execute) through DE_PC and DE_instr, and it fetches the two operands from the register file into DE_rs1 and DE_rs2. To make the source more readable, there are some helper functions to extract the different fields and immediates from an instruction:

   function isALUreg; input [31:0] I; isALUreg=(I[6:0]==7'b0110011); endfunction
   function isALUimm; input [31:0] I; isALUimm=(I[6:0]==7'b0010011); endfunction
   function isBranch; input [31:0] I; isBranch=(I[6:0]==7'b1100011); endfunction
   function [4:0] rs1Id; input [31:0] I; rs1Id = I[19:15];      endfunction
   function [4:0] rs2Id; input [31:0] I; rs2Id = I[24:20];      endfunction
   function [4:0] rdId;  input [31:0] I; rdId  = I[11:7];       endfunction
   function [2:0] funct3; input [31:0] I; funct3 = I[14:12]; endfunction
   function [6:0] funct7; input [31:0] I; funct7 = I[31:25]; endfunction
   function [31:0] Uimm; input [31:0] I; Uimm={I[31:12],{12{1'b0}}}; endfunction

(they are also used in the subsequent stages). Note that doing so is stupid, because it creates multiple "instruction decoders", but we will see later how to optimize it, we keep it like that for now because it is simpler and because it lets us display the instructions in all the stages using the disassembler.

Note also the "exception to the rule" signals wbEnable, wbRdId and wbData and the way they are used to write back into the register file.


The Execute stage works exactly like in Episode I, it has a big combinatorial function E_aluOut (with the 32-bits result of the current operation) and E_takeBranch (the 1-bit result of the tests for branches), not reproduced here. Then one can derive the following signals:

   wire E_JumpOrBranch = (
         isJAL(DE_instr)  || 
         isJALR(DE_instr) || 
         (isBranch(DE_instr) && E_takeBranch)

   wire [31:0] E_JumpOrBranchAddr =
	isBranch(DE_instr) ? DE_PC + Bimm(DE_instr) :
	isJAL(DE_instr)    ? DE_PC + Jimm(DE_instr) :
	/* JALR */           {E_aluPlus[31:1],1'b0} ;

   wire [31:0] E_result = 
	(isJAL(DE_instr) | isJALR(DE_instr)) ? DE_PC+4                :
	isLUI(DE_instr)                      ? Uimm(DE_instr)         :
	isAUIPC(DE_instr)                    ? DE_PC + Uimm(DE_instr) : 
        E_aluOut                                                      ;

Finally, the Execute stage computes both the result of the operation (Eresult), the address for Load and Store instructions (addr) and passes them to the next stage (as well as the PC, instruction and value of the second source register):

   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(state[E_bit]) begin
	 EM_PC      <= DE_PC;
	 EM_instr   <= DE_instr;
	 EM_rs2     <= DE_rs2;
	 EM_Eresult <= E_result;
	 EM_addr    <= isStore(DE_instr) ? DE_rs1 + Simm(DE_instr) : 
                                           DE_rs1 + Iimm(DE_instr) ;
   reg [31:0] EM_PC;
   reg [31:0] EM_instr;
   reg [31:0] EM_rs2;
   reg [31:0] EM_Eresult;
   reg [31:0] EM_addr;

Then the two "exception to the rule" signals of the Fetch stage are connected as follows:

   assign jumpOrBranchAddress = E_JumpOrBranchAddr;
   assign jumpOrBranch        = E_JumpOrBranch & state[M_bit];


The memory stage works nearly as in Episode I, with all this (a bit) complicated stuff to align the operands and to do sign extension for loads. There is a little subtelty though: remember that whenever something is read from a memory in a state (here M), we cannot do anything else than writing the content of that memory to a result register (here prefixed by MW), hence we cannot do alignment and sign extension in the M state. For this reason we pass the content of the memory word MW_Mdata to the next stage (WriteBack), that does the alignment and sign extension (but alignment for Store instructions are still done in the M stage since there is no restriction for the input of a memory operation).


Besides alignment and sign extension mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Writeback stage has a couple of multiplexers that generate the remaining "exception to the rules" signals that write back register data to the Decode stage:

   assign wbData = 
	       isLoad(MW_instr)  ? (W_isIO ? MW_IOresult : W_Mresult) :
	       isCSRRS(MW_instr) ? MW_CSRresult :

   assign wbEnable =
        !isBranch(MW_instr) && !isStore(MW_instr) && (rdId(MW_instr) != 0);

   assign wbRdId = rdId(MW_instr);

And that's mostly it ! The result is implemented in pipeline3.v. If you run RAYSTONES on it:

$ make raystones.pipeline.hex
$ cd ..
$ ./ pipeline3.v

then it gives the following result (result for pipeline2.v reported for reference):

Version Description CPI RAYSTONES
pipeline2.v 3-4 states multicycle 3.034 2.614
pipeline3.v "sequential pipeline" 5 1.589

Oooh that's great, we worked like crazy to have a less performant core ? Wait wait wait, this one is not pipelined yet, we are going to start "shifting gears" in the next step, but in fact, we have gained something. If you try to synthesize the cores:

   BOARDS/ pipeline2.v
   BOARDS/ pipeline3.v   

then you can take a look at fmax (reported max frequency for the clock), it says:

Version fmax
pipeline2.v 50 MHz
pipeline3.v 80 MHz

Why is it so ? In fact, we have decomposed what the processor has to do into 5 simple stages, and each stage is implemented according to the rules (except... the exceptional wires for jumps and branches and for register write back. The rules make sure that each stage is independent on the other (except the exceptional wires) and that it does simple things. As a consequence, the critical path is shorter than in our previous version that executes instructions in 3 or 4 cycles (even with the exceptional wires).

Summary We have taken our core from Episode I with its 3 or 4 states architecture. We have redesigned it according to the following ideas:

  • 5 states: Fetch, Decode, Execut, Memory, Writeback
  • each state is systematically executed
  • each state only depends on the previous state and writes its result to the next state
  • for now, each state has its own copy of the program counter and the instruction
  • there are two exceptions: jumps/branches and register write back

There is nothing complicated in what we have done in this step.

Let us see now how to get nearer to 1 CPI by running all stages in parallel. We just need to change a couple of things (but these things are a bit more subtle).

