1083/PAYARA-1038 - Add Request Tracing Event for JASPIC authentication
1099/PAYARA-756 - Request tracing events for start and stop of JTA transactions
1107/PAYARA-931 - Integrate Request Tracing into Payara Micro
1131/PAYARA-999 - Enable jars within an application deployment to be excluded from CDI scanning
1142/PAYARA-867 - Option to disable the servlet container initializer
1152/PAYARA-618 - Enable the DAS to discover Payara Micro instances
1034/PAYARA-824 - Disabling CDI in the deployment descriptor now overrides admin console setting
1053/PAYARA-733 - Add capability to output logs in JSON format
1076/PAYARA-1024 - Refactor Notification Service asadmin Commands for Simplicity
1076/PAYARA-1025 - Refactor Request Tracing asadmin Commands for simplicity
1082/PAYARA-1041 - Make notification service enabled by default for the log notifier
1102/PAYARA-1018 - Increase pool size of Managed Executor Service and Scheduled Executor Service
1111/PAYARA-1049 - Add a --deployDir option to do the same job as --deploymentDir in Payara Micro
1125/PAYARA-1107 - JCache beans created by JSR107Producer use generics
1126/PAYARA-1106 - Use name from CacheDefaults when injecting JCache
1130/PAYARA-923 - Provide option to compress log files on rotation
1150/PAYARA-1140 - Allow to use colon (:) to separate coordinates in maven deployer
1156/PAYARA-1071 - Admin console integration for JSON Log Formatter
Jersey 2.22.2
Hazelcast 3.7.1
Eclipselink 2.6.3
mail 1.5.6
btrace 1.2.3
Jackson 2.8.1
Grizzly 2.3.28
Weld 2.4.0.Final
668/PAYARA-947 - CDI EJB Field producers' validation fail with incompatible types
959/PAYARA-1010 - BufferUnderflowException in case of using java 8 with lambdas
1041/PAYARA-1012 - Payara Embedded stopped working in .163 due to request tracing
1044/PAYARA-1129 - Perform preInvoke and postInvoke steps symmetrically in EJB BaseContainer
1067/PAYARA-1035 - Request Tracing is not dynamic in domain migrated from 162 to 163
1075/PAYARA-993 - Update Grizzly to 2.3.26 to fix PAYARA-797
1076/PAYARA-1040 - Payara Micro does not force redeploy when domain.xml or rootDir is used
1079/PAYARA-956 - ManagedExecutorService MBean attempts to register multiple times
1081/PAYARA-917 - Jaspic - forward from SAM injected request tests fail
1084/PAYARA-988 - Asadmin command to configure hogging threads checker is missing
1110/PAYARA-1076 - PAYARA-1076 make LazyBootPersistence manager more null safe on misconfiguration
1116/PAYARA-1083 - disable and deploy commands should wait for all applications to deploy
1128/PAYARA-1104 - Wrong redirect of WebService endpoint to https
1132/PAYARA-954 - Update Service descriptions to replace "GlassFish" with "Payara"
1136/PAYARA-1036 - @ViewScoped, @FlowScoped, @ConversationScoped not working on Payara Micro
1139/PAYARA-1126 - Cache Interceptors should cast to Throwable not Exception when Caching
1140/PAYARA-934 - aliased password cannot be replaced by the value of the alias
1144/PAYARA-1113 - Request Tracing does not process thresholds of less than one millisecond
1145/PAYARA-1130 - Comparing elapsed time to threshold should be done in nanoseconds
1159/PAYARA-1127 - Unable to set ClientInfo for connection with H2 1.4.192
1052/PAYARA-1010/GLASSFISH-21510 - BufferUnderflowException in case of using java 8 with lambdas
1089/PAYARA-1067 - Undefined behaviour when interceptor method is overloaded in interceptor class
1090/PAYARA-892/GLASSFISH-20606 - create-domain assigns wrong values for JMS port
1123/PAYARA-1056 - Sums of thread pool statistics counters not correct
1157/PAYARA-1008 - Fix PWC6117: File "null" not found errors