Step 4: pipeline

OK, so we start from the core of the previous step, and apply a bit of "surgery" to it:

  • first thing is removing the state machine
  • then we remove all the statements like if(state[F_bit), if(state[D_bit]), if(state[E_bit) ...
  • we also remove the references to state[M_bit] in IO_mem_wr and M_wmask
  • and now we start to think about what could go wrong / what we have broken ...

control hazards

We got two different problems to solve. The first one is related to jumps and branches. Let us examine a simple program:

$ make helloC.pipeline.hex

This also generates helloC.pipeline.elf.list with the generated assembly code. It starts like that:

00000000 <start>:
   0:	004001b7          	lui	x3,0x400
   4:	00020137          	lui	x2,0x20
   8:	008000ef          	jal	x1,10 <main>
   c:	00100073          	ebreak

00000010 <main>:
  10:	ff010113          	addi	x2,x2,-16 # 1fff0 <val.1514+0xffb8>
  14:	00112623          	sw	x1,12(x2)
  18:	004007b7          	lui	x15,0x400
  1c:	0ff00713          	li	x14,255
  20:	00010537          	lui	x10,0x10

Now let us take a look at what our pipeline would do:

clk F D E M W
1 lui x3,0x400 nop nop nop nop
2 lui x2,0x20 lui x3,0x400 nop nop nop
3 jal x1,0x10 lui x2,0x20 lui x3,0x400 nop nop
4 ebreak jal x1,0x10 lui x2,0x20 lui x3,0x400 nop
5 addi x2,x2,-16 ebreak jal x1,0x10 lui x2,0x20 lui x3,0x400
  • At clock 3, the jal instruction enters the pipeline in the F stage.
  • At clock 4, it enters the decode stage
  • At clock 5, it enters the execute stage, which means that we would like to jump to the target (0x10) at clock 6. But two instructions have already entered the pipeline. If PC denotes the address of our jal instructions, then we have the instructions at PC+4 in the D stage, and the one at PC+8 in the F stage, but they should not be there (even if addi x2,x2,-16 corresponds to the instruction at the branch target 0x10, but here it is a special case, would be different if <main> was further away...). So at clock 5, jal x1,0x10 is executed, and sends 0x10 to the F stage through jumpOrBranch and jumpOrBranchAddress. So if we do nothing special, we will obtain the following configuration:
clk F D E M W
6 addi x2,x2,-16 addi x2,x2,-16 ebreak jal x1,0x10 lui x2,0x20
  • The instruction ebreak in E should not be there (because it was at PC+4 and we jumped)
  • The instruction addi x2,x2,-16 in D shoud not be there (because it was at PC+8 and we jumped)
  • The (second) instruction addi x2,x2,-16 in F is correct (because it is the instruction at the jump target)

Such a configuration caused by the fact that the next PC value is known two cycles too late is called a control hazard.

So the idea is simple: we are going to replace the instructions that should not be there with NOPs (or add x0, x0, x0), like that:

clk F D E M W
6 addi x2,x2,-16 nop nop jal x1,0x10 lui x2,0x20

It is said that D and E are "flushed".

And that's all ! How can we implement that ? We declare two wires, D_flush and E_flush, that are asserted each time the instruction in D (resp. E) should be replaced with nop in the next cycle (that is, when the instruction in E is a jump or a taken branch). The code for the Fetch and Decode stages is updated as follows:

   localparam NOP = 32'b0000000_00000_00000_000_00000_0110011;
   wire D_flush;
   wire E_flush;

   /* F */
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      FD_instr <= PROGROM[F_PC[15:2]]; 
      FD_PC <= F_PC;
      F_PC <= F_PC+4;

      if(jumpOrBranch) begin
	 F_PC     <= jumpOrBranchAddress;

      if(D_flush | !resetn) begin
         FD_instr <= NOP;
      if(!resetn) begin
	 F_PC <= 0;
   /* D */
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      DE_PC    <= FD_PC;
      DE_instr <= E_flush ? NOP : FD_instr;
      DE_rs1 <= RegisterBank[rs1Id(FD_instr)];
      DE_rs2 <= RegisterBank[rs2Id(FD_instr)];
      if(wbEnable) begin
	 RegisterBank[wbRdId] <= wbData;

And the signals D_flush and E_flush are wired to E_JumpOrBranch:

   assign D_flush = E_JumpOrBranch;
   assign E_flush = E_JumpOrBranch;

... but the VERILOG code above has a problem, can you spot it ?

Remember the rules: whenever a memory is accessed, we should only write its value to a register, and do nothing else (and here we are replacing the register's value with NOP under certain conditions). In simulation, it has no consequence, but if you try to synthesize the design, then it is catastrophic ! It will try to replace the 64 kB PROGROM with combinatorial memory, that is, a set of flipflops with a gigantic address decoder (that could fit on an ULX3S, but the routing does not converge, even when letting it run overnight, I tryed...).

So what we do instead, we add a register FD_nop that is set to one whenever the instruction in D should be cleared:

   /* F */
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      FD_instr <= PROGROM[F_PC[15:2]]; 
      FD_PC    <= F_PC;
      F_PC     <= F_PC+4;
      if(jumpOrBranch) begin
	 F_PC     <= jumpOrBranchAddress;

      FD_nop <= D_flush | !resetn;
      if(!resetn) begin
	 F_PC <= 0;
   reg FD_nop;

And the Decode stage is updated as follows:

   /* D */
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      DE_instr <= (E_flush | FD_nop) ? NOP : FD_instr;

(and keep in mind to test FD_nop each time FD_instr is concerned).

OK, so we are done with jump and branches. Since jump and taken branches insert two NOPs in the pipeline, they take 3 cycles (1 cycle for the jump or branch instruction, plus 2 cycles for the NOPs).

Well, we are not completely done. By executing all stages in parallel, we can encounter another type of problem, can you find it ?

Rember what we have said, the problems come from the exceptions to the rules. The first type of problem is related to the jumpOrBranch and jumpOrBranchAddress wires, that go from the E to the F stage.

We also got wbEnable,wbData and wbRdId that go from the W stage to the register file in the D stage. These wires are going to create another type of problem.

data hazards

Let us continue to examine the same program:

00000000 <start>:
   0:	004001b7          	lui	x3,0x400
   4:	00020137          	lui	x2,0x20
   8:	008000ef          	jal	x1,10 <main>
   c:	00100073          	ebreak

00000010 <main>:
  10:	ff010113          	addi	x2,x2,-16 # 1fff0 <val.1514+0xffb8>
  14:	00112623          	sw	x1,12(x2)
  18:	004007b7          	lui	x15,0x400
  1c:	0ff00713          	li	x14,255
  20:	00010537          	lui	x10,0x10

Now it runs like that:

clk F D E M W
1 lui x3,0x400 nop nop nop nop
2 lui x2,0x20 lui x3,0x400 nop nop nop
3 jal x1,0x10 lui x2,0x20 lui x3,0x400 nop nop
4 ebreak jal x1,0x10 lui x2,0x20 lui x3,0x400 nop
5 addi x2,x2,-16 ebreak jal x1,0x10 lui x2,0x20 lui x3,0x400
6 addi x2,x2,-16 nop nop jal x1,0x10 lui x2,0x20
7 sw x1,12(x2) addi x2,x2,-16 nop nop jal x1,0x10
8 lui x15,0x400 sw x1,12(x2) addi x2,x2,-16 nop nop
9 li x14,255 lui x15,0x400 sw x1,12(x2) addi x2,x2,-16 nop
10 lui x10,0x10 li x14,255 lui x15,0x400 sw x1,12(x2) addi x2,x2,-16

Do you see the problem ? The instruction sw x1,12(x2) decoded at clock 8 uses register x2, that is set by the instruction right before (addi x2,x2,-16), but x2 will be updated not before the end of clock 10, when it leaves the W stage, hence sw x1,12(x2) gets a wrong value of x2 at clock 8, when it is in the D stage. It is called a data hazard.

How can we solve the problem ? The idea is simple: we make sw x1,12(x2) remain in D until addi x2,x2,-16 writes its result to x2 (that is, when it leaves W), and we insert NOPs in E, like that:

clk F D E M W
8 lui x15,0x400 sw x1,12(x2) addi x2,x2,-16 nop nop
9 lui x15,0x400 sw x1,12(x2) nop addi x2,x2,-16 nop
10 lui x15,0x400 sw x1,12(x2) nop nop addi x2,x2,-16
11 lui x15,0x400 sw x1,12(x2) nop nop nop
12 li x14,255 lui x15,0x400 sw x1,12(x2) nop nop
13 lui x10,0x10 li x14,255 lui x15,0x400 sw x1,12(x2) nop

It means that whenever an instruction in D uses a register written by an instruction in E, M or W, we need to:

  • keep that instruction in D (it is said that the D stage is "stalled")
  • clearly, F should be also stalled (like a mini traffic jam)
  • and E is flushed

Or put differently, whenever a stage is stalled, all the previous stages should be stalled as well, and the next stage should be flushed. Here D is stalled, so the previous stages (only F) are stalled as well, and the next stage (E) is flushed.

How can we do that ?

We simply declare two new wires, F_stall and D_stall, and take them into account in F and D as follows:

   /* F */
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(!F_stall) begin
	 FD_instr <= PROGROM[F_PC[15:2]]; 
	 FD_PC    <= F_PC;
	 F_PC     <= F_PC+4;

      if(jumpOrBranch) begin
	 F_PC     <= jumpOrBranchAddress;

      FD_nop <= D_flush | !resetn;
      if(!resetn) begin
	 F_PC <= 0;
   /* D */
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(!D_stall) begin
	 DE_PC    <= FD_PC;
	 DE_instr <= (E_flush | FD_nop) ? NOP : FD_instr;
      if(E_flush) begin
	 DE_instr <= NOP;
      DE_rs1 <= RegisterBank[rs1Id(FD_instr)];
      DE_rs2 <= RegisterBank[rs2Id(FD_instr)];
      if(wbEnable) begin
	 RegisterBank[wbRdId] <= wbData;

In other words, if a state is stalled, it does not update its output, unless it is flushed (flush has a higher priority than stall).

The flush and stall signals are generated as follows:

   wire rs1Hazard = !FD_nop && readsRs1(FD_instr) && rs1Id(FD_instr) != 0 && (
               (writesRd(DE_instr) && rs1Id(FD_instr) == rdId(DE_instr)) ||
               (writesRd(EM_instr) && rs1Id(FD_instr) == rdId(EM_instr)) ||
	       (writesRd(MW_instr) && rs1Id(FD_instr) == rdId(MW_instr)) ) ;

   wire rs2Hazard = !FD_nop && readsRs2(FD_instr) && rs2Id(FD_instr) != 0 && (
               (writesRd(DE_instr) && rs2Id(FD_instr) == rdId(DE_instr)) ||
               (writesRd(EM_instr) && rs2Id(FD_instr) == rdId(EM_instr)) ||
	       (writesRd(MW_instr) && rs2Id(FD_instr) == rdId(MW_instr)) ) ;
   wire dataHazard = rs1Hazard || rs2Hazard;
   assign F_stall = dataHazard;
   assign D_stall = dataHazard;
   assign D_flush = E_JumpOrBranch;
   assign E_flush = E_JumpOrBranch | dataHazard;

(remember that FD_nop needs to be tested. FD_nop is there because we cannot write a NOP into FD_instr when F is flushed, because FD_instr is the output register of a memory).

The rs1Hazard and rs2Hazard signals use new functions writesRd(), readsRs1(), readsRs2() defined as follows:

   function writesRd;
      input [31:0] I;
      writesRd = !isStore(I) && !isBranch(I);

   function readsRs1;
      input [31:0] I;
      readsRs1 = !(isJAL(I) || isAUIPC(I) || isLUI(I));

   function readsRs2;
      input [31:0] I;
      readsRs2 = isALUreg(I) || isBranch(I) || isStore(I);

Looking at the following array, you see that all instructions except Store and Branch write rd, all instructions except JAL, AUIPC and LUI read rs1, and only ALUreg, Branch and Store read rs2:

instruction what it does
ALUreg rd <- rs1 OP rs2
ALUimm rd <- rs1 OP Iimm
Branch if(rs1 OP rs2) PC<-PC+Bimm
JALR rd <- PC+4; PC<-rs1+Iimm
JAL rd <- PC+4; PC<-PC+Jimm
AUIPC rd <- PC + Uimm
LUI rd <- Uimm
Load rd <- mem[rs1+Iimm]
Store mem[rs1+Simm] <- rs2
SYSTEM special

Now that we have a mechanism to stall the pipeline, we can also use it to halt execution, for instance when EBREAK is executed, as follows:

   wire halt = resetn & isEBREAK(DE_instr);

   assign F_stall = dataHazard | halt;
   assign D_stall = dataHazard | halt;

Summary So we have fixed the two types of problems, control hazards, caused by (JumpOrBranch,JumpOrBranchAddress) coming too late to the program counter in F, and data hazards, caused by (wbEnable, wbData and wbRdId) coming too late to the register file in D. The resulting processor is implemented in pipeline4.v. If you look at the modifications we have done as compared to the "sequential pipeline" in the previous step pipeline3.v they are rather small:

  • removed the state machine
  • added the "pipeline control" signals F_stall, D_stall, D_flush, E_flush
  • added the small combinatorics circuitry to generate the pipeline control signals:
    • whenever there is a control hazard, flush F and D
    • whenever there is a data hazard, stall F and D, and flush E

Try this: uncomment the line with //define VERBOSE in pipeline4.v, then:

   $ cd FIRMWARE
   $ make helloC.pipeline.hex
   $ cd ..
   $ ./ pipeline4.v 

and examine log.txt.

  • it gives for each stage the program counter and the instruction;
  • F also indicates whenever jumpOrBranch is active and when PC received a new value from jumpOrBranchAddress;
  • D indicates in [ ] whenever there is a data hazard in rs1 and rs2;
  • E indicates the value of rs1 and rs2
  • W indicates the value written back to the register file

This tool helped me a lot to debug (I did not get all this right the first time !!!).

Now it is time to test our new processor with RAYSTONES.

$ make raystones.pipeline.hex
$ cd ..
$ ./ pipeline4.v &> log.txt

Where do we stand ?

Version Description CPI RAYSTONES
pipeline2.v 3-4 states multicycle 3.034 2.614
pipeline3.v "sequential pipeline" 5 1.589
pipeline4.v stall/flush 2.193 3.734

Much better ! We are more than twice as fast as compared to the previous step, and we are slightly faster than our initial 3-4 states core. But we generate many NOPs (also called "bubbles") in the pipeline. Can we blow less bubbles in there ?

Step 5: reading and writing the register file in the same cycle

If you read the good books on processor design (Patterson and Hennessy, Harris and Harris), they say that the data written to the register file by W can be read by D in the same cycle, so why do we stall until the instruction leaves W ?

In fact, our design supposes that the register file is accessed with a latency of 1 cycle, which is the case if the register file is mapped to BRAM. This implies that the data written in the register file by W is available 1 cycle later, so we need to test the instruction in W for data hazard.

The register file can also be implemented as an array of flipflops that does not have this 1-cycle latency (it is said it has a combinatorial access). We'll see how to do that later, for now, we keep our 1-cycle latency register file and see how to add wires to it:

/* D */
always @(posedge clk) begin
  if(wbEnable && rdId(MW_instr) == rs1Id(FD_instr)) begin
      DE_rs1 <= wbData;
  end else begin
      DE_rs1 <= RegisterBank[rs1Id(FD_instr)];

  if(wbEnable && rdId(MW_instr) == rs2Id(FD_instr)) begin
      DE_rs2 <= wbData;
  end else begin
      DE_rs2 <= RegisterBank[rs2Id(FD_instr)];

The idea is simple, if the register written by W is the one accessed by D, send it to D directly without accessing the register file (it is said to be "forwarded" to D). The additional wire is also called a "bypass".

Now we can update the rules for the data hazards and remove from them the test for the instruction in W:

   wire rs1Hazard = !FD_nop && readsRs1(FD_instr) && rs1Id(FD_instr) != 0 && (
               (writesRd(DE_instr) && rs1Id(FD_instr) == rdId(DE_instr)) ||
	       (writesRd(EM_instr) && rs1Id(FD_instr) == rdId(EM_instr)) );

   wire rs2Hazard = !FD_nop && readsRs2(FD_instr) && rs2Id(FD_instr) != 0 && (
               (writesRd(DE_instr) && rs2Id(FD_instr) == rdId(DE_instr)) ||
	       (writesRd(EM_instr) && rs2Id(FD_instr) == rdId(EM_instr)) );

The source is in pipeline5.v.

Let us see now how to "do it right", with a combinatorial access in the register file, so that we really can write the register file and read it in the same cycle, as described in the good books (Patterson & Hennessy, Harris & Harris):

   reg [31:0] RegisterBank [0:31];
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(!D_stall) begin
	 DE_PC    <= FD_PC;
	 DE_instr <= (E_flush | FD_nop) ? NOP : FD_instr;
      if(E_flush) begin
	 DE_instr <= NOP;

      if(wbEnable) begin
	 RegisterBank[wbRdId] <= wbData;
   reg [31:0] DE_PC;
   reg [31:0] DE_instr;
   wire [31:0] DE_rs1 = RegisterBank[rs1Id(DE_instr)];
   wire [31:0] DE_rs2 = RegisterBank[rs2Id(DE_instr)];

As can be seen, DE_rs1 and DE_rs2 are now wires, directly connected to the register file (and of course, we have removed the instruction to read them, as well as the bypasses). The complete source is in pipeline5_bis.v.

Where do we stand ?

Version Description CPI RAYSTONES
pipeline2.v 3-4 states multicycle 3.034 2.614
pipeline3.v "sequential pipeline" 5 1.589
pipeline4.v stall/flush 2.193 3.734
pipeline5.v stall/flush comb. RF 1.889 4.330

Not super spectacular, but you see we are (slowly) getting nearer to 1 CPI.

Step 6: register forwarding

In the previous step, we "emulated" the combinatorial access in the register file to write to it and read it in the same cycle, so that the instruction in D "sees" the value written back by the instruction in W. We also saw that it is not the best way, because an easier way of doing that exists, using a register file with combinatorial access. However, by desiging our "emulated" combinatorial access, we have learnt something: if the data that we need is available somewhere else in the pipeline, instead of waiting for it to be written to the register file (by stalling and blowing bubbles), it is better to directly send it where it is needed (and then we do not need to wait for it !).

The data to be forwarded to E can be in two different places:

  • in M, that is, in EM_Eresult
  • in W, that is, in wbData

so we can add bypasses that will "forward" the result to rs1 and rs2 at the beginning of the E stage, as follows:

   wire E_M_fwd_rs1 = rdId(EM_instr) != 0 && writesRd(EM_instr) && 
	              (rdId(EM_instr) == rs1Id(DE_instr));
   wire E_W_fwd_rs1 = rdId(MW_instr) != 0 && writesRd(MW_instr) && 
	              (rdId(MW_instr) == rs1Id(DE_instr));

   wire E_M_fwd_rs2 = rdId(EM_instr) != 0 && writesRd(EM_instr) && 
	              (rdId(EM_instr) == rs2Id(DE_instr));
   wire E_W_fwd_rs2 = rdId(MW_instr) != 0 && writesRd(MW_instr) && 
	              (rdId(MW_instr) == rs2Id(DE_instr));
   wire [31:0] E_rs1 = E_M_fwd_rs1 ? EM_Eresult :
	               E_W_fwd_rs1 ? wbData     :
   wire [31:0] E_rs2 = E_M_fwd_rs2 ? EM_Eresult :
	               E_W_fwd_rs2 ? wbData     :

and then replace EM_rs1 (resp EM_rs2) everywhere else in E with E_rs1 (resp E_rs2). Do not forget any of them, else it will break everything ! (there is three instances of each).

Now the only data hazard condition that we have is when a load is immediately followed by an instruction that uses its result (if a load instruction is used two instructions after, then its result is correctly forwarded from W).

The pipeline control logic becomes simpler:

   wire rs1Hazard = readsRs1(FD_instr) && (rs1Id(FD_instr) == rdId(DE_instr)) ;
   wire rs2Hazard = readsRs2(FD_instr) && (rs2Id(FD_instr) == rdId(DE_instr)) ;
   wire dataHazard = !FD_nop && (isLoad(DE_instr)||isCSRRS(DE_instr)) && (rs1Hazard || rs2Hazard);
   assign F_stall = dataHazard | halt;
   assign D_stall = dataHazard | halt;
   assign D_flush = E_JumpOrBranch;
   assign E_flush = E_JumpOrBranch | dataHazard;

(the definitions of F_stall, D_stall, D_flush and E_flush have not changed).


  • Normally we should test in datahazard that rdId(DE_instr) is not zero, but in general, loads and read CRS are not directed to zero ! And if one really loads to zero, it will just generate a bubble that could have been avoided;
  • One could also systematically create a bubble when there is a Load, as follows: wire dataHazard = !FD_nop && (isLoad(DE_instr)||isCSRRS(DE_instr)). It is also correct, but it generates more bubbles. It may be interesting though, because it makes the pipeline control logic simpler, and may allow to increase fmax. Other strategies are possible, such as comparing only a subset of the bits in the register ids if the critical path is there. Asserting dataHazard more often than necessary is not incorrect (but it increases CPI).

New version is in pipeline6.v. Time for benchmark !

Version Description CPI RAYSTONES
pipeline2.v 3-4 states multicycle 3.034 2.614
pipeline3.v "sequential pipeline" 5 1.589
pipeline4.v stall/flush 2.193 3.734
pipeline5.v stall/flush comb. RF 1.889 4.330
pipeline6.v stall/flush+reg fwding 1.426 5.714

Good, our new pipelined CPU is more than twice faster than the initial 3-4 states multicycle CPU !

Step 7: A flavor of branch prediction

We always introduce two bubbles for jumps and branches. Let us examine the case of JAL: introducing two bubbles for JAL is a bit stupid, because we know that the next PC is supposed to be PC+Jimm. So we can compute PC+Jimm in the D stage and pass it directy to the F stage. Then the F stage looks like:

   reg  [31:0] PC;
   wire [31:0] F_PC = D_JumpOrBranchNow ? D_JumpOrBranchAddr : PC;
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(!F_stall) begin
	 FD_instr <= PROGROM[F_PC[15:2]]; 
	 FD_PC    <= F_PC;
	 PC       <= F_PC+4;
      if(E_JumpOrBranch) begin 
	 PC     <= E_JumpOrBranchAddr;

      FD_nop <= D_flush | !resetn;
      if(!resetn) begin
	 PC <= 0;

So the F stage can get the current PC from D_JumpOrBranchAddress and the next PC from E_JumpOrBranchAddress. Now that we have introduced this mechanism for JAL, we can do a little bit more: branches are more often taken when they are backward (with a target smaller than PC) and are less often taken when they are forward (with a target larget than PC). We just need to test the sign bit of Jimm to see whether a branch is forward or backward. Then we can decide that D always sends the branch target for a backward branch ("predict branch taken") and never sends it for a forward branch ("predict branch not taken"), as follows:

   wire D_predictBranch = FD_instr[31];

   wire D_JumpOrBranchNow = !FD_nop && (
           isJAL(FD_instr) || 
           (isBranch(FD_instr) && D_predictBranch))
   wire [31:0] D_JumpOrBranchAddr =  
               FD_PC + (isJAL(FD_instr) ? Jimm(FD_instr) : Bimm(FD_instr)); 

This branch prediction strategy is referred to as "static" (because it keeps no state), and is called BTFNT (Backwards taken forwards not taken). We will see more elaborate branch prediction strategies later.

We pass the prediction to E through a new DE_predictBranch reg:

/* D */
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(!D_stall) begin
	 DE_predictBranch <= D_predictBranch;

Then E needs to send the "correction" if the branch was not taken, or if the instruction was JALR:

   wire E_JumpOrBranch = (
         isJALR(DE_instr) || 
         (isBranch(DE_instr) && (E_takeBranch^DE_predictBranch))

   wire [31:0] E_JumpOrBranchAddr =
	isBranch(DE_instr) ? 
                     (DE_PC + (DE_predictBranch ? 4 : Bimm(DE_instr))) :
	/* JALR */   {E_aluPlus[31:1],1'b0} ;

We need to correct if the prediction and the actual decision differ (E_takeBranch^DE_predictBranch). If the branch was predicted but is supposed to be not taken, we send PC+4, and if the branch was not predicted but supposed to be taken, we send PC+Bimm.

Once a "correction" is sent (through E_JumpOrBranchAddr and by asserting E_JumpOrBranch), pipeline controls generates two bubbles. The pipeline control do not need to be changed and are still as below:

   assign F_stall = dataHazard | halt;
   assign D_stall = dataHazard | halt;
   assign D_flush = E_JumpOrBranch;
   assign E_flush = E_JumpOrBranch | dataHazard;
  • note1 D_flush and E_flush are still connected to the (non-registerd) E_JumpOrBranch signal: the decision to flush E needs to be taken at the same cycle;
  • note2 E_JumpOrBranch is much less often asserted than before: JAL now works in one cycle, and one branch out of two works in one cycle (when prediction works).
  • note3 we still generate two bubbles for JALR: this is because JALR depends on rs1, that is only available at the beginning of E (and potentially through register forwarding).
  • note4 our design has a very long critical path: the mux before PC is driven by E_JumpOrBranch, that comes from the ALU, and the two inputs of the ALU are connected to the register-forwarding logic. What we can do is storing E_JumpOrBranch and E_JumpOrBranchAddress in EM pipeline registers:
   /* E */
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      EM_JumpOrBranchNow  <= E_JumpOrBranch;
      EM_JumpOrBranchAddr <= E_JumpOrBranchAddr;

Then they will be available one cycle later, but it is not a problem if we mux them into F_PC instead of PC, as follows:

   /* F */
   wire [31:0] F_PC = 
	       D_JumpOrBranchNow  ? D_JumpOrBranchAddr  :
	       EM_JumpOrBranchNow ? EM_JumpOrBranchAddr :
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(!F_stall) begin
	 FD_instr <= PROGROM[F_PC[15:2]]; 
	 FD_PC    <= F_PC;
	 PC       <= F_PC+4;
      FD_nop <= D_flush | !resetn;
      if(!resetn) begin
	 PC <= 0;

The new version is in pipeline7.v. What does it give ?

Version Description CPI RAYSTONES
pipeline2.v 3-4 states multicycle 3.034 2.614
pipeline3.v "sequential pipeline" 5 1.589
pipeline4.v stall/flush 2.193 3.734
pipeline5.v stall/flush comb. RF 1.889 4.330
pipeline6.v stall/flush+reg fwding 1.426 5.714
pipeline7.v basic branch prediction 1.226 6.077

Interestingly, our core is much faster than femtorv-electron (3.373 raystones) that implements RV32IM !

Step 8: dynamic branch prediction

Let us see now how to further improve it using dynamic branch prediction (thank you Bruce Hoult for the suggestion of using gshare, more on this below).

In fact, we can now take a more general point of view of what we have done:

  • During the D stage, we make a prediction of whether a branch will be taken or not, and based on this prediction, the D stage gives the address of the predicted next instruction to the F stage;
  • The D stage also passes the prediction to the E stage. Then the E stage compares this prediction with the actual branch. If they mismatch, it sends the corrected address to the F stage and flushes two instructions in the pipeline.

This mechanism is completely generic, and parameterized by the D_predictBranch signal (that is for now wired to the sign bit of BImm, that is, instr[31]). It solely uses the current instruction word to make a decision. We could do something smarter: why not having a mechanism that "learns" from the preceding decisions ? It means we are going to have a state, that will be updated dynamically (hence "dynamic" branch prediction).

For an introduction on dynamic branch prediction, I recommend the following links:

Let us see what it means in practice for our core. The idea is to store the latest outcome of each branch (that is, taken or not taken). Clearly it is not possible to do that for all addresses, but one can hash them, using the low bits of the PC. We declare a BHT (for Branch History Table). In our case it will have 4096 entries:

   localparam BP_ADDR_BITS=12;
   localparam BHT_SIZE=1<<BHT_INDEX_BITS;
   reg BHT[BHT_SIZE-1:0];

It is also convenient to declare a function to address the BHT from the PC (of course, we ignore the two LSBs because they are always 00 since instructions are aligned on 32-bit boundaries).

   function [BP_ADDR_BITS-1:0] BHT_index;
      input [31:0] PC;
      BHT_index = PC[BP_ADDR_BITS+1:2];

And now we can define the D_predictBranch signal. It will be also passed to E through a pipeline register, as follows:

   /* D */
   wire D_predictBranch = BHT[BHT_index(FD_PC)][1];
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(!D_stall) begin
	 DE_predictBranch <= D_predictBranch;
	 DE_BHTindex <= BHT_index(FD_PC);

Then the E state has two things to do:

  • send the correction and two bubbles if the prediction and the decision do not match
  • update the Branch History Table with the decision
  /* E */
  wire E_JumpOrBranch = (
         isJALR(DE_instr) || 
         (isBranch(DE_instr) && (E_takeBranch^DE_predictBranch))
  always @(posedge clk) begin
     if(isBranch(DE_instr)) begin
	BHT[DE_BHTindex] <= E_takeBranch;

I also added some VERILOG instructions to measure the hit rate for the prediction, so that we can track our progress. Clearly, it can be very different depending on the program that you run. So we do that for our RAYSTONES test, and also for the more popular DHRYSTONES one (make dhrystone.pipeline.hex in FIRMWARE):

prediction strategy raystones dhrystones
predict taken (always) 68.6% 89.2%
bkwd taken fwd not taken 63% 93.4%
1 bit BHT 74% 92.7%

It's interesting: smarter strategies do not systematically gain something ! The "BTFNT" strategy gains something in DHRYSTONE, but is worse than the super trivial "predict taken" strategy in RAYSTONE. For our 1-bit branch history table, the situation is inversed.

If you read the references above, you have seen they say that it is better to store a 2-bits status (using saturating counter). Then the D_predictBranch signal is the most significant bit:

   reg [1:0] BHT[BHT_SIZE-1:0];
   wire D_predictBranch = BHT[BHT_index(FD_PC)][1]; 

Then the E stage updates the BHT as follows, using a function to increment or decrement a 2-bits saturated counter:

   /* E */
   function [1:0] incdec_sat;
      input [1:0] prev;
      input dir;
      incdec_sat = 
 	   {dir, prev} == 3'b000 ? 2'b00 :
           {dir, prev} == 3'b001 ? 2'b00 :
	   {dir, prev} == 3'b010 ? 2'b01 :
	   {dir, prev} == 3'b011 ? 2'b10 :		
	   {dir, prev} == 3'b100 ? 2'b01 :
	   {dir, prev} == 3'b101 ? 2'b10 :
	   {dir, prev} == 3'b110 ? 2'b11 :
	                           2'b11 ;

   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(isBranch(DE_instr)) begin
	 BHT[DE_BHTindex] <= incdec_sat(BHT[DE_BHTindex], E_takeBranch);

Where do we stand ? Not bad ! It increases the prediction rate for both test programs:

prediction strategy raystones dhrystones
predict taken (always) 68.6% 89.2%
bkwd taken fwd not taken 63% 93.4%
1 bit BHT 74% 92.7%
2 bits BHT 76.8% 95.97%

It is possible to improve the prediction rate by injecting more information about the history of branches. One can create a FIFO that memorizes the latest results for a small number of branches (here 9):

   localparam BP_HISTO_BITS=9;
   reg [BP_HISTO_BITS-1:0] branch_history;

   /* E */
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if(isBranch(DE_instr)) begin
	 branch_history <= {E_takeBranch,branch_history[BP_HISTO_BITS-1:1]};
	 BHT[DE_BHTindex] <= incdec_sat(BHT[DE_BHTindex], E_takeBranch);

Then this history is XORed with the lower bits of PC to index the BHT:

   function [BHT_INDEX_BITS-1:0] BHT_index;
      input [31:0] PC;
   /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
      BHT_index = PC[BP_ADDR_BITS+1:2] ^ 
                  (branch_history << (BP_ADDR_BITS - BP_HISTO_BITS));
   /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */      

The new version is in pipeline8.v

This strategy, known as "gshare", costs almost nothing and can significantly improve the accuracy of branch prediction, as can be seen in the table below:

prediction strategy raystones dhrystones
predict taken (always) 68.6% 89.2%
bkwd taken fwd not taken 63% 93.4%
1 bit BHT 74% 92.7%
2 bits BHT 76.8% 95.97%
gshare 82% 96.3%

It is more significant for RAYSTONES than for DHRYSTONES, maybe because DHRYSTONES has long loops with repetitive patterns for which the two-bits counters in the BHT do the job in most cases, whereas RAYSTONES does floating point computations (in software in the present case), with much more irregular branching patterns that are captured by the global history.

Step 9: return address stack

There is a reasonably easy way of gaining more performance by optimizing the JALR instruction, used to implement function calls. The idea is to have in the processor a small stack (the Return Address Stack, or RAS for short), typically of depth 4. Each time a function call is detected, the address of the function is pushed to the top of the stack. When the function returns (using JALR), the address is ready on the top of the stack (and is popped). The RAS is simply declared as 4 32-bit registers, as follows:

/* D */
   reg [31:0] RAS_0;
   reg [31:0] RAS_1;
   reg [31:0] RAS_2;
   reg [31:0] RAS_3;

The two signals D_JumpOrBranchNow and D_JumpOrBranchAddress are renamed as D_predictPC and D_PCprediction (clearer I think).

/* D */

   wire D_predictPC = !FD_nop && (
      D_isJAL || D_isJALR || (D_isBranch && D_predictBranch) 
   wire [31:0] D_PCprediction = 
                D_isJALR ? RAS_0 : 
	        (FD_PC + (D_isJAL ? D_Jimm : D_Bimm));

The predicted return address is passed to E, so that E will be able to compare it with the actual return address:

/* D */
always @(posedge clk) begin
   DE_predictRA <= RAS_0;

Now, in execute, we need to do two different things. First, determine whether PC prediction was correct, and if not assert E_correctPC and send E_PCcorrection to F (they were called before E_jumpOrBranch and E_jumpOrBranchAddress):

/* E */
  wire [31:0] E_JALRaddr = {E_aluPlus[31:1],1'b0};
  wire E_correctPC = (
     (DE_isJALR    && (DE_predictRA != E_JALRaddr)   ) || 
     (DE_isBranch  && (E_takeBranch^DE_predictBranch))
  wire [31:0] E_PCcorrection = DE_isBranch ? DE_PCplus4orBimm : E_JALRaddr;

We need also to update the RAS, as follows:

/* E */
 always @(posedge clk) begin
    if(!FD_nop && !D_flush) begin
       if(D_isJAL && (D_rdId==1 || D_rdId==5)) begin
          RAS_3 <= RAS_2;
          RAS_2 <= RAS_1;
          RAS_1 <= RAS_0;
          RAS_0 <= FD_PC + 4;
        if(D_isJALR && D_rdId==0 && (D_rs1Id == 1 || D_rs1Id==5)) begin
           RAS_0 <= RAS_1;
           RAS_1 <= RAS_2;
           RAS_2 <= RAS_3;

We suppose that JAL x1,addr or JAL x5,addr implements a function call and JALR x0,x1,imm or JALR x0,x5,imm returns from a function. Why x5 ? In fact, both x1 and x5 can be used as link registers, it is explained in table 2.1, P. 17 or the RISCV specification (thank you Bruce Hoult).

The new version is implemented in pipeline9.v. This new version can be configured to enable / disable different features:

flag description
CONFIG_PC_PREDICT enables the D -> F path
CONFIG_RAS return address stack (needs CONFIG_PC_PREDICT)
CONFIG_GSHARE gshare branch prediction (needs CONFIG_PC_PREDICT)
CONFIG_INITIALIZE if set, registers are initialized to 0
(it is required by some synthesis tools)

Now we can test the impact of our return address stack:

prediction strategy raystones CPI dhrystones(DMIPS/MHz) CPI
gshare 7.185 1.121 1.562 1.116
gshare+RAS 7.374 1.092 1.606 1.086

A debugger written in VERILOG

In addition, this version has a built-in "debugger" written in VERILOG, that works with Verilator (only). It can be enabled by setting CONFIG_DEBUG. It lets you run the core clock by clock and inspect the different stages. It also displays register forwarding and pipeline control signals.

The debugger has only two commands:

  • press <return> to advance to the next clock
  • g advances to the next breakpoint

Breakpoints can be declared in the VERILOG source, by asserting the breakpoint signal, see line 840 in pipeline9.v.

For instance, one can break whenever an instruction at a given address is executed:

  wire breakpoint = (DE_PC   == 32'h000000); // break on address reached

or when data at a given address is read or written:

   wire breakpoint = (EM_addr == 32'h......);

Break on LEDs output:

   wire breakpoint = (EM_addr == 32'h400004);

Break on character output:

   wire breakpoint = (EM_addr == 32'h400008);

In the next step, we will implement RV32M, with a multi-cycle ALU that needs (slightly) more complicated pipeline control, so it will be good to have that !

Step 10: RV32M

We attained 7.374 raystones using pipelining, register fowarding, branch prediction and return address stack. Let us see now if we can make our processor faster by supporting more instructions, that is, integer multiplication, division and remainder. These instructions are part of the RV32M extension. Once our core will support them, we will just have to recompile our code targeting this architecture, then the compiler will generate a MUL instruction instead of calling __mulsi3 from gcc library. So we have 8 new instructions to support:

instruction description comment funct3
MUL rd,rs1,rs2 rd <- rs1 * rs2 signed, 32 lsbs 000
MULH rd,rs1,rs2 rd <- rs1 * rs2 signed, 32 msbs 001
MULHSU rd,rs1,rs2 rd <- rs1 * rs2 signed*unsigned, 32 msbs 010
MULHU rd,rs1,rs2 rd <- rs1 * rs2 unsigned, 32 msbs 011
DIV rd,rs1,rs2 rd <- rs1 / rs2 signed version 100
DIVU rd,rs1,rs2 rd <- rs1 / rs2 unsigned 101
REM rd,rs1,rs2 rd <- rs1 % rs2 signed 110
REMU rd,rs1,rs2 rd <- rs1 % rs2 unsigned 111

There is multiplication, division and remainder. They exist in signed and unsigned versions. For multiplication, 32 bits times 32 bits gives 64 bits, so there are two instructions (MUL to get the lsbs and MULH to get the msbs). There are three variants of MULH, signed x signed, signed x unsigned and unsigned x unsigned.

First thing we need to do is decoding these new instructions. They are all encoded with opcode = 7'b0110011, that is ALUreg. The difference is funct7 that is 0000001 for all RV32M instructions. Then the instruction is encoded by funct3, as expected (we have 8 new instructions and 8 possible values of funct3, good !). Note that funct3[2] says whether it is a multiplication or a division/remainder.

Now that we know how to decode the RV32M instructions, we need to create circuitry to compute multiplications, divisions and remainder.

For multiplication, most FPGAs have builtin blocs (called DSPs for "Digital Signal Processing" because that's what they are good at) that can compute them in 1 cycle, just using A <= B * C; in VERILOG (provided you passed the right flags to yosys), and it is good, because without them we would need to compute the product bit-by-bit, this would cost us 32 cycles per multiplication, and we would not gain much as compared to software multiplication (__mulsi) with good branch prediction. So we will compute a 33 bits times 33 bits product. Why 33 bits ? Matthias Koch had the idea of adding a sign bit, depending on the operation and the sign of the operands:

   /* E */
   wire E_isMULH   = DE_funct3_is[1];
   wire E_isMULHSU = DE_funct3_is[2];
   wire E_mul_sign1 = E_rs1[31] &  E_isMULH;
   wire E_mul_sign2 = E_rs2[31] & (E_isMULH | E_isMULHSU);

   wire signed [32:0] E_mul_signed1 = {E_mul_sign1, E_rs1};
   wire signed [32:0] E_mul_signed2 = {E_mul_sign2, E_rs2};
   wire signed [63:0] E_multiply = E_mul_signed1 * E_mul_signed2;

For division and remainder, we have no choice, we need to create multi-cycle circuitry for them. We are using the classical algorithm, that takes 33 cycles for a division. Our implementation is highly inspired by Claire Wolf's picorv and includes some ideas by Matthias Koch:

   /* E */
   reg [31:0] EE_dividend;
   reg [62:0] EE_divisor;
   reg [31:0] EE_quotient;
   reg [31:0] EE_quotient_msk;

   reg  EE_div_sign;
   reg 	EE_divBusy     = 1'b0;
   reg 	EE_divFinished = 1'b0;

   wire E_divstep_do = (EE_divisor <= {31'b0, EE_dividend});
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if (!EE_divBusy) begin
	 if(DE_isDIV & !dataHazard & !EE_divFinished) begin
	    EE_quotient_msk <= 1 << 31;
	    EE_divBusy     <= 1'b1;	    
	 EE_dividend <=   ~DE_funct3[0] & E_rs1[31] ? -E_rs1 : E_rs1;
	 EE_divisor  <= {(~DE_funct3[0] & E_rs2[31] ? -E_rs2 : E_rs2), 31'b0};
	 EE_quotient <= 0;
	 EE_div_sign <= ~DE_funct3[0] & (DE_funct3[1] ? E_rs1[31] : 
                         (E_rs1[31] != E_rs2[31]) & |E_rs2)       ;
      end else begin
	 EE_dividend <= E_divstep_do ? EE_dividend-EE_divisor[31:0]:EE_dividend;
	 EE_divisor  <= EE_divisor >> 1;
	 EE_quotient <= E_divstep_do ? EE_quotient|EE_quotient_msk :EE_quotient;
	 EE_quotient_msk <= EE_quotient_msk >> 1;
	 EE_divBusy <= EE_divBusy & !EE_quotient_msk[0];
      EE_divFinished <= EE_quotient_msk[0];

Note that for division, the execute stage stores some state in registers. To make the difference with wires, this registers are prefixed with EE.

The different instructions are multiplexed as follows to form the output of the ALU. In addition, the aluBusy signal indicates whether a division is currently running.

   wire [2:0] E_divsel = {DE_isDIV,DE_funct3[1],EE_div_sign};
   wire [31:0] E_aluOut_muldiv =
     (  DE_funct3_is[0]    ? E_multiply[31: 0] : 32'b0) | // 0:MUL
     ( |DE_funct3_is[3:1]  ? E_multiply[63:32] : 32'b0) | // 1:MH, 2:MHSU, 3:MHU
     (  E_divsel == 3'b100 ?  EE_quotient      : 32'b0) | // DIV
     (  E_divsel == 3'b101 ? -EE_quotient      : 32'b0) | // DIV (negative)
     (  E_divsel == 3'b110 ?  EE_dividend      : 32'b0) | // REM
     (  E_divsel == 3'b111 ? -EE_dividend      : 32'b0) ; // REM (negative)
   wire [31:0] E_aluOut = DE_isRV32M ? E_aluOut_muldiv : E_aluOut_base;

   wire aluBusy = EE_divBusy | (DE_isDIV & !EE_divFinished);

Whenever a division is running, the instruction needs to remain in E (E is stalled). It means F and D need to be also stalled, and M needs to be flushed. We create the new pipeline control signals (E_stall and M_flush), and connect all the pipeline control signals as follows:

   assign F_stall = aluBusy | dataHazard | halt;
   assign D_stall = aluBusy | dataHazard | halt;
   assign E_stall = aluBusy;
   assign D_flush = E_correctPC;
   assign E_flush = E_correctPC | dataHazard;
   assign M_flush = aluBusy;

The new version is in pipeline10.v. You will first need to reconfigure the system to target RV32IM (instead of RV32I):

  $ cd learn-fpga/FemtoRV
  $ make ICEBREAKER.firmware_config
  $ make clean raystones.pipeline.hex

Then run it:

  $ cd ..
  $ ./ pipeline10.v

The new core has a score of 18.215 RAYSTONES. Even if a FPU would be better for raytracing, hardware integer multiplication in 1 cycle significantly improves it.

To see the processor in action, uncomment the line with CONFIG_DEBUG and run it with verilator. Press g to reach the next breakpoint (set to DIV instructions), then press <return> to run cycle by cycle. The displayed division mask shows progress.

Step 10: optimizing for fmax

So we have seen that we have gained something regarding CPI, but were do we stand for fmax (and also LUTs and FFs) ? Here are the values for the ULX3S:

Version Description Fmax LUTs FFs
pipeline2.v 3-4 states multicycle 50 MHz 2100 532
pipeline3.v "sequential pipeline" 80 MHz 1877 1092
pipeline4.v stall/flush 50 MHz 2262 1148
pipeline5.v stall/flush RF bypas 55 MHz 2115 1040
pipeline5_bis.v stall/flush comb. RF 55 MHz 1903 1040
pipeline6.v stall/flush+reg fwding 40 MHz 2478 1040
  • the "sequential pipeline" validates at 80 MHz. Then we see the benefit of having simple stages
  • Fmax quickly drops when pipeline control logic is added (pipeline4)
  • ... but it gets higher with pipeline5 and pipeline5_bis that use a combinatorial register file (emulated or real) where a written value can be read in the same cycle (hence pipeline control logic is simpler)
  • ... and finally it drops again when we add register forwarding logic.

But we made no effort optimizing Fmax, our goal up to now was mainly to reduce CPI. Let us see what we can do now.

There are several things that we can do:

Read DATARAM in E stage, sign-extend and align in M

Splitting memory operations over multiple stages reduces the critical path.

wbEn register pipeline

Seeing the drop in fmax in the last row, we can guess that register forwarding is also a limiting factor. Let us take a closer look at what we have done for register forwaring:

   wire E_M_fwd_rs1 = rdId(EM_instr) != 0 && writesRd(EM_instr) && 
	              (rdId(EM_instr) == rs1Id(DE_instr));
   wire E_W_fwd_rs1 = rdId(MW_instr) != 0 && writesRd(MW_instr) && 
	              (rdId(MW_instr) == rs1Id(DE_instr));

   wire E_M_fwd_rs2 = rdId(EM_instr) != 0 && writesRd(EM_instr) && 
	              (rdId(EM_instr) == rs2Id(DE_instr));
   wire E_W_fwd_rs2 = rdId(MW_instr) != 0 && writesRd(MW_instr) && 
	              (rdId(MW_instr) == rs2Id(DE_instr));
   wire [31:0] E_rs1 = E_M_fwd_rs1 ? EM_Eresult :
	               E_W_fwd_rs1 ? wbData     :
   wire [31:0] E_rs2 = E_M_fwd_rs2 ? EM_Eresult :
	               E_W_fwd_rs2 ? wbData     :

and writesRd(I) is defined as !isStore(I) & !isBranch(I), where isStore() and isBranch() test 7 bits each. Since they also test 5 bits (rdId), the four expressions that control the two muxes E_rs1 and E_rs2 are quite wide. How can we reduce them ?

The idea is to create in each stage a wbEnable pipeline register, that indicates whether the instruction writes back to the register file. The decode stage will do the !isStore(I) & !isBranch(I) test, then the execute test will test that rdId is not 0.

D decodes, and remove instr and PC from subsequent stages

We propagate instr from stage to stage, and decode it each time we need. It is suboptimal, it is better to recognize the different instructions in D, and propagate is_xxxx flags that recognize each instruction.

Careful optimizations in D

The choice for the bit pattern encoding of the 10 main instruction classes is not arbitrary, it was designed with efficiency in mind. The most obvious thing is the last two bits, that are always 00, that one does not need to test, but there is also some more subtle structure:

For instance, JAL is the only instruction that has its bit 3 set, so D does not need to test the other bits. It is interesting, because it simplifies the PC prediction logic.

Pipelined register Id comparator for register forwarding

The two three-way-muxes at the beginning of E are driven by comparisons between the source regster ids (rs1Id and rs2Id) and the destination register Id rdId) in (DE,EM) and (DE,MW). The result of these two tests can be computed one cycle in advance in D and stored in 4 flipflops DE_rs1Id_eq_EM_rdId, DE_rs1Id_eq_MW_rdId, DE_rs2Id_eq_EM_rdId and DE_rs2Id_eq_MW_rdId.

The "final product", called TordBoyau, is available in this project. On an ARTY using Vivado, it validates at 100-125 MHz (and can be successfully overclocked up to 140 MHz).

  • With the RV32I configuration, the raytracing test achieves 7.375 raystones (and 1.092 CPI, gshare + RAS works very well !).
  • With the RV32IM configuration, it reaches 18.215 raystones.


Hope you enjoyed this series. There are many other topics to study, and I will prepare (one day) tutorials on the following topics (as soon as I understand them !)

  • optimizations: there are several things we can do to make our processor even faster. First thing is STORE->LOAD register forwarding, to make memcpy() run at 1 cycle per word. Second thing is with the RV32IM version of TordBoyau that validates around 80 MHz (whereas it can be safely overclocked up to 140 MHz), so there are probably some false paths that need to be elimitated.

  • cache: for now, our pipelined processor has a PROGROM and a DATARAM. We should plug on them a cache interface, connected to an SDRam controller, that fetched and stores data to the SDRAM as need be. I plan to develop that in the LiteX system, that has super complete functionalities (SDRam controller, frame buffer etc...). Then we will be able to run DOOM on our pipelined processor (DOOM already runs with the core that we built in Episode I because LiteX folks already interfaced it to their cache controller).

  • interrupts: the RISC-V ISA has several chapters. There is a "priviledged ISA", with special registers and instructions to control interrupts and traps. However, the official documentation of the ISA is very difficult to read (I think), because it lists every possibility. I project to write a small description of the bare minimum needed to run for instance Linux-noMMU.

  • MMU: talking about MMU, it is already an interesting topic. @ultraembedded told me it is super simple to add.

  • Out-of-order: at the end of this episode, thanks to the combined effect of gshare branch prediction and the return address stack, we achieved 1.092 CPIs, which is very near the "speed of light" (1 CPI). In fact, it is possible to design "faster than light" processor, with several execution units, that pick instructions and execute them out of order (OoO), executing several instructions per cycle. There are several cores that do that, such as NaxRiscV by @dolu1990 and BiRiscV by @ultraembedded. The micro-architecture is completely different, still a set of pipelines, but organized as a tree, with a "central authority" that routes instructions (Tomasulo algorithm). Would be great to have a generic design, where one could create his own tree of pipelines, and have code to automatically generate the "central authority". A framework like LiteX could be used for that.


References on Out-of-Order (recommended by Charles Papon